Chapter 559 

Justin frowned. “How can you be so sure? Do you know her?” 

“Why do you want her to make you clothes?” Instead of responding to 

his questions, Bella asked about something else. 

“The birthday of someone I respect is coming up. I want Sharon to 

design an outfit for her,” Justin put it vaguely. 

He did not want to let Bella know that the outfit was for Celeste 

because it was a surprise. 

Still, Bella interpreted his words differently. 

She scoffed and mocked, “Oh, I nearly forgot that the great Mrs. Salvador’s birthday is this weekend. You must want to impress your 

father with a gift for your stepmother. How thoughtful.” 

“Bella.” Justin furrowed his brows in frustration. 

Her taunting did not get to him. He simply did not like to be 


“When you contact Sharon, don’t tell her that you want the dress for Shannon. Otherwise, she might just lash out at you,” 

Infuriated, Bella turned with her back facing him. “Are you done? Leave now. I’m busy, and you’re a hindrance here. 


The needle pierced her finger in a moment of distraction, and she 

cried out loud. 

“What’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself?” 

Justin approached her and held her hand anxiously. 

A drop of blood seeped out of her fingertip. 

Justin grimaced as if he were the one stabbed. “It must hurt.” 

“Let go.” Bella struggled to pull her hand away from his grasp, but the 

effort was futile. 

He teared up at the sight of the splattered blood. 

Justin somehow found the nerve to put Bella’s finger in his mouth. 

“You…” Bella’s heart raced. 

Her cheeks burned as her breathing turned ragged. 

Sensing her tremors, Justin narrowed his eyes. 

As their gaze met, Bella went weak on the knees, and her head was 


The affection in his eyes brought her back to their passionate night together, where she lost herself. 

They did nothing. Yet, it felt like they had done it all. 

Justin’s breathing grew heavy as tension rose in the room. 


Flustered, Bella withdrew her hand. 

She pulled back. To her surprise, Justin reached out to hook her by 

the waist and pulled her into his arms. 

“What are you doing, Justin?” Dismay fleeted across her eyes. 

With his heart thumping out of his chest, the man looked into her bright eyes. Their bodies were so close that they could feel each other’s heartbeat and body temperature. 

“I want to kiss you, Bella.” He was honest about his yearning. 

As her heart skipped a beat, Bella gritted her teeth. “Dream-” 

He sealed her lips, taking her breath away from finishing the sentence. 

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