The Dragon Prince
A Fated Encounter

“Vinnie, there you are,” Audrey said with relief. “I was looking for you everywhere. Hey, what’s wrong this time? You here on the palace roof moping again.”

“I’m fine. Just go away,” I said, pointing to the door Audrey came through to enter the roof.

“What did the bitch do this time?” She asked me while folding her arms.

“She won’t leave me alone, not even for a second,” I yelled.

“Okay, Vince, you don’t need to yell! It’s just how she is. You should know this by now, dude.” Audrey smiled. “But that doesn’t give you the right to take it out on me. You may be the prince, but I will not tolerate your bullshit.” She glared at me.

“I’m sorry. Alexandria can’t stop acting like she’s better than me, bragging that she found her mate, that I haven’t found mine yet, and that the Goddess made me mateless and doomed me to be alone.” I said, pounding at the marble railing.

“That’s the curse of having an older sister, my dear Vincent.” Audrey laughed, and I couldn’t help but join her.

“Yeah, I guess.” I smiled. “I just wish that she’d give me a break once in a while,”

“Okay, Vincent, no more mister sad face. Alexandria is looking for you. Go hang out with her. I read in books that the bonds between siblings can be a powerful thing. Talk to her.” Audrey said. “Or I could spend time with her while you stay on the roof and sulk about your problem to the Moon Goddess.”

“Least the goddess listens, unlike someone I know.” I raised an eyebrow and smirked to make it obvious I was talking about her.

“You dick!” She punched my shoulder.

“Alright, tell her that I’ll be there in a few. And you behave yourself around my sister. We both know we don’t want another incident.” I said.

“Yeah yeah yeah, whatever. But, I wouldn’t take long if I were you.” I rolled my eyes at her words as she left. I was alone again at last. Looking at the ocean in the distance, I breathed in the cool, crisp, salty air and prayed to the Goddess that she’d reveal my mate. At this point, I don’t care what she is. I’ll accept her for who she is because she was made for me and me alone. After sulking for a while, I decided to head back inside the palace and needed to get a grip after sulking enough.

But my eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure gliding in the night sky. “What the hell?! Wait, that’s a dragon! A dragon has breached the perimeter! Shit!” I ran back inside and found Jacob and Audrey talking. “Jacob, Audrey, a dragon, coming this way!” I said, running past them.

“What!” Audrey yelled as she ran after me, and Jacob followed suit.

“Is it an attack?” Jacob asked me.

“I only saw one, but I have to find out. It’s headed towards the beach.” Audrey stayed behind while Jacob and I ran outside the palace gates and used our dragon speed to rush past the sleeping town that my family ruled over. My sister soon stopped us.

“Vincent, do you know how many there are?” Scott said

“Only one, and it’s by the beach. It might be a scout.” I said, explaining what the intruder might be. “Jacob and I are heading to the beach to check it out.

“With all due respect, you’ll be in the way and put yourself in unnecessary danger. We have no idea who or what this intruder is other than that it’s another dragon.” Alexandria said with authority in her voice.

“Are we seriously arguing about this? We might be under attack!” I yelled in her face, “My night vision is way better than yours, Alex. I’m going.” I used my dragon king voice to clarify whether I was going with or without her permission. “Let’s go, Jake.”

We left my sister and her two male lackeys in the town as we ran through the roads to the beach’s cold sands. I smelled roses and chocolate, which was weird as the ocean doesn’t smell like that. My dragon was on edge, and I wondered what had gotten him so worked up. “Do you see him?” Jacob asked me.

“No, but he has to be here, somewhere.” I looked in the distance and pointed at the sea, but there was nothing at first, but it got easier to see as it got closer. I noticed that Alexandria, Scott, and Tristan arrived just in time. “Okay, here’s the plan; we attack first. Then you boys come as backup.” Alexandria said as Josh and Tristan nodded. Something in her tone of voice made me angry, but because of the kingdom’s circumstances, I decided to ignore it for now.

“But we don’t know if he’s here to attack.” I countered

“He’s trespassing and, therefore, should be eliminated as such. Our job is to eliminate threats and keep everyone safe. Now, is everyone ready?

“Vincent, come on, let’s just fall in line?” Jacob said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Something is not right here. My dragon tells me something is wrong, and I smell this scent.” I shook my head to remove the thoughts and looked at the dragon again. Something wasn’t right about it. “I see wounds. I think it’s hurt.”

