Chapter 591

Chapter 591

Normally, an eardrum repair surgery required an appointment. However, Carrie’s surgery was brought

forward to the next morning.

The directors of the hospital were worried that Ryan would acquire

the hospital and transform it into a nightclub.

Ryan did not say much the previous night.

He even skipped breakfast and stood in the hallway, waiting patiently.

Seeing how restless Ryan was, Yasmin had no choice but to

accompany her boss without eating or drinking.

For the past decade, this beautiful and alluring woman has lived as Ryan’s shadow and secret guard.

Ryan lived a promiscuous lifestyle, and he changed girlfriends as quickly as he changed clothes. The

sole exception was his female


Whenever Ryan attended significant events that required a female companion, he never brought

anyone else but Yasmin. Some ignorant individuals would even mistake her for Ryan’s girlfriend.

Ryan often couldn’t be bothered to explain and would simply laugh heartily while saying, “Brother,

you’ve got a good eye!”

However, Yasmin understood their situation all too well.

It was impossible between her and Ryan Their relationship was purely employer-employee.

She knew Ryan very well. Despite his flirtatious nature, he made it

clear from the beginning with every woman he was with.

He only engaged in flings and refused to marry them.

Even if he were to marry, he would imitate Wyatt Thompson from

Hatchbay with his four wives.

In fact, he would double it!

But this time, Ryan’s attitude toward Carrie exceeded her

understanding of him!

“Mr. Hoffman, the surgery will take a while. Please sit down and rest.”

Yasmin warmly advised him from the side.

“I’m not tired.” Ryan stared at the door of the operating room, hist

heart filled with anxiety.

“It’s just a minor surgery with almost no failure rate. You really don’t need to worry too much…”

“How can I not worry? What if her hearing declines? What if there are other complications? What if her

hearing gets worse than the other

old ladies when she’s older?”

Ryan roared out his concerns. Yasmin couldn’t help but feel that she might be the one who needed

hearing aids instead of Carrie.

“Damn it, Bethany!” Ryan glared with bloodthirsty, crimson eyes.

He punched the wall and swore, “I won’t let this slide, I’ll break Bethany’s ribs, regardless of whether

Carrie’s ears get better.”

Yasmin shivered. She hesitated for a moment before summoning her

courage to ask, “Mr. Hoffman, can I ask you a question?”


“Have you fallen for Ms. Carrie?”

Ryan was stunned. His heartbeat was pounding hard against his ribs.

‘Do I love her?’ he thought.

Indeed, he had fallen in love with Carrie, and it seemed that he could no longer hide behind the excuse

that she was just Justin’s sister.

Her every frown and smile tickled his heart, and her silly appearance

amused him.

She aroused his frozen heart with affection and gave him a strong

desire to protect her.

However, Carrie was Shannon’s daughter.

This fact alone was enough to leave an insurmountable gap between


“Yasmin, I do like Carrie, but that’s as far as it can go.”

Ryan pressed his hands against the wall and hung his head.

His knuckles, which had struck the wall, were still slightly swollen and


They were just as red as his eyes at this moment.

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