Chapter 246

Initially, the Soaring Wyvern Nightclub was not considered a famous establishment amongst the other

giants at River City.

For all these years, it had been under Charles Christian‘s oppression. Every time the people of the

underworld were to party, they would choose Charles‘ establishments since at that time, Charles‘ was

the boss of the underworld.

Now that Charles was gone and that Flint Howard that had climbed up and replaced him, the smaller

forces of the underworld had all noticed the change in ‘leadership‘ and were all beginning to scoot

closer to Flint.

This was why the earnings of Flint‘s establishments had increased exponentially recently.

At that time, in Soaring Wyvern Nightclub’s penthouse premium lounge.

Sean had arrived at this place after sending Willow home.

Flint Howard had come personally to meet Sean.

There were only two of them in the entire premium lounge.

This would mean that Flint had soinething he wanted to discuss with Sean privately.

“Please have some tea, Mr. Lennon!”

Flint remained very courteous to Sean this entire time.

Even if Sean was a cripple, he did not show even an ounce of disdain.

Flint was pretty much clear about Sean‘s social status after a few days of intentional research about


It was a slight exaggeration to call it social status since Sean actually did not have any.

The only status he had was probably the future son–in–law of the River City Quinn family.

He had been a vegetable for the past two years.

However, Flint could not find out anything regarding Scan before the two years. It was like it was wiped


Even more so, the more Flint felt like Sean was mysterious, the more courteous he was to Sean.

“I should‘ve met you earlier, Mr. Lennon.

“But, I haven‘t found the chance, and I could not contact you...”

Flint cleared his throat as he explained softly to Sean.

In whatever he said, there were, of course, eleinents of lies in it.

If he were able to do a background check on Sean he was definitely able to contact Sean.

Sean did not want to expose him, so he just nodded slightly in response.

From the looks of Sean’s face, Flint could not help but blush.

His semi–sincere courtesy words may be effective before others, but before Sean, it was nothing but

an exaggerated act!

Flint was sheepish, so he immediately reached out for his teacup and said, “Mr. Lennon, I will not say

anything further before I drink this cup of tea, in replacement of alcohol in your


Then, he downed the cup of tea.

“If it was not for Mr. Lennon, I would not be where I am today.” 2

Flint gently placed down his cup and started his order of business.

“I actually didn’t do anything much.”

Sean was toying with the cup in his hands as he muttered.

“Mr. Lennon, you’ve helped me a ton regarding the Charles Christian matter.

“Also, my subordinates have told me what you said when you came out of Charles‘ casino.

“Humbly, I’ve only managed to understand a portion of what you’ve said, that’s why I did all I

did after that…”

In the beginning, Flint was doubtful.

What if he was caught while he was taking over Charles‘ establishments in a frenzy, he would. have

plotted the wrong next move.

However, as he began to do what he did, it was like the government office had suddenly turned a blind

eye towards his actions of taking over Charles‘ establishments.

So, Flint thought that Sean must have said something to the government, causing him to have such a

smooth sailing of a journey.

“I know what you’re thinking.

“However, I wanna tell you that I haven’t told anyone to turn a blind eye towards what you were doing.”

Sean looked at Flint and explained honestly.


Flint was dumbfounded as he glanced at Sean confused.

However, the confusion in his eyes had quickly disappeared.

“Mr. Lennon, did you even have to say much withi who you arc?

“Perhaps you‘ve not said anything to Mr.Zigger, but he knew what you mcant.”

After listening to Flint, commendation flashed through Sean‘s cyes as he glanced at Flint.

This Flint was indeed a bright one.

That day, Gordon Zigger had arrested Sean because of the Charles Christian issue.

Then, the head of the CIA had arrived personally and implied that he was on Sean‘s side.

Gordon Zigger was no sool. He would only need to think slightly further to be able to understand more


There ought to be some relation between Sean Lennon, Charles Christian, and Flint Howard.

Under said circumstances, whatever that Flint wanted to do, as long as it did not exceed a certain limit,

Gordon Zigger would have kept one eye close to curry favor with Sean.

Sean was clear of this, that was why he was confident.

When Sean‘s godfather tauglit him how to play chess eons ago, he said, being involved in the

underworld was like playing chess.

One should think five steps aliead even if they were to play the next step. Only that meant that they had

thought out plans and strategies for the future.

Sean had remembered it all clearly.

“I‘ll only say this once.

“The path is considered paved, no matter what.

“How you walk on it is up to you.

“I don’t know anyone, and I won‘t be able to provide you with further assistance.”

When Sean paused, Flint was puzzled.

“So, if you expect me to be your background support, impossible.”

Sean kept quiet after he was done speaking.

Flint, on the other hand, had sunk into silence.

Sean was really straightforward with what he said.

‘I, Sean Lennon did not have such a powerful background like what you had expected.

‘I can‘t be of any help for you.

‘Whether you‘d still want me as a friend, it‘s entirely up to you.‘

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