Chapter 282

As soon as Kane finished speaking, all the booze in everyone's glasses morphed into milk.

The entire private room was filled with a rich scent of milk.

Chloe, of course, knew they were all messing around, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

These guys...

She had thought Damon's friends were all serious folks.

Who would've thought, they were actually quite a hoot.

"Anyway, thanks for saving me!"

"Rescuing my future sis-in-law, it's my pleasure."

A soft "clink" echoed as the glasses touched, milk rimming the edges.

Kane held his glass in both hands, gulped as he eyed the white liquid inside.

Adult world, utterly beyond him.

He downed the milk in one breath.

Chloe finished hers too, expressing her gratitude.

"All done drinking?"

Damon's chilly voice came in, making Kane immediately tense.

He... wasn't planning on letting him off the hook, was he?

He eyed Damon warily, "Damon, I did say it was unnecessary to say thanks, as saving Chloe was my lucky break!"


Kane nodded furiously, "Absolutely!"

Damon's gaze slowly settled on Chloe's lips, then he gently wiped off the milk from the corner of her mouth.

His move so natural, despite Chloe's boldness tonight, she couldn't help but blush in front of everyone. Seeing her shy, Damon chuckled.

Damon... laughing?

His usually stern face, actually broke into a smile?

Kane, sitting next to them, felt his mouth was suddenly full of saliva.


Kane couldn't help letting out a loud burp.

Oh man!

Mouth full of milk flavor!

But the Damon who was just laughing a second ago, was now giving him a cold stare.

Kane quickly covered his mouth, then awkwardly smiled at Damon.'

I swear, I just drank too fast.

It was definitely not because I was envious of your sweet moments!'

As long as he didn't have to drink more milk, he felt he can tolerate this!

A few people in the room came to drink with Chloe, but none of them made her finish, and Chloe just took a symbolic sip:

Everyone was happy, after all, they all got a response!

"Come on, today's a good day, let's all drink up."

Kane secretly gave the guy who said this a hard kick!

A grown man, getting excited over drinking milk?

He turned to look at Seth, who had been silent, thinking he wouldn't go along with Damon's preference.

But to his surprise, in front of them were indeed glasses of fresh milk.

"Did you drink yours?" he asked Seth.

"I did," Seth smiled, his gaze resting on the wine glass on the coffee table.

Kane couldn't imagine Seth gulping down milk, he leaned in and whispered, "You should try to reason with Damon. Nobody comes here just to drink milk. We'll be laughed at when we pay the bill, you know?"

"I think it's great, milk... is a good thing, and it's cost-effective."

Kane gritted his teeth.

The word "cost-effective" coming from his mouth, couldn't be more phony!

When it came to spending on the woman by his side, would he ever consider money an issue?

"Don't you usually not care? I can understand Damon's antics, but why are you going nuts too?"

Seth glanced at him nonchalantly, his usually flat voice a bit raised, "What did you say? Damon's messing around? And then? I didn't catch what you said after."

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