Chapter 466

Chapter 466

Bethany froze.

“Mom! Save me, Mom! Mom!”

As the police took her daughter away, the last thing on Shannon’s mind was keeping up with appearances. She went up to stop the law enforcement.

“My daughter was framed. Don’t you know how to do your job? Why are you arresting an innocent civilian?”

Ryan watched coldly as Shannon and Bethany stirred up drama. He hoped the police officers would make the arrest swift before he had to listen to more of their nonsense.

“We can charge you for obstruction of justice if you don’t let go, Mrs. Salvador.” The police officers were indifferent to Shannon.

“Sir, my daughter was framed. Zoe Hoffman set her up!” Shocked and furious, Shannon glared at Zoe.

“W-What does it have to do with me? Even if I forged a necklace, I could just pay a fine for the violation of copyrights. I didn’t leak any trade secrets. It was your daughter who thought she could take on Bella. She got what she deserved.” It then struck Zoe what she just said, so she covered her mouth.

Oh, shit. She spilled the beans on herself in a desperate attempt to disassociate herself from Bethany.

She felt a piercing gaze on her back.

Turning around, Zoe met Ryan’s eyes. His gaze was filled with anger, shock, dejection, and disappointment.

“Your sister isn’t as innocent as you think she is, Ryan. She’s manipulative. She tricked me and you.”

Bethany’s heart-wrenching cries echoed in the Hoffmans’ residence.”

Zoe, I can’t believe you made me a pawn and a scapegoat! I will make you pay! Just you wait!”

“Come here, Zoe.” Scared by Shannon and Bethany, Mrs. Hoffman nervously beckoned Zoe over.


Still reeling in shock, Zoe moved toward her mother when Ryan grabbed her by the wrist.

“R-Ryan.” She shivered.

“Why did you do it, Zoe? Was it to take revenge on Bella?” Ryan asked with bloodshot eyes.

“Bethany made it all up.”

“Don’t play stubborn with me.”

Ryan yelled while gripping his fingers tightly. Zoe whimpered in pain. ” Ow… Let go, Ryan. You’re hurting me. Help me, Mommy!”

“Let her go now, Ryan! Are you trying to break your sister’s hand?”

Mrs. Hoffman rushed over in dismay and pried open Ryan’s grasp over her daughter. She pulled Zoe into her arms to shield her. “Just talk it out.”

“Talk it out? I gave her a chance to talk, but what did she do?”

Consumed by rage, Ryan glared at Zoe’s tearful eyes. She looked like an innocent angel.

The heartache coursed through his veins. “She lied many times to cover up the things she did. She colluded with Bethany to set Bella up.

“What did Bella ever do to you? Why must you ruin her? Is it because she is Justin’s ex-wife? Is that a reason to harm her?”

“Enough, Ryan! You grew up with Zoe. You should know better than anyone else that she doesn’t have the heart to harm another soul.

Mrs. Hoffman patted her daughter’s spasming back in comfort. “Even if Zoe went astray, the girl, Bethany, was a bad influence on her. Why are you dragging your sister into this? If word gets out, she might be taken in for questioning.”

“She took the private jet abroad before Bethany and Ada signed a contract. I asked her where she was going, and she said that she wanted to see a fashion show in Feranco. I told Yasmin to look into it, but you never went to Feranco. You went to Inalia. If you had nothing to hide, why did you lie about where you were going?”

Ryan’s voice was hoarse. His veins showed on his forehead. “When Bethany was taken away, you admitted to forging the jewelry. What do you have to say for yourself? Dad is probably rolling in his grave, realizing that his precious daughter has become conniving.”

“Ryan! How could you insult your sister?” Mrs. Hoffman was filled with mixed feelings, thinking about her late husband. Her eyes welled up.

“You’re a bastard, Ryan!”

Zoe was insulted and furious. All the pent-up emotions came to a head as she burst into tears. “Bella kept making me look bad in front of Justin. She embarrassed me in public. What’s wrong with teaching

her a lesson? You are hypocritical to reprimand me when all you’re doing is standing up for Bella. You only have eyes for the slut. I’m dead to you.”

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