Chapter142 Wanda's Regret

Lilian interjected, “Hey, take a look at this new fund I bought. It's not showing any growth. Remember how Welln Corporation talked about investing in pharmaceuticals? Why hasn't the fund gone up? Is Mr. Hilton just making empty promises?”

"Have you met Mr. Hilton?” Wanda immediately straightened up.

She did not forget her main purpose she came in the first place. “Has he mentioned anything?” Zendaya chuckled and retorted, “How are we supposed to meet him whenever we want? Even Ewan has trouble with it.”

“We used to collaborate with Welkin Corporation. Jerry, Mr. Hilton's assistant, has been friends with Ewan for years. It's not easy to meet him!” Wanda replied calmly.

Zendaya couldn't be bothered with her, as her words were just idle gossip.

Wanda was about to say more because Zendaya didn't seem to believe her. All of a sudden, Lilian exclaimed while browsing her phone, “The Empathy Clinic! Oh my goodness! Mrs. Yates, isn't the Empathy Clinic in Waterview Alley owned by your family? I'm certain of it!"

“That shabby massage parlor? It's not related to us,” Wanda felt embarrassed as she expected the conversation to turn to the live stream. “My mother-in-law runs it.”

Zendaya chuckled even more. “Oh, it's definitely not your thing. I mean, it's become so popular, and I can’t imagine you pulling it off.”

With that, she stood up and followed the masseuse into a private room.

Wanda was still puzzled by Zendaya's remark. She slammed her teacup down in frustration.

“Can't you all see how overbearing Mrs. Jennings is? She's always monitoring me, just waiting for me to slip up! Does she really think I'd ever want my mother-in-law to start live streaming? How is that any different from begging for money!”

Feeling uncomfortable with the tension, Lilian handed her the phone. “Why don't you take a look at this live stream?”

“What's so interesting about it? It's just a small-scale...” Wanda's words trailed off as she watched the video, “Is this trending?”

Since Wanda wasn't completely clueless, Lilian clarified, “It's not just trending, there are also tips involved.”

“Tips?” Wanda quickly grabbed her phone, eager to see for herself how popular the Empathy Clinic live stream was.

But Lilian got straight to the point. “The profit is nearing half a million dollars.”

Wanda wasn't sheltered, but recently, the Yates family was struggling financially. How could a livestream rake in that much money?

Lilian looked at the dumbfounded Wanda and frowned deeply. “Mrs. Yates, is your relationship with your mother-in-law really that bad? She's become so popular in Southdale, and you didn't even know?”

Over the years, Wanda had always projected the image of a virtuous wife and caring mother in public.

Despite feeling bitter about Lilian's comment, Wanda could only grit her teeth and swallow her pride, saying, “My mother-in-law does as she pleases, and I don't pay it much mind. I simply fulfill my duties as a daughter-in-law.”

However, Lilian was skeptical of Wanda's words and concluded that she was insincere. As for their friendship? Lilian couldn't be bothered to engage with her any further.

Wanda had yet to realize that her carefully cultivated social circle had been completely destroyed. As the profits of the live stream surged on her phone screen, she tightened her grip on the device, longing for it to be her own.

The livestream had actually raked in half a million dollars in just one and a half hours. She couldn't bring herself to imagine what the next day, or the day after, would bring. What other business could generate money so quickly?

Wanda suddenly remembered Margaret's request for a loan. Now, she deeply regretted not agreeing to it.

She blamed herself for not lending Margaret the mere five thousand dollars she requested.

As the thought sank in, Wanda felt increasingly suffocated with regret.

If she had lent the money to Margaret, the livestream would undoubtedly be hers now. Wanda glanced at the phone screen once more, and a malicious gleam flashed in her eyes.

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