Chapter 573 

The group followed Nigel back to Crescent Bay. 

Nigel’s affection was hard to say no to. On the way there, he held 

Justin’s hand with his left hand, while he held onto Bella with his right, 

his grip not loosening one bit. 

Not only that, Nigel spent the journey cursing Gregory. After he was 

done with Gregory, he continued to curse Shannon. He did not even 

repeat a single curse word. 

Bella worried he would tire himself out. 

Once he was done cussing out that couple, he started fussing over 

Justin and even pretended to casually put Justin’s hand over Bella’s. 

Justin’s heart fluttered as he gazed at Bella gently with a small smile 

over his grandfather’s head. 

Bella was aware of his burning gaze, but she pursed her lips slight 

and chose to ignore it. 

Justin felt anxious when he saw her remain unmoved and could not 

stop himself from curling his fingers to try to hold her hand. 

Suddenly, the warmth under his palm vanished. Bella had retracted 

her hand. 

He looked up and happened to meet Bella’s warning gaze squarely. 

She glared at him, frowning slightly. Her fierce expression made her 

look like she was about to eat him alive. 

Chapter 573 

Alright, alright. He still could not hold her hand. 

But the very fact that she appeared before him tonight already 

satisfied him. He dared not wish for more. 

“Justin, you have to thank Anna for tonight. If it weren’t for her 

concern about you and telling me in time that you were getting a beating from your old man, I wouldn’t have been able to make it there 

so quickly!” 

Nigel spoke meaningfully, giving his grandson a look. “It’s obvious that Anna cares about you. Hurry up and thank her for saving your life, you rascal!” 

“Thank you, Bella.” Justin’s gaze was tender, and his tone was soft and gentle. 

It was as if Bella was burned by his gaze. She shivered undetectably 

and said indifferently, “You shouldn’t thank me, Mr. Salvador. You 

should thank Carrie instead.” 

Both the old man and his grandson were surprised. “Carrie?” 

“Yes. It was Carrie who called me and told me everything. Then I told 

Grandpa Nigel.” 

Bella’s gaze turned cold once more. “I was just conveying the message, so please don’t overthink it, Mr. Salvador.” 

“The fact that you told Grandpa about it means you still have a little 

bit of concern for me.” Justin was shameless. It was fine if she did 

not want to admit it. He would just have to cling to her instead. 

Bella sneered, “Think whatever you like.” 

Chapter 573 

“Oh, so that was the case…” 

Nigel could not help but sigh. “That youngest granddaughter of mine is a kindhearted child. Although she didn’t grow up with me, fortunately, she hasn’t been corrupted by that wicked Shannon. Bethany, on the other hand, has been thoroughly spoiled by that foolish son of mine. She hasn’t learned anything from her mother, who seems respectable on the surface but is rotten on the inside. She even landed herself in jail. I don’t have much black hair left in the first place, but she’s going to make my hair all white from worry at 

this rate!” 

“Carrie’s a good kid. I was closest to her when I was living in Tideview Manor, and she was always very good to me.” 

Bella recalled her memories of Carrie and the three years she spent married to Justin. She originally thought her heart would not hurt anymore, but it twinged in pain again, though her expression remained nonchalant. “I’d go so far as to say that if I hadn’t had Carrie’s company back then, I don’t think I would have lasted that 


Nigel understood her unsaid meaning and felt his heart ache for Bella. He turned to glare at Justin. 

Justin’s eyes instantly dulled as his stomach twisted into knots, and 

his heart was filled with remorse and pain. 

“Grandpa Nigel, there’s something I want to discuss with you, but I don’t know if I should say it. If it’s inappropriate and offensive, please pretend that I never said it.” Bella spoke with some hesitation. 

“It’s fine. Whatever you say won’t be offensive.” Justin hurriedly 

Chapter 573 

chimed in. 

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