“And how would you know that, brother?” Alexandria said.

“Look at how he’s flying; He just lost a few meters of altitude,” I said, running towards the water about to shift into Astarot, my inner dragon and the voice inside my head.

“It might be a trick,” Scott called out. I knew he might be correct, but I had already decided. My eyes glowed a bright white. Razor’s sharp teeth suddenly started growing from my guns, and two white horns emerged from my head. White scales began to grow. I knew that my sister was watching as I transformed into Astarot. I got on all fours as white spikes grew from my spine, and my scales trailed down my long tail; I spread my wings that covered 15 meters of the beach. The process only takes a few seconds if you have a great bond with your inner dragon. I leaped into the sky, going towards the approaching dragon. “VINCENT CALLAHAN, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!” my sister yelled.

“Goddess, she is annoying,” Astarot huffed

“She, like most of our kind, is not blessed with an inner voice. I consider myself lucky to have you in my life.” I said to him.

“Shut up; we have a more pressing matter to see, too,” Astarot said

I flew closer to the dragon, wondering if I made the right choice as going against a dragon you do not know of was risky. Extremely risky. I ignored my teachings and just kept flying toward the dragon. I thrust my wings down hard and got above the dragon as I approached it. I soon turned and dived, flying right behind him, but none of these actions made the dragon look in my direction. He didn’t even seem to notice I was there in the first place. Then my eyes caught blood on his wings and back. I was right; he was severely hurt, and I needed to do something. He would drown if he fell in the water, so I made a risky move and flew under the dragon; at least I could catch it if it lost its strength. Being beneath a dragon put Astarot and me at significant risk, as I could have played right into a trap, but I didn’t care. I soon noticed my sister, Jacob, Scott, and Tristan approaching from the island. Alexandra turned into a giant black dragon while Jacob turned into a red dragon, and they got on either side of me.”

“Have you and Astarot lost your goddamn minds?!” Alexandria yelled through the mind link

“He’s badly hurt; he’s not a threat. DO NOT ATTACK!” I said. I could see and feel the frustration in her eyes, but she gave me a slight nod. We were approaching the mainland fast, and the rogue dragon lost its remaining strength and started to fall, but I could catch him cause I was right underneath him to carry him through the last few kilometers.

It’s not easy to carry a full-shifted dragon on your back, but with Alex’s and Jacob’s help, I land safely on the beach. I could hear the others land and shift back into their human form.

“Vincent, what the hell were you thinking?!” my sister yelled. “Do you even realize how much danger you put yourself in just now!?”

“Just shut it, Alex. I did what I had to do. Spare me your damn lectures.” I yelled at her.

“Guys, the dragon is.” Jacob paused for a moment. “Do you see what color it is?”

“Impossible!” I gasped. “Wait, he’s shifting back.” After the dragon reverted to its human form due to exhaustion, I approached the small form. “It’s a girl. The dragon we saved is a girl.” I soon smelled Chocolate and Roses again.

“Mate. Vincent, we found her. We found our mate.” Astarot cheered in my mind

“Is she alive?” Alex asked me.

I placed two fingers on her neck. “I can feel a pulse, but it’s weak.” I can’t let them know that this dragon intruder is my fated mate by the Goddess yet. We don’t know anything about her. “I’ll take her to the hospital, Jacob, you with me.”

“Alright, I’ll leave the girl with you, so you’ll take her to the hospital while I stay with Scott and Tristan to ensure the area is secure. Keep a close eye on her. I’m still convinced that she’s a threat.” Alexandria pulled out her phone and called her two lackeys while Jacob helped me carry the girl to town. I could barely hear my mate breathing as her face layed on my shoulder. My mate’s clothes were torn, and I couldn’t tell where all this blood came from, but I could tell it was hers. Just what happened to her?

Jacob and I took the mystery girl to the hospital, where they prepped her for surgery. I was on edge as I couldn’t stop worrying about the girl. “There’s no sign of any other dragons. It seems this girl is the only one.” Alexandria said, “Scott and Tristan will stay longer at the beach to be safe. Any update on the girl?”

“No, Alex, she is still in surgery.” I shook my head.

“Alright, I’ll go and brief mom on what happened. You guys stay here.” Alex nodded

“And you can’t get someone else to watch her?” I growled

“Think of it as a punishment for disobeying me, Vincent.” My sister snapped back

“If we had followed your plan, my m-. The girl would be dead,” I couldn’t let her find out she was my destined mate. She might do something that I would not like.

