Chapter 544

Chapter 544

“In that case, let me raise a toast to my sister first!” Amelia said, lifting the wine glass with both hands.

Her cheeks blushed as she stood up shyly. With sincere and genuine eyes, she said, “I wish my sister

a quick promotion. May all her desires be fulfilled, and may she have smooth sailing in everything. she


“Oh, such sweet words! I love it! Let me give you a kiss!” Bella cheerfully emptied her glass and blew a

flying kiss to Amelia.

Amelia shyly lowered her eyes, her cheeks blushing even deeper.

“Come on, let’s all raise a toast to Bella! Cheers to Bella’s dreams coming true! Cheers!”

The Thompson brothers raised their glasses.

Everyone was joyously tipsy, their hearts full of warmth. Listening to the crisp sound of glasses clinking

and seeing the sincere gazes around her, Bella’s heart was moved, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The dinner concluded in a warm and heartfelt atmosphere.

Bella and Declan embraced each other. Although they were cheerful during the meal, their parting was

filled with reluctance. The sibling’s eyes were full of tears.

In reality, the military unit where Declan served was stationed in

Dawnford, not too far away.

However, due to Declan’s high-ranking position, he often went on business trips. Sometimes, his trips

lasted for several months, resulting in infrequent family reunions.

“Declan, Aunt Celeste’s birthday is coming up. Will you be able to make it back?” Bella reached out to

touch Declan’s shoulder, then adjusted the military cap on his head.

“I’m sorry, Bella.” Declan sighed with guilt, pinching her cheek before. turning to Amelia. “I’m sorry,

Amelia. Please apologize to Aunt. Celeste on my behalf.”

“It’s okay, Declan! We understand you’re very busy with official matters.” Amelia hurriedly waved her

hands, hesitant to accept the apology.

“But I’ve already prepared a birthday gift for Aunt Celeste. Bella, please give it to her on my behalf

when the time comes.”


In the underground parking lot of the hotel, the specially arranged bulletproof vehicle had been waiting

for Colonel Declan.

The adjutant respectfully opened the car door. After bidding farewell to his family, Declan got into the


He lowered the car window and looked at Bella with concern, reminding her, “Don’t mingle with that

Salvador guy anymore. Let him. deal with his own problems. Got it?”

“Got it! Bye, Dec!” Bella said as she waved at him with a sweet smile.

There was a playful sparkle in her bright eyes, and her red lips wer moist and alluring.

The act of innocence in front of Declan made Bella seem even gentler than Amelia.

After bidding farewell to Declan, Axel and Ralph were also about to return to work.

Bella had consumed quite a bit of alcohol and needed more rest due. to her condition, so she asked

Asher to take her home.

“Ms. Bella, allow me to escort you.” Steven offered almost without. hesitation. Taking care of Bella had

become ingrained in his muscle memory.

“If you’re leaving, who will take care of Amelia? She has had quite a bit to drink too!” Bella approached

and embraced Amelia’s soft waist,

With the added strength from the alcohol, she casually pushed the tipsy Amelia into Steven’s arms.

Amelia was already feeling a little dizzy. When Bella pushed her, she almost lost her balance.

Luckily, Steven’s sharp eyes caught it, and he was quick to react. He caught Amelia and held her close

to his chest.

Amelia, in a daze, looked up, and at the same time, Steven lowered his gaze.

Their eyes met.

At that moment, both their hearts inexplicably skipped a beat, and their breaths became rapid and


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