Chapter 207 Empathy Clinic Is Trending

"Regarding the issue of public officials who illegally arrested individuals, we will conduct a thorough investigation. We will provide the public with an explanation and clear Empathy Clinic's name.”

If the police department issued a simple announcement as they had done in the past, it would've likely gone unnoticed. However, the livestream platform had released a statement before this official


This was bound to spark significant discussions. Whether positive or negative, everyone awaited eagerly. for the official outcome. So when this public announcement was made, the internet exploded!

"Arresting people illegally!?”

“I've said before that the streamer was framed. I was on the livestream channel at the time. The procedures were all wrong.”

“I apologize for criticizing the streamer!”

“But I'm baffled. Why would the police officers arrest people illegally?”

“It seems someone spent money to ensure the streamers case was ironclad, making it impossible for her

to recover!

Before the netizens could inquire further, another announcement appeared on the police department's

official website.

"After investigation, it was found that Adam Weissman, the former chief of the Ravenwood Police Precinct, had long abused his powers, engaged in bribery, and framed over 20 innocent people. “He was one of the masterminds behind this case. He had been handed over to the higher authorities for handling. After investigation, former Southdale.

Upon this announcement, the online fervor intensified! Nobody expected that such a massive corruption case would be uncovered through the gossip of an online streamer! All of Southdale was rattled!

Those associated with Adam and Jerome now wanted to distance themselves as much as possible. It

was evident to anyone that they were in serious trouble this time! However, they couldn't comprehend

why a mere streamer would wield such a great influence.

Susan pointed at her phone excitedly. “Mrs. Yates Senior! Remember what I said? Good people will be

rewarded! Wynter will be fine!”

Margaret also saw the announcement. She breathed a sigh of relief and carefully put away the contracts

in her hand. These were all evidence

“Sorry Empathy Clinic’ and “Who is Wynter Quinell’ instantly skyrocketed to the top of the trending list! Soon after, an insider revealed more information.

“I know this Wanda. She's the wife of the owner of the Yates Group. She's notorious for being a mistress, mistreating her mother-in-law, and abusing her employees.

Chapter 207 Empathy Clinic is Trending


“Who's more despicable is Ewan. He forgot about his mother after marrying his wife. He lives in the lavish villa his parents toiled for, while his mother lives in an old alley.

“The old lady initially severed all ties with him. She wanted nothing to do with that wicked daughter-in-law

"When the old lady gained fame from livestreaming, the couple immediately came forward. They asked her to hand over the Empathy Clinic. When the old lady refused, they threatened her.

*Now it appears they had support from government officials. If she refused, they would seize it forcefully.”

Instantly, public opinion flipped! On this day, the Empathy Clinic became famous all over the country! The

netizens began to search for the truth.

Meanwhile, Ewan remained preoccupied with the ongoing investigation at the Industry and Commerce Bureau. He was still waiting for Margaret to sign the contract and deliver it to him. Unbeknownst to him, the Yates Group's external accounts had been frozen!

“Guys, this is the company! It's owned by Wanda’s husband!

“I heard you're the scumbag who abandoned his mother once he got a wife?”


The negative comments flooded in. The employees grew anxious. They wanted to seek guidance from Ewan. However, before they could reach him, the investors had already contacted Ewan.

“Is this what you meant by risk-free?”

A loud bang echoed over the line, and the call ended abruptly. When Ewan attempted to reconnect, he found that the investors had blocked him. Furthermore, at that moment, all their partners had issued him.

termination notices.

Chapte: 200 A Slap in the Face From Wynter

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