Chapter 541

Chapter 541

There was nothing Bella could do.

She found herself in a room full of outstanding men, and now even her brother, who was a colonel, had

appeared. There was no room for escape!

“Bella, you weren’t mistreated, right?” Declan held onto Bella’s shoulders, checking her body


“I’m okay. Let’s go, Dec.” Bella hesitated to let Declan stay any longer in front of Justin.

She feared things might take an unexpected turn. As she was just about to pull him away, Declan

spoke coldly, “Asher, Steve, you two go ahead and take Bella away. I’ll join you in a while.”

“Declan!” Bella frowned. Her tense call was filled with complex emotions.

“Let’s go, Bella.” Asher put his arm around Bella’s shoulder, casting a meaningful glance at Justin.

He whispered in her ear, “You know that Declan is the most. emotionally stable and gentle one. Don’t

worry, he handles things. with discretion.”

Bella let out a sigh, thinking that there probably wouldn’t be any trouble in the hospital. So she and

Asher decided to head out first.

Justin’s intense gaze stayed on Bella until the door closed, and he lost sight of her.

He suddenly remembered that she hadn’t had breakfast yet.

He quickly walked over to the coffee table and was about to pick up the food box when an equally firm

and strong hand held the box down.

Justin raised his eyes coldly, meeting Declan’s icy gaze. The tension in the air was strong. It felt as if

the room could explode at any moment.

“She hasn’t eaten breakfast yet, so I’ll bring these to her,” Justin said, his expression turning cold.

“No need. I’m worried my sister might fall ill if she eats something given by a jerk.”

Declan’s brows furrowed with anger, and he smirked coldly. “You’ve caused Bella so much suffering.

Now you are trying to win her back

with cheap tricks and a few sweet gestures. Do you think that she will change her mind and willingly

step back into the demonic abyss of your Salvador family? Do you think my sister is some stray animal

that you can entice with a little sweetness? You’re overestimating yourself.”

“In the past, it was all my fault. From now on, I will do my best to treat Bella well.” Justin’s gaze was

intense as he tried to take the food box.

Justin remembered that Bella had a sensitive stomach. That time, outside the charity auction, she was

lying on the sofa with stomach cramps, looking pitiful. Now, thinking about it, he still felt a bit sorry for


“Hmph, I’d rather believe in ghosts than trust the words of a scumbag like you, Justin!”

With these words, Declan widened his eyes. He raised his hand suddenly, knocking over the food box.

Without waiting for Justin to react, he quickly reached out and swung the other food box to the ground.

The exquisite breakfast shattered across the floor. Justin felt his pupils tremble, and his heart ached as

if it were being torn apart.

“Stay away from my sister. I’m warning you for the last time!” Declan’s gaze was icy and threatening.

He pointed at Justin’s pale face. “Otherwise, you’ll end up like this mess on the floor!”

“I won’t let her go.”

Justin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them again. His eyes, now red and sharp as

blades, declared, “I’ve made up my mind about Bella. I like her, and I want to be with her. I don’t care if

I’m condemned and spat upon by thousands. Even if every person in the

Thompson family tries to stop me, it won’t deter my determination to have her.”

This enraged Declan. His teeth clenched audibly.

However, he then burst into laughter, full of disdain. “Do you think it’s the Thompson family members

who are trying to stop you? Back then, we also tried to prevent Bella from being with you, but didn’t she

still marry you without any hesitation? Let me tell you, even if we do nothing, Bella won’t turn back.

You’ve long exhausted the love she had for you. You no longer have a place in her heart! Don’t think

that she has lingering feelings for you just because she came to take care of you last night. Bella has

always been like her father. She’s heroic and values love and righteousness if it were anyone else who

saved. her life, she wouldn’t ignore it. Stop showing off here like a peacock and deluding yourself.”

Justin’s heart spasmed uncontrollably as he tightly clenched his fists.

His feelings for Bella were unwavering, regardless of what anyone said.

The obstacles he has undergone these days have finally made him realize that he deeply likes Bella.

He regretted not awakening to this realization sooner.

He was truly afraid that what Declan said might be true and that Bella’s heart truly no longer had a

place for him.

Declan ignored him and walked briskly toward the door.

Suddenly, he halted, and with an icy tone, he threw out a parting remark through gritted teeth.

“I heard from Bella that you also come from a military background. Hmph! People like you truly

disgrace the reputation of us soldiers!”

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