Chapter 341

"I'll tell you everything!" Chase screamed in panic, scrambling to the edge of the bed to reach his phone, his voice trembling. "I'm Chase. Six years ago, at the 'National Grand Piano Championship, I wasn't seduced by contestant Chloe. I forced her! Someone anonymously sent me fifty thousand bucks to go find Chloe in the rest room before the competition! They even said that if I could successfully rape Chloe, they'd give me another fifty grand! Although things didn't go as planned, they seemed satisfied with the outcome and gave me another fifty grand! I have no idea who gave me the money, I still don't know to this day! Maybe they didn't want me to expose them..."

Rape her and get fifty grand? So, she is worth fifty grand? That's just brutal......

She felt like she was being torn apart, her mind buzzing with pain that was unbearable. Reopening old wounds, so repugnant that made her sick. Her legs gave out and she leaned against a nearby cabinet for support.

"And what's your deal with Amelia?"

Chase shook his head fearfully. "I..."

"You think I don't know why things turned out this way today?! I heard your conversation with Amelia! If you plan on lying to me, I won't let you off the hook!" Chloe roared, using all the strength she could


"I'm her cousin..." Chase quickly added, "We're distant relatives... it's normal you wouldn't know."

Chloe pondered for a moment and let out a cold laugh, "Still counts as family." She stood straight, put away her phone, grabbed a tissue from nearby, and cleaned the blood off Chase's face before helping him up.

"Is Amelia also living here?" Chase looked at Chloe in surprise. Everyone else was in the banquet hall, only a few of them were in the hotel. Chloe was the first to enter, how did she know Amelia's room number?

Chloe laughed coldly again, "Not only do I know her room number, but I also know the surveillance cameras in this hotel are broken tonight! If they were working, that would be a real pain in the ass for me!" Then, she turned to Damon, "I can't hand him over to you just yet." Damon nodded, "Your call."

Chase swallowed hard, facing the two calm and collected individuals, he felt a fear like never before. They were like fearless lunatics, yet absurdly rational and intelligent.

They were rational psychopaths!

However, before he could think further, he saw her pull out the master key he had prepared from his pocket, take out a small bottle from her bag. lift him up from the floor and led him out of the room - "What are you going to do?!" Chase was shaking all over.

"Well, let you enjoy yourself, of course!"

As Chloe led Chase away, Damon pulled out his phone and dialed Nate.

"How's the investigation going?"

"Sir, Ms. Summers has been looking into this matter for three years but hasn't found any trace of Keira. A lot of information was deleted by the Summers family, but I've found some other things. I'll have it all sorted out and delivered to the school by tomorrow at the latest."


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