The Fallen Angel
Chapter 11

Jasmine yawned as she woke up. Her head felt like a train ran through it as she groaned. She turned over blocking out the sunlight to feel someone right beside her. Her eyes blinked several times before her vision became clear. A scream tore through her as she noticed Xavier in her bed naked. She pulled back the covers realizing she was naked too.

Xavier hopped up at her scream thinking she was in danger, grabbing his gun from the floor to stop the threat. He then noticed he was naked and saw Jasmine holding her robe to her body. It took a moment but he placed two and two together.

“Well good morning.” Gabriel smirked, while drinking a glass of juice, leaning against the door frame, amused by their reactions.

Jasmine and Xavier looked at each other and both started to speak. “It’s not what you think…

“Oh no did we?” That was Jasmine placing her hand over her face ashamed. “Did you hear?” It mattered for some reason that he hadn’t.

“Neither one of you were trying to keep it very quiet, but while you both were…Busy” was the word he chose to spare them the embarrassment. “I found out where Chase Fallon is, if we are still on the case.” He talked more to Jasmine to confirm if she still wanted to sulk and mope around and blame everyone else for her problems.

Xavier and Gabriel both looked at her. Before she could answer Xavier glanced at his phone. “Shit I have to go. It’s Teresa. Don’t make any moves without me, Jasmine, Gabriel I mean. We have to get a warrant and do things by the book.”

“No offense Xavier, but I am not a cop. Chase Fallon would know where Pedro is. We have the chance to stop him now. I won’t wait. If Jasmine wishes to accompany me then we will go stop him and deliver him too.” Gabriel replied with finality in his voice that Jasmine hadn’t seen before. Something must have happened for him to be so eager now to find the criminals.

Xavier placed on his clothes quickly and was just about to walk out before he turned to Jasmine who was too ashamed to look him in the eyes. “Let’s talk later okay.”

She only nodded as Xavier hurried right past Gabriel. Her eyes darted to his as he casually drank his juice. “What?” She asked snarky.

Gabriel shrugged. “I didn’t say anything.”

“No, but you have a look on your face like you want to.” She sighed frustrated. “This will be the perfect time to read your mind right now if I could.”

Gabriel smirked. “Well suppose it’s a good thing you can’t.” He looked away as she sat on the bed holding her head rubbing her temple again as he had shown her yesterday, healing what was hurting. It worked and she was able to breathe again, covering herself up with the sheet. “You never answered the question.”

“I need a minute to think.” She replied softly. Her whole life was now changed overnight. She got so drunk that she had sex with Xavier and read his mind. He regretted it. Mostly because he knew she would push him away now afterwards. As much as she wanted to still be friends they couldn’t be any more.

“Perhaps you should know then if you decide not to come I will still go after him myself.” Gabriel explained, causing Jasmine to look confused at him. “What you said last night stuck with me. My mission is to protect you, yes, but now it is to make my way back home before it’s too late. Before I fall into temptation. Then I will complete my mission as an Angel if The Almighty allows it. Chase Fallon is the closest I have to a lead on where Lucifer may be. I find him and take him back to hell, my mission is completed. You won’t ever have to see me again.” Jasmine didn’t know what to say, her mouth was slightly opened in shock. She was losing Gabriel too. “I will give you some time to decide.” He walked out leaving her alone to her punishment.

Jasmine slowly opened the door to her room after a long hot thoughtful shower she dreaded facing Gabriel, partly embarrassed and partly ashamed. Gabriel was laying on the couch sleeping. His body was in a slow meditation as he was calm and relaxed. She hadn’t seen him this relaxed since he came to protect her. Her hands reached to touch his face slowly, gently enough to not wake him. On the side of his neck was red lipstick marks. Her hand removed as if he had stung her.

Why had that made her so jealous? Why couldn’t she accept the fact she slept with Xavier while Gabriel was in the house. She was drunk true, but not enough to the point she didn’t know what she was doing, at least she thought she was in control. Clearly she wasn’t. Her life was spiraling out of control more and more unless she took some of her sense back.

“I’m going with you.” She said to Gabriel. His eyes opened suddenly as he sat up.

“I was hoping you would.” He replied, honestly. “Things will start to look better.”

Jasmine wasn’t convinced yet, but was there for the ride along. “I’m sorry for what I said to you last night. I was drinking and…”

“No need to apologize.” Gabriel replied, standing up. “I will go take a shower and be right out.”

While Jasmine waited hearing the water running she walked back into her room and noticed the untouched waffles on her dresser. It wasn’t lost on her how much he wanted to cheer her up. He tried the best way he could. The only way he knew how. It touched her that he did try, but even though she was willing to keep going she still wasn’t as uplifted as he would like and from whatever she said to him neither was he.

