Chapter 579

Lance's face turned a deep shade of embarrassment

The reporter continued, "Moreover, to clarify things for the public and add credibility to my report, I still hope Mr. Olson could provide some evidence that the man in the photo is you' Otherwise, people might find it hard to swallow"

Lance's gloomy eyes instantly snapped to the reporter, "Don't push it."

The reporter lifted an eyebrow, wearing a careless look, "Since Mr. Olson can't provide evidence, then my news report."

As soon as the reporter said this, Grover immediately scolded Lance loudly, "Lance! What the hell is going on?! Is that really you in the photo?"

Nowadays, the media loved making big news. The bigger the news, the happier they were, because it meant more attention.

What kind of story would the reporter spin if Lance admitted but couldn't provide evidence? Especially when Keira was a hot topic lately, and Lance was always involved. If this scandal spread, the reputation of the Olson Group would be totally ruined!

Seeing Grover's grim face, Lance felt his head throb, "Dad, it's really me. Keira and I were at my apartment last night."

Grover's face lightened a bit and Carolina's heart also relaxed slightly.

Yet, the reporter was relentless, "Mr. Olson, what we need is evidence."

At this point, Viviana suddenly interjected urgently, "Keira, did you take that selfie? Do you have the original?"

Keira swallowed hard and nodded, "Yes, it's on my phone. I left my phone in the lounge."

Relief washed over Viviana's face, "I'll go get it!"

After that, Keira looked at the somber faces of the Olson family elders, her expression desolate.

"I truly love Lance. I would never do such a thing with another man. Please, believe me." Keira said.

Grover's face showed no signs of improvement, and Lauretta was equally embarrassed.

Soon, Viviana returned with Keira's phone, "The evidence is right here. The original picture is on Keira's phone."

She flipped to the photo on Keira's phone and handed it to the reporter.

"Even though Keira is a public figure, she also has her private life. You guys keep prying into it, don't you journalists have any moral principles?" Viviana said.

The reporter grabbed Keira's phone and directly sent the picture to his own mobile.

After a moment of probing, the original photo appeared on the screen. With the mosaic blur gone, everyone could clearly see that the man in the photo was indeed Lance. He was obviously asleep, his muscular chest and attractive side profile were incredibly charming. And Keira, her face was full of desire, her expression seductive.

"Hah, seems like Mr. Olson is quite the catch!"

"Judging by Keira's expression, she must have had quite a wild night!"

"Guys, they all love the 'innocent on the outside, wild on the inside' types, don't they?"

"And how else do you think she managed to snatch Mr. Olson's affection from her own sister?"

The murmuring from the crowd was constant. Although the evidence was out, Lance's sense of shame deepened.

Who would have thought, the ultimate evidence would end up being them revealing such an indecent photo themselves!

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