“Vincent, you could have been killed, Vincent. It could’ve been a trap to kill some fool like you who tried to help!” Alex yelled.

“Shut up. You’re just pissed that I was right and you were wrong. Goddess forbid that your wrong for once.” My hands made a fist, and I was close to losing my cool, but Astarot told me it wasn’t worth it.

Alexandria slapped me across the face. “That’s enough! You WILL stay here and call me as soon as there’s an update. We don’t know if this dragon bitch is still a threat to our kingdom, and I want someone watching her at all times, so for ONCE, do as I’ve asked!”

My hand rubbed the part of my face that she slapped. My eyes glowed white as I was close to losing control and shifting, not to mention she called my mate a bitch. “Fine. I yield.” My sister nodded at my submission and walked off, and I took a deep breath. “Well, that went well.” Jacob chuckled softly.

“I’m so tired of her. Nothing I do is ever good enough, as she always finds a way to make me the bad guy at every turn.” I said

“Well, you DID put yourself in danger tonight, Vincent,” I growled at him. “Hey, it’s the truth, bro.”

“I know.” I softly banged my head on the hospital wall. “Just don’t tell my sister I admitted that.”

Hours passed, and there was no update. Jeez, how long can surgery last? “Prince Vincent.” Jacob and I turned to see Doctor Solus. “I have news on the girl. It was touch and go for a second there, but I stabilized her condition with the tools provided and my magic. She lost a lot of blood thanks to the deep cuts, and I doubt she would’ve lasted much longer if you didn’t bring her here. I’m amazed that she is still alive.” Doctor Solus explained

“Any idea who gave her these cuts?” I asked him.

“Another dragon attacked her.” Doctor Solus said with disappointment. “I also found signs of abuse, as you all know, of the cuts on her body, but I also saw bruises. She is badly dehydrated and malnourished. Her left arm is broken and swollen, and judging by the marks I found; I’m guessing that some chain was around it.”

“Will she make it, doc?” I said with worry.

“My staff is putting fluids in her now, so hopefully, that will build up her strength. But right now, surviving is all up to her.” Doctor Solus said.

“Her dragon! Something wasn’t right here. Why isn’t her dragon speeding up the healing process?” I asked.

“Her dragon should’ve healed her, but her dragon is completely drained of energy and went into a dormant state. She will heal as a normal human, and I have done what I can for her.” Doctor Solus said

“Alright, thank you, Doctor Solus,” I nodded. “One more thing, I want you to test her blood to determine her dragon type.”

“I thought you saw her in dragon form.” Solus said, “Why would I need that test?”

“We did, but I want to ensure no surprises,” I explained.

“Very well, your majesty. I will let you know as soon as the test comes.” Doctor Solus bowed and walked away. I turned to Jacob. “Can you stay here while I go and inform my mother and Alexandria?

“Sure thing. I’ll let you know if there’s any new information.” Jacob smiled.

“Thanks, Jacob. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I walked off to return home.

I entered the royal palace with a few guards and told them I could see myself to my mother, the queen. “Vincent, there you are,” Audrey said, hugging me. “Where the hell have you been?”

“At the hospital,” I said

“The WHAT!?” Audrey screamed.

“Relax, I’m fine. I was monitoring the dragon girl under the orders my bitch sister gave me.” I said while she was checking if I had any wounds. “The girl is fine for now, and Jacob monitors her while I’m away. I can’t talk right now as I have to give the news to Mom and Alex.

“Alright.” Audrey frowned

“Hey, don’t give me that look. I’ll talk to my favorite sister later.” I kissed Audrey on the cheek and went to the throne room, where Alex and my mother waited. “Queen Rosetta, your son, has arrived,” said the royal guard. “Hi, mom.” I smiled

“Vincent, my darling boy, it’s good to see you. Now is there any information on the girl?” my mother asked.

“The doctors have stabilized her, but she is still in critical condition,” I told my mother.

“Who’s with her now?” My sister spat. “I also told you to call me if there were any updates and not come here.

“Relax, she is being watched by Jacob, and I thought it would be best to deliver the information personally so mom can hear it so we can choose the best course of action. Together! “Alexandria and I began to growl at each other. “Besides, Solus said she won’t wake up anytime soon.”

“That still doesn’t mean you don’t do as you’re told.” Alex began to walk forward.