Once Gabriel came out of the shower freshly dressed with a simple tee shirt and jeans combination, something in Jasmine’s heart leapt as she stood reaching for her keys. His hair was in his usual ponytail and he was wearing nothing fancy. She didn’t understand why he was the one that made her heart drop and made her regret hurting him? What had she done to deserve him? He wasn’t even judging her for what happened.

“So mind telling me what happened last night?” She asked as they left the apartment.

“Well Xavier walked in smelling of what I believe you were drinking, some kind of alcohol, and walked into your room…”

Jasmine immediately started to turn red as blood rushed to her cheeks and she started to become embarrassed. “No not that…how did you find Chase Fallon? Where did you go last night?”

“I went to the beginning. The club that seemed to be the center of it all.”

“You went to see Raina? The Temptress?” Jasmine turned to him around to look at her as she was ready to fuss.

“Yes. Turns out she is looking for Lucifer herself. They aren’t on good terms apparently. However selfish her reasoning she did help me catch one of his helpers. He was on the verge of kidnapping Trisha Griffin.” Jasmine sighed then somehow relieved Raina didn’t try to seduce him. Why she cared so much she was unsure about. It was a weird feeling. “Jasmine?” Gabriel looked concerned as she paused in deep thought.

“Yeah I’m sorry let’s go.” She replied snapping out of her trance, but Gabriel grabbed her arm stopping her in the same manner.

“If I do something that hurts you I want you to tell me. Last night perhaps it was something I said, but I want to help you. This is more than just a mission now…I believe it to be my purpose. The Almighty placed me in your path for a reason. Whatever the reason I don’t want to hurt you in any way. We are going up against demons and possible Angels. I need you to trust me to protect you.”

“I trust you, Gabriel.” She replied honestly as they continued to walk towards the car. “I’m glad you were there to stop the man from taking another girl. Trisha was already devastated by her grandmother’s passing. They must have used that against her.” Gabriel didn’t respond to that, sadness for Chelsea still ran deep within them. “Do you believe Raina?”

“Not sure if I should trust her, but she hasn’t shown me any reason why I shouldn’t besides her job in tempting Jesus. She seems smitten with the humans and staying on earth. I don’t see her jeopardizing that.” Gabriel explained once Jasmine started the car. “30th North. It’s an old warehouse. Chase meets the deliverers there.” Jasmine nodded and they chatted for a moment until they walked in the abandoned place. Gabriel stopped Jasmine from walking in first.

“Stay close by me. Do you feel that?”

There was a subtle aura in the air, something slimy and ill crawling up her skin. Her head was starting to pound as she scanned the area, but there was nothing but silence. Stretched eerie silence that reached for them and pulled them closer into their depths. She grabbed Gabriel’s hand, as he held hers tight to him, feeling the warmth and safe feeling she once felt before when she was healing herself.

Her touch was welcoming and trusting. Something about Jasmine Peters being this close to him felt right and it was as if the world was so much clearer with her at his side. Strange for sure, but he wouldn’t speak about it, especially in the midst of danger. They moved closer to the door. It creaked and groaned as it was opened and closed hard behind them.

It caused Jasmine to jump and lean into Gabriel’s strength. And if her hands were inviting then her body pressed against his was something altogether on another level. Like destiny was pushing them together. Gabriel wrapped his arms around her shoulders drawing her closer as if she were cold as they walked into the middle of the cold damp warehouse. Dripping noises and pipes in the walls kept the building alive and loud.

Around a corner there was a small room where there were blankets laid out on the floor. Gabriel imagined the women there afraid and freezing, huddled together hoping they can survive the night. His heart fell as he closed his eyes, anger again at how these humans were treating their women. Why this act was so vile and popular these days was beyond his understanding? Why would humans want to do this to another?

“It’s sick.” Jasmine said out loud as if reading his mind. “The things they do to women, children…We were not placed on this earth to be brutalized and raped just to die for someone else’s pleasure. It doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Perhaps I can explain then…” They turned, Jasmine jumped while Gabriel slowly turned his head, eyes glowing brightly gold ready to attack the person behind him.

“Pedro France…you are under arrest for…”

Gabriel pulled Jasmine close to him before she could continue talking to him and slightly walking towards him without realizing. “That is not Pedro France.” Pedro slowly started to smile.

“Well done Angel. I didn’t think you would notice.”

Jasmine confirmed it for herself as she tried to reach the pathway to Pedro’s mind, to his most inner deep thoughts as she had before, but there was a block. She couldn’t read angels or… “Demon…” She whispered.

“Oh don’t get me wrong savior. I just possessed this man body, but even he made me question who’s the real demon here huh him or me ’cuz yikes this guy has some sick shit running through his veins.” Pedro’s voice started to change into something demonic and sinister as Gabriel prepared himself for a fight, moving Jasmine ever so slowly behind him.

