Chapter 513

Chloe naturally closed her umbrella, saying coldly.

"It's despicable for a man to secretly date others while he's already engaged. He even hooked up with his fiancée's sister. You really think Lance is such a great guy that I should keep missing him?"

Hearing Chloe badmouth her son, Lauretta instantly turned serious and her hands trembled with anger.

"How could you say such a thing? You..."

Chloe put her umbrella away and looked up at her with eyes filled with sarcasm.

"Why can't I say it? You think I'm wrong? Think about it..."

She paused, stared at Lauretta for a couple of seconds, and then slowly said.

"If your husband was fooling around with your sister behind your back, how would that make you feel."

Lauretta went pale, pointed at Chloe, and yelled, "How dare you!"

Chloe Summers slightly raised her eyebrows and scoffed.

"I'm just making a point, and you can't handle it?"

Chloe's face turned icy cold.

"I'm not a pushover, and I'm not easily smitten by any man, let alone a man who's worth less than garbage. Don't think every girl will fall for your son. Me and him? Not in a million years. Is he even worth my time?"

Seeing Lauretta's face turn pale with anger, Chloe Summers' eyes grew colder.

She didn't want to argue with Lauretta any longer and turned to leave.

"Don't act so high and mighty! Weren't you the one who was always running around for Lance?!"

Chloe suddenly stopped, paused for two seconds, then slowly turned around, coldly looked at Lauretta, and also caught the sight of Keira's mocking smirk.

Chloe's tall and slender figure radiated a strong aura, her aloofness and undeniable dominance made Lauretta nervous.

She stared at her for a moment, then said.

"You remember how I used to run around for Lance, don't you? Don't forget it! Just in case I have to remind you when I come to settle the score!"

Lauretta was intimidated by Chloe's dominance and instinctively leaned toward Keira.

Noticing Lauretta's reliance, Keira quickly said, "Sis, Mrs. Olson is our elder after all..."

"Elders should act like elders, don't try to bind me here with double standards! Not everyone has morals."

Chloe glanced at them, then turned and went into the club with Rose.

Watching Chloe's retreating figure, Lauretta helplessly shook her head.

Her face was filled with regret and disappointment.

"Chloe wasn't like this before; how did she become like this?"

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