Chapter 126 Cutting Ties

Seeing how relentless Margaret was, Ewan himself became annoyed too.

“Mom! Someone died in your hands before. We spent quite a lot of effort to settle it,”

he said. “No one’s brought it up in 20 years, but now you're trying to get people's attention? Are you thinking of dragging our entire family down with you?”

"How dare you-" Margaret raised her cane into the air.

She was about to hit him with it, but he handed him a card and told her, “Mom, you

aren't getting any younger. Don't be so stubborn.

“I know you don't like to listen to Wanda, but she’s my wife. You should at least try to understand my feelings.”

Margaret gritted her teeth in anger. Her nails dug into her palms, hurting herself. She spat on the floor. “I'd rather not have a son like you.”

“Just stop talking, will you?” Ewan grabbed her arm to support her and said, “Did the Yarwoods give us back that Zenith herb? Can you give it to me, Mom? Things arent

going well at my company.”

Margaret's chest rose and fell rapidly out of anger. “I knew it! You wouldn't have come to see me if it weren't for the herb.”

“You wouldn't want to see our family go bankrupt, right? It took Dad so much effort and time to achieve this.” Lowering his head, Ewan sighed and said, “I have no

choice. I can't just mortgage the company.”

Margaret stared at the son she once loved the most and felt her heart break into pieces. She didn't want her husband's lifelong hard work to go to waste just like this, and Ewan knew this very well. He knew she'd give in to his demand.

It had always been like this all these years. Every time he brought this up, Margaret

would relent.

It was only after she moved to this shabby house did he stop demanding things from her since he thought she was of no use to him anymore. He never visited her after that, much less repaid her kindness for bringing him up.

People often said that having children would mean a person wouldn't have to worry about being taken care of when they got old. But that wasn't the case for Margaret.

"Just let the company go bankrupt then.” Margaret's voice was calm as she spoke.”

You're the owner of the company now anyway.”

Ewan froze, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief at her words. “What did you just

say?" he asked, surprised.

Margaret looked him in the eyes and said, “My son... this is the final time I'm calling

you that. I gave birth to you, but my husband and I didn’t raise you to make you bring harm to the harm to the world.”

She continued, “From this day onward, you and I are no longer mother and son. You can do whatever you want from now on. I have nothing to do with you anymore.”

Ewan was stunned. A moment later, he burst into laughter. “You poor old lady! You're nuts! I came here to give you money, yet you want to cut ties with me! Wanda was right! You're as stubborn as a mule!”

That said, he stormed out of the house without even taking away the bags of supplements he placed on the floor.

On his way back home, he saw Wynter and Wolf on a bike. Usually, he'd jeer at them when he saw them, but he didn't feel like doing so today. Wolf narrowed his eyes at Ewan and signed to Wynter. Her gaze turned cold, and she said, “If you beat him to death, the one who'll suffer is Grandma.” Wolf puffed out his cheeks and looked away, sulking.

Then, the two of them carried the vegetables into the clinic. When they entered the place, they noticed the supplements on the ground.

Margaret seemed as busy as ever. She had just finished diagnosing a group of patients, so the bedsheets needed changing.

Wolf looked sideways and signed to Wynter, saying that Margaret seemed just to be just fine. Wynter responded with, “Mhmm" as she walked over to Margaret.

Margaret didn't turn to look at her. With her back facing Wynter, she said, “Wynter, 1. don't have a son anymore. It's better this way.”

Wynter's footsteps faltered. She hugged Margaret from behind. “You still have Wolf and me. Hasn't Wolf given you enough trouble already?”

She added, “He spooked all the fish when he went out to buy vegetables just now. We had to compensate the boss for his losses. It was a lot.”

Margaret wasn't upset about Ewan anymore after hearing this. Turning around, she raised her eyebrows and yelled, “Wolf! What in the world did you do?"

A speechless Wolf glanced at Margaret, looking all innocent with a fish in one hand.

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