“Did Malakith send you?” Gabriel asked, calmly.

Pedro’s demon shook his head. He then showed a tattoo the same one that was on Rolio and the club bouncer. “See this?” The round symbol with upside down crosses inside of it suggested something evil, Jasmine just didn’t know what. “This is a stamp by the humans. They do it of their own free will.” Pedro’s demon placed emphasis on free will. “Us demons don’t cause all the problems.”

“What do you do with the bodies?” Jasmine asked, from behind Gabriel nearly out of sight. The demon had to lean over just to see her.

“We walk the earth in their vessels. They offer themselves to us so we can harness their bodies and walk freely in your world.”

“Even if they offer it to you, you know it is forbidden to do so. Malakith and your demon kin are breaking the rules.”

Pedro sputtered his mouth while lifting his shoulders waving his hand. “You angels have always been so keen on the rules. Your rules don’t apply here. The Almighty’s hands hasn’t touched earth in years, if ever.” Pedro shook his head. “Face it, Angel your Heavenly ruler is an absentee parent.”

Gabriel shook his head in disbelief. “No you’re lying.” His voice was even rasped with anger. “Don’t make excuses for why you broke the rules…”

“Humans destroy themselves!” Pedro argued.

“They don’t need your help then!” Gabriel yelled back, leaning forward chest heaving up and down from anger. “Whatever you are planning stop it. If the humans are so bad as you say they can self-destruct on their own. Go back to your home.”

Pedro chortled then, transforming into something more sinister. Pedro’s skin breaking into cuts and horns started to pop out all over his body. “I am home!” He busted out of Pedro’s skin with legs spiraling out like spiders as he grew to his full height. Jasmine’s eyes widened as she saw the grotesque monster. The smell was foul and his mouth opened wide in a scream that caused it to become even fouler smelling.

Gabriel backed away slowly backing Jasmine into the wall to be sandwiched between his hard back and the hard wall. Before she could start to panic the wall broke from behind her showing Chase Fallon, another demon had taken over his body as he pulled Jasmine into the other room. Gabriel turned holding her hand tight as she screamed.

“Jasmine. Hold onto me.” Gabriel’s cool and calm demeanor was now shaken as Chase pulled Jasmine into the room with him and he had no time to save her as the demon behind him knocked him across the room, hitting an air vent with his forehead before breaking the wall. Disoriented and wounded Gabriel lit his fists allowing his angelic powers to show before he was severely wounded.

The demon with its long spider legs ran over with incredible speed, unseen to the human eyes, but luckily Gabriel still had his angelic sight and could match the demons. He moved for a swift dodge to his left, leaning back avoiding the sharp legs with its own horns on them, but his arm spider leg pierced Gabriel’s shoulder pinning him to the wall. Gabriel screamed as his blood started to run down his arm.

“You are turning like them Angel. And you speak to me about rules? What was the cost you paid for breaking your heavenly rules?” The demon inched his sharp legs into Gabriel’s shoulder even more, twisting, cracking his shoulder and deepening the wound.

Gabriel held onto the leg struggling to pull it out as he clenched his teeth. “Don’t you dare compare yourself to me.” His hands glowed burning the leg as the demon screamed, releasing him to fall to the floor in a crouch, one knee up and the other down, while holding his shoulder. He heard Jasmine scream, distracting him, but he was better prepared to fight now despite the pain in his shoulder. Jasmine needed his help.

The demon tried the other leg aiming for his chest this time, but Gabriel stopped him with speed the demon didn’t see. He looked surprised as he saw the fire in his golden eyes as his entire body started to glow. Gabriel pulled the leg towards him, jumping into the air while the demon fell forward, upper cutting his chin and then hitting him in his chest. The demon fell back, but wasn’t gone yet. Gabriel climbed on top of the demon hands glowing hotly, brightly nearly blinding the demon as he continued to fight.

The demon struggled to hold Gabriel’s strength from touching his forehead, but Gabriel was a lot stronger, pressing his force down touching the demon’s head causing him to scream out as his body started to smoke. This demon was much more powerful than the lower class he’d fought before so Gabriel had to scream more energy to demolish the demon back to hell where it came from before it was completely vanquished. His chest heaved up and down and the anger running through his veins never stopped. He hurried to Jasmine.

Chase had her pinned to the wall, turning into something snake-like as he licked his long forked tongue out and rubbed it along her chin and cheeks, holding her arms up above her head. She closed her eyes wanting whatever powers she had to come forth and help beat the demon, because she hated being helpless. Gabriel was busy fighting the other demon so she had no choice but to fend for herself. Her leg kicked up and kicked him in what would’ve been his balls, but Chase only shook his head.

