Chapter 503

Keira Summers and Carolina Petry had just stepped out of the shower, their wounds still untreated, when their agent, Belinda, rushed in

Belinda wrinkled her nose as a strong smell still hung in the room

"What's up?" asked Keira, sensing some bad news.

"ELLE has canceled your cover shoot next month"

"What?" Keirs couldn't help but shriek

Not just ELLE, other magazines too, and..

"And what?

keira asked nervously

Belinda glanced at Keira Summers and Carolina Petry, then murmured, "All your previous ad endorsements and movie/TV shoots are starting to request replacements"

Keira went pale instantly

"No. That's not possible!

She shook her head in panic, "The endorsements and movies/TV shows are under contract."

"But, the contract also stipulates that you must have a positive public image during the collaboration. If there's any serious negative impact, we're obliged to pay a penalty"

Carolina sat in a chair, pressing her fingers against her forehead, looking gloomy.

Keira tried to calm herself down and pulled out her phone from her bag.

Meanwhile, Lenard was sitting on his couch at home. His phone rang for a while before he picked it up.



Lenard clearly seemed off.

Keira gritted her teeth, suppressing her anxiety and anger, "Why has it come to this? Didn't you promise me things would be okay?!"

Lenard chuckled lightly, his gaze drifting around his villa.

"Don't worry, things have gotten to this point because of my impulsive actions. It's all my fault, you just relax."

Hearing this, Keira felt a bit relieved, "Then I'll call a press conference right away!"

Lenard didn't respond and hung up.

Keira said to Belinda, "Get in touch with the media, I want to hold a press conference!"

Belinda shook her head, "The lobby downstairs is a mess with journalists and fans. It's too risky to hold a press conference. Just issue a statement on Twitter for now. Be firm and clarify your relationship with Lenard."

Keira didn't say anything For now, that was the only option.

Suddenly, screams came from the TV in the office.

Everyone looked up. The screen showed the scene outside Starlight International.

A crowd of journalists and fans had gathered there too.

Jeanette Randle had just stepped out of a car, and the fans immediately started screaming.

"Wow, it's Jeanette Randle! Jeanette Randle is here!"

*Jeanette Randle, you're the best!"

"Jeanette Randle, I love your

Jeanette Randle smiled and bowed sincerely to her fans, "Thank you!"

Jeanette looked humble and gentle with a slender figure. Her beautiful face revealed her nervousness at the sudden attention. She walked cautiously, her sincerity making her seem like an innocent child

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