“Oh shut up, you-” But a booming voice stopped our fighting. “ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU! This endless war between you two is driving me insane. You are brother and sister, for crying out loud!” She turned to me. “Now, Vincent, what did the doctor say?”

“She was badly beaten, that’s for sure, and has deep cuts on her sides, and her entire left arm is broken,” I explained what the doctor told me. “Solus said that a dragon caused this. Solus said that she has been chained for some time.”

“It could still be a trick to let our guard down,” Alexandria said, her voice laced with hate.

“Alex, don’t be ridiculous, she is barely alive at this point, and it was by the grace of the goddess that she even reached the island,” I said.

“Calm down, both of you.” My mother got between us. “What about her dragon? Is it true what Alex informed me?” My mom hesitated, not wanting to believe it herself.

“I asked the doctor to run some tests on her blood,” I said

“Very well; I want you and Jacob to monitor the dragon girl until she wakes up.” My mom smiled while giving the order.

“Very well, mother.” I bowed and started to return to Jacob at the hospital.

Days passed, and there was still no change in her condition. Astarot was at peace near our mate, but at the same time, it was killing us that she was not waking up. She was sleeping; I could feel her heartbeat. “Is there any change, Solus?”

“She is showing signs of recovery and improvement, but she is still not waking up, and her dragon woke up from dormancy last night and is slowly gaining strength. I doubt that she will be able to shift for some time. It is up for speculation that she might wake up now or in a few weeks. With her dragon this weak, it’s hard to predict.” Doctor Solus said.

My phone started ringing, and I answered; it was Jacob. “Hey man, any change?”

“No, nothing so far. It’s still the same. The doctor said she might wake up in a few days or weeks. Can you bring some food over?” I said.

“Sure, and Audrey called and told me that you have been at the hospital for over 18 hours straight. You need a break, and I can take over for now while you rest.” Jacob said.

“You may be right. I’ll take a break, so how long will you get here?” I asked.

“Give me fifteen minutes, and I’ll be there. See you later, bro.” Jacob hung up the phone.

All this waiting for any changes is killing me. A week passed since that day on the beach. I had been here most of the time, watching my mate sleep and escape Alexandria’s consent bitching and nagging. Jacob, Scott, and Tristan took turns watching her, but I got aggressive whenever they wanted to take my shift watching her. When did I get so possessive? I never wanted to leave her side, no matter what, as I felt my presence was helping her heal. The mate bond is strange, that’s for sure. “Why did the Goddess pair me with you? What is it about you that makes me feel something that I have never felt before?” Her bruises started to fade, and the swelling went down, but it was still noticeable. She was so pale and fragile, and the longer I looked at her, the more I realized she was perfect. She is my mate, and I’ll never let her go. I soon felt my phone vibrating and noticed that Alex was calling me. “Yes, dear sister,” I said sarcastically.

“Don’t get pissy with me, Vincent. Now, are there any updates?” My sister asked.

“No, but the doctor said it could be days or weeks until she wakes up,” I said.

“FUCK, we have to know who the hell she is. Just remember to let me know when she wakes up.” Alex demanded. It’s not like I can forget that with her calling me fucking nonstop. “Sure.” I hung up on her and sat down. “Where is Jacob? I’m famished.” I left the room and got something from the hospital cafeteria while talking and calming Audrey down. “I’m fine, Audrey. I just ate, and I’m waiting for Jacob so I can take a break.” I walked into the room, and what I saw made me drop my phone. I immediately pick it up. “Um, Audrey, I have to call you back.” She’s gone. Where the hell did she go? I ran out of the room and bumped into Jacob. “Jacob, the girl is gone.”

“WHAT?!” Jacob yelled, “I’ll tell the doctors to sound the alarm.”

I comforted Doctor Solus about how the girl left the hospital. “Your highness, please calm down. She is injured and is still recovering. She couldn’t have gotten far with her injuries.”

“But how could no one notice her leaving the fucking facility?” I yelled in his face. “I went to get a bite to eat for five minutes, and she just disappeared.” I backed up and punched the wall.

“Why couldn’t you just wait for me?” Jacob said, approaching us.

“I was hungry, alright!” I turned to face him. “Okay, we need to find her before my sister finds out I lost her and bites my head off. We are not calling her as I can’t deal with her bullshit. It won’t be a problem if we find her.

“Alright, but I think we should call Izzy to help us,” Jacob suggested.

“Call Izzy, but tell her that this must remain a secret. I will search by getting her scent from her old clothes.” I said.

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