Chapter 589

"Hey, bro, that was so not cool! Anya and I have been hollering at you for ages, and you just flat out ignored us?" Nathan was holding Anya in one arm and with his other hand, he stopped the elevator doors from closing. As soon as the sensors detected his hand, the doors started to reopen.

Once in, Nathan started to complain.

"What is up with you?" Damon asked.

Looking at the two faces, one big, one small, Damon's face was icy, staring coldly at them both.

Nathan chuckled, "It's your birthday today, right? We just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Go on, Anya, say happy birthday!"

Anya's big, bright eyes were wide as she looked at Damon, her childish voice was adorable, "Happy Birthday."

Damon's lips twitched slightly, not quite sure what to say, but he responded anyway.

He was having a tough day.

"So sir, do you have a big, beautiful cake at home?" Anya asked.

Damon thought to himself, so they just wanted cake!

"No." His voice was very cold and clear.

Upon hearing this, Anya's big eyes immediately showed disappointment.

"Really? But Nathan said everyone has cake on their birthday. Anya has had one. Why don't you? No cake on your birthday, you poor thing. Nathan, should we get him a cake?" Anya said. After her disjointed speech, Nathan felt a glare on the back of his head and his mouth twitched.

This kid was totally doing this on purpose, wasn't she? She clearly just wanted cake, but pretended it was for him! She was playing mind games at such a young age! Looked like he would have to have a serious talk with her mom about how to raise this little devil.

Feeling the gaze on him, Nathan had no choice but to turn around and smile at his big brother, "Damon, I mean, we weren't together before, that's fine. But now we live so close. It's your birthday, and we should celebrate."

"Get lost!" Damon coldly interrupted him.

His voice left no room for negotiation, as if he had just slapped Nathan in the face.

Nathan was a bit annoyed now, "I just wanted some cake."

He was really tired of the food from the restaurant. It was just a cake, and it was not going to bankrupt him!

"No!" Damon said.

"How can you not have cake on your birthday? I'm going to talk to your wife." Nathan said.

"No! Get out!" Damon shouted.

Just as the elevator doors opened, stopping at the fourteenth floor, Damon, unable to hold it in any longer, kicked Nathan out! Then he kept pressing the close button. "How can you be so heartless?" Nathan asked.

The elevator doors slowly closed, completely blocking out Nathan's voice..

Anya, with her chubby little hands holding up Nathan's handsome face, her big eyes full of worry, "Nathan, Nathan, does your butt hurt?"

Nathan glanced at her, "Of course!"

Anya blinked her bright big eyes, gently patting Nathan's cheek with her small hand, her childish voice said again, "Should I rub it for you, then?"

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