Chapter 461

Chapter 461

Things were chaotic over at the Salvadors’.

Meanwhile, