Chapter 312

How awkward!

Why involve others in their romantic relationship?

He couldn't help but twist his mouth helplessly as he looked at the alpaca, which was almost taller than him.

These two people!!

What kind of aesthetic is this?!!

Who would want an alpaca as a gift?

This is the definition of spoiling someone.

Ugh, love just gives people a headache.

Under everyone's gaze. Nate walked into the elevator with the alpaca.

He stood in the elevator with the alpaca, a sight so amusing that it was hard not to chuckle.

Chloe was discussing specific operational policies with managers from various departments on the office sofa. Seeing Nate come in with the alpaca, she almost spit out her coffee. "Miss Chloe..."

There was bitterness in Nate's voice.

Everyone in the office watched Nate and the alpaca in his hands, momentarily unsure how to react.

What kind of joke was this?

Was it even possible to bring such a thing into the company?

"You guys leave first, come back in ten minutes."

Chloe wiped the coffee stains on her body with a napkin, trying to keep calm.

The managers tidied up the files in front of them and left one after another.

They looked at Nate and the alpaca with complicated expressions.

Nate tried to hide his face.

He looked at the very satisfied alpaca next to him that was still eating.

After everyone had left, Chloe looked at the alpaca and helplessly rubbed her forehead.

"This is..." She couldn't even say it.

This is a gift from the Mister for you," Nate answered seriously.

She knew!

Chloe gritted her teeth.

She had just said it casually, and she was just joking at the time. How did he really send it?

"So, Miss Chloe, what should we do with this?"

Chloe looked at the alpaca, that was somehow still eating!

But its fluffy face, big eyes, and long eyelashes looked...

quite cute, actually.

But it shouldn't be here, right?

Just then, the phone rang.

It was Damon.

"Did you get the gift?"

"...I got it."

"That's good. Just tell me what you want in the future, I'll get it for you."

Chloe pursed her lips, bit her lower lip, and straightened her hair, "But where do you want me to put it?"

Damon was speechless for a moment and remained silent.

Obviously, he hadn't considered this problem.

Chloe sighed, "Then... can you put it in Greenfield Village first?"

"Alright." After hesitating for a moment, Damon agreed, "Just put it in Greenfield Village. You'll be back sooner or later, it'll be convenient there." Chloe sighed again, "Damon."


"Do you really not know what I meant when I said I wanted an alpaca?"

"...What did you mean?"

Chloe slightly furrowed her brows, "Nothing."

After Chloe hung up the phone, feeling apologetic, she turned to Nate and said,: "Mr. Yu, could you please help me send it to Greenfield Village?"

Nate nodded, "Of course."

After Damon hung up the phone, he felt that Chloe's last question was a bit delicate. After thinking about it, he turned to the search engine in front of him and typed "alpaca“. He clicked on the link and saw a picture of an alpac

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