Chapter 166 Who's That Messing with Dalton

Dalton’s gaze lingered on the top floor of the Chamber of Commerce for a while before he replied with a meaningful smile, “I do indeed know Ms. Quinnell.”

Upon hearing his answer, Wynter narrowed her eyes, her demeanor turning somewhat dangerous. She was wondering how much Mr. Yarwood had found out about her, and whether she needed to personally visit him to discuss matters.

Then, she heard the sound of fabric rustling, followed by the striking of a lighter from the other end of the phone. Perhaps Mr. Yarwood had risen to light a cigarette.

Dalton then said in a calm voice, “You saved my brother Anthony. I was in the car at that time, and Anthony kept asking to see you, so I sent him back to Kingbourne. I've always wanted to thank you personally, but my poor health condition prevented me from doing so.”

Sent Anthony back? “Thrown” seemed more appropriate from his tone though.

Nevertheless, it all made sense now. So, he was following her closely because she had saved his brother.

Wynter toyed with the sugilite pendant in her hand, her hostility dissipating.

But then again, Mr. Yarwood sure had an unconventional way of expressing gratitude.

“Besides...” Dalton’s voice lowered, carrying a hint of melancholy, “I still find it rather concerning about the fact that Ms. Quinnell refuses to treat me.”

Feeling his tone was somewhat genuine, Wynter couldn't help but feel a little guilty for doubting his sincerity.

“Your illness requires constant attention, and I've heard about your allergy to women. Since I'm a woman, I'm afraid it wouldn't be suitable for me to treat you,” she said.

“Looks like Ms. Quinnell has been following me closely too.” Dalton coughed lightly, his smile remained. “I reckon you have heard some rumors about me then.”

Stunned, Wynter's hands paused. Then, she replied with a lie, “Never heard of any.”

In fact, old man Atwater had told her about Mr. Yarwood carrying a myriad of personal burdens, with all kinds of setbacks.

Back then, the old man even felt pity for Mr. Yarwood, who was blessed with fortune and prosperity by birth.

Chapter 166 Who's That Messing with Dalton


Unable to visualize a person burdened with a myriad of personal struggles, Wynter lazily tossed some stones and asked Atwater, “What do his personal burdens look like? Mind- blowing?” Atwater looked at her as though he were seeing someone else's shadow on her, then murmured, "You still haven't remembered anything, have you?”

The memory of Atwater's words still made Wynter frown even now.

She wondered why he had to be so mysterious and cryptic; his words always lacked clarity- not to mention, he had disappeared without a trace.

Perhaps he had gone somewhere to swindle others.

Initially, Wynter had taken on the Yarwood family’s case out of curiosity to see the personal burdens Mortimer had told her about.

Now, she was intrigued to see what Mr. Yarwood, the tyrant of Sorzada City, looked like.

However, she hadn't had any luck finding his picture online.

She could have hacked into Mr. Yarwood's local network to peek at his picture while chatting with him now, but that wasn't her style.

Besides, while Mr. Yarwood wasn't some notorious villain, he was her top supporter who had generously rewarded her with nearly half a million.

Wynter suddenly smiled mischievously while biting a piece of candy, as a playful idea had popped up into her mind.

“Perhaps you can introduce yourself properly by sending me a photo, Mr. Yarwood. I can offer you some professional appearance advice.”

The other end of the phone fell silent momentarily.

Meanwhile, as Franklin walked into the meeting room, he swore he would never want to interrupt Dalton’s phone call if he had a choice; but he had to come to inform Dalton of Fabian’s arrival. Never in his wildest dream had he expected to overhear the woman on the phone messing with his boss, Dalton!

No one under the sun would dare to mess with Dalton Yarwood, knowing his identity!

Most importantly, why wasn't Dalton angry about it at all?

Despite his usual composed demeanor, Franklin couldn't help but sigh with deep worry.

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