Chapter 202 Do You Know Who That Is

Wanda stole a glance through the glass of the interrogation room. Her mind was in such a state of chaos. that her steps were unsteady. She tried to take a closer look.

The two police officers who took her in didn’t allow her any time to look around. They took her into

another interrogation room straightaway! With a click, she was handcuffed to the chair.

At this moment, Wanda's face turned pale. However, she remained steadfast in her demands. “I want to see Captain Weissman.” She was fully aware of the situation. “I won't say a word if Captain Weissman

doesn't come.”

To her surprise, the police officers agreed to her request. They glanced at the surveillance camera first, as if they had received instructions from someone.

*Seeing Captain Weissman is not a problem. Do it.” The door of the interrogation room closed.

A groundless fear infinitely amplified within her. Wanda comforted herself by saying that everything would be fine. As long as Adam came, everything would be settled.

At worst, there was still Jerome to rely on. Jerome had some respect for the Scotts. When the police officers appeared again, Wanda's face immediately drained of color! Adam was brought in handcuffs!

“Captain Weissman, you-

As soon as Adam saw her, he tried to step forward and strangle her to death! “Wanda! You've ruined me!

What did you say? You said that she had no background! That she was just a countryside girl who wouldn't cause any big trouble! Just scare her a little and let her bleed!”

Adam stretched his neck and yelled furiously, “Why did you contact the troll army? Why? Do you want me

to die with you?” Adam had been interrogated for three hours already. His emotions were at a critical


Now that he saw Wanda, his eyes grew even more bloodshot. It was because of this woman that he was

In this mess! If the police officers hadn't held him down, he would've rushed over to punch Wanda! Wanda was dumbfounded by the scene in front of her. She had expected Adam to reassure her that everything was settled as he did in the past and that she only needed to pay some money to make Wynter apologize as much as she wanted.

But now, her pillar of support had crumbled.

She panicked. “Mr. Grayson, I'm looking for Mr. Grayson. I'm from the Scott family!”

“You're looking for Mr. Grayson?” Adam laughed as if she had told a joke. He stared at her viciously and said, “It's useless even if you seek God!


id that they were just poor relatives from the countryside! Wanda! Are you blind or just plain stupid? You can't even recognize the City Bureau Secretary of Kingbourne!”

City Bureau Secretary? Of Kingbourne? The more Wanda listened, the deeper her heart sank. Her Chapte 202 Do You Know Who That is

breathing grew uneven. How was it possible?

"Wh-who did you say is from Kingbourne?” Wanda asked in a shaky voice as her body trembled. 2/2

Now, Adam seemed to be lashing out like a rabid dog. “Those poor relatives you thought had been. arrested? It's Mr. Fischer from the Industry and Commerce Bureau and the newly appointed Secretary

the City Bureau.


“Wanda, I'm telling you, I'm done for. And you won't have it any easier! This time, even the Scott family

can't save you!”

Of all people, Adam harbored the deepest resentment for Wanda for her foolishness!

Wanda was truly stunned this time. “How could it be? It's impossible! Impossible!”

She muttered to herself, “Why would the City Bureau Secretary be in such a rundown alley... They must be

imposters. Yes, they must be imposters!”

“Your stupidity is really beyond belief,” Adam said through gritted teeth.

Wanda shook her head rapidly, and her hair became disheveled. She couldn't figure out why. Why would

the City Bureau Secretary appear there?

The lawyer had been outside the interrogation room from the start. He wanted to identify the best approach he could take to swiftly settle the matter.

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