“You taste so sweet like the others.” He slithered, now licking on her neck as she fought to get her arms free. While squinting her eyes closed she focused on anything else, clenching her fists. Her body started to glow like Gabriel’s did and she let out a scream that tore through the room pushing the demon away from her.

“How many others have you murdered?” Her voice changed a bit and her eyes glowed golden as her fists did as well. The demon began to look worried.

“That’s impossible.” He whispered. Jasmine walked over closer to him.

“How many?” She screamed, aiming her brightly lit hands to the demon’s face.

He gulped afraid to answer her as he knew the answer would piss her off even more. The last thing the demon wanted was to go back to hell or cease to exist which would be the outcome if he went back. That was the consequences of possessing a body. Once vanquished the demon could never return and if he did he was no longer useful to Lucifer anymore.

“I heard stories about you. The one who was neither human nor angel but both. The one that held the human kind in her hands. I see it deep within you. Tasted it deep within you. You lost faith.” The demon started to get off the floor then walked closer to her. “You will be the one to set us all free. The day of reckoning has come for them and you have shown yourself.”

“What are you talking about?” Jasmine asked, still ready to kill him. The demon tried to touch her face, but she moved quickly out of the way.

“You my dear. It will be all up to you.” The demon started smoking as he smirked and turned to ash right in front of Jasmine. She powered down staring at her hands, but saw Gabriel right behind where the demon stood.

“You okay?” He asked, panting, powering down himself. Jasmine nodded, but noticed his wound on his arm.

“That thing got you good. I can heal you.” Jasmine pulled Gabriel to the remaining wall, sliding down it as she squatted in front of him. Her hands gently removed his shirt sleeve as their eyes glanced at each other while an intrigued Gabriel watched her work. Her hands started to glow soft and warm, fixing the damage and mending new flesh together.

“Chase Fallon’s demon…What was he saying to you?” Jasmine looked up at Gabriel confused. “I couldn’t hear the conversation too well. My ears hadn’t stopped ringing until just now.”

Jasmine sighed not sure whether to believe the demon or not, but she couldn’t even if her mind wanted too. He was a demon. They lie and manipulate everyone, much like her kind. She looked away from Gabriel then, but he turned her back to him using the space in-between his thumb and pointy finger to gently move her face back to his.

“Are you sure you are alright?” His worry was what kept him going, his sheer need to protect her made the pain in his shoulder irrelevant and the only thing that mattered was helping her. As an angel he never had to worry about anyone else before but himself and The Almighty. As cocky as he had been his confidence was shaken when he heard her scream. His human emotions were definitely kicking into full gear. The inevitable was happening to him.

Feelings for Xavier were now in the back of her mind as she stared at Gabriel. Her hand touched his cheeks, rubbing her thumb in a circular motion as he held on to her. Before she knew it she leaned in wanting to taste the sweet sensation of his kiss. Not sure if it was the right thing to do to kiss an angel, but he leaned in as well. His hands caressed the back of her neck as they were so close they could feel the other breathing. Jasmine was the first to move in since Gabriel was unsure if that’s what she wanted.

Slow at first, their lips touched a small peck and they moved apart slightly. Raina had kissed Gabriel before, but nothing she did made his heart fall to his feet or the fireworks exploding around him. He needed more so he leaned in again this time a bit more aggressively, parting his lips to tease her to do the same thing once their mouths touched again. Jasmine moaned in his mouth as her body came to life and she grabbed his head pressing him hard against her. Kissing Gabriel should’ve been a sin because she was drowning becoming addicted to him and wanted to open her heart to him, something she never thought she wanted before.

The moment was short lived though as a helicopter flew overhead of them and there was now activity outside of the warehouse. Gabriel pulled Jasmine close to him as he stood up walking to the window to see what was happening. There were soldiers coming out of black vans accompanied by men with suits.

“Gabriel!” Jasmine yelled, pulling Gabriel and her back from the window as a smoke bomb started to fog the room they were in. Gabriel covered his mouth like Jasmine did. There was no time for questions as he grabbed Jasmine’s hand running out of the door to find an exit.

“Stop or I’ll shoot!” Bright lights blinded their eyes before Gabriel could attack; he felt the shock of something through his body. His eyes started to turn gold again as he was ready to fight. Men in the black suits tore Jasmine away from his grasp then as she fought and screamed his name.

“Stop you don’t know what you are doing!” She yelled.

“Calm her down.” Another man said, as one of the other men took out a needle of some kind.

“No Don’t touch her!” Gabriel screamed, fighting the men cuffing him behind his back. It took several men to detain him. Gabriel then felt a sharp pain to his head and the last thing he saw was Jasmine crying for him before everything went black.

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