Chapter 547

Currently, there was an unsigned contract between the Olson Group and the Harper Group. Despite auctioning being all about fair play, they couldn't exactly dis Damon on his first bid, now could they? So they were left with a bad taste in their mouth. Nobody dared to cross the leader of the Harper family, and the 5 million deal was sealed with a bang.

Keira let out a sigh, disappointment writ large on her pale, delicate face. Serene gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder, whispering comfortingly. "Cheer up buttercup, we can still bid on other stuff. Don't worry, you'll rule the roost tonight."

Keira shook her head, "No matter how good the other items are, we still missed out on this one. I just feel bad for your grandpa." Lance held her hand, saying softly, “It's okay, knowing you care this much would make grandpa really happy."

Keira gave a soft smile, nodding her head.

Noticing that Keira's mood had improved, Serene pointed at the auction catalogue, saying, "Check this out, Keira. These diamond bracelets are stunning, aren't they? And that baby bracelet, it'll be perfect for you and Mr. Olson's kid, right?"

Serene was getting overexcited, making Keira blush, "Serene..."

Serene let out a chuckle, "Oh, this is nothing. The surprise from Mr. Olson is the real deal. Oops, my lips are sealed."

She shot Lance an apologetic smile, luckily the host was announcing the next item up for bid. It was a famous movie star's costume, which neither Chloe nor Keira were interested in.

Before long, the bracelets were up for auction, starting at $200,000.


Lance was the first to raise his bidding paddle, making Keira smile sweetly.

Keira glanced over at Chloe, who was lounging in her chair, engrossed in the auction catalogue. She was so wrapped up in it, she didn't notice what was going on.

Keira frowned as Lance raised his paddle again, “$280,000."



The bidding went on, eventually reaching $600,000. The competition was fierce due to the bracelets' popularity, leading to larger bid




Lance's final bid of $1 million caused quite the stir in the auction room.

Chloe's attention was finally drawn to the commotion, and her gaze inadvertently landed on Lance. Seeing Chloe's attention, Keira happily looped her arm through Lance's, "Lance, thank you!" Lance gave her a gentle smile, patting her hand lightly, "As long as you're happy."

"God, they're at it again with the public display of affection!"

"Ever since they got together, they've been constantly flaunting their relationship. It's so envy-inducing!"

"Mr. Olson really knows how to win a lady's heart, sparing no expense! Keira, you're pretty lucky."

At this point, Serene added, "Don't make a mountain out of a molehill, guys. This is peanuts for Lance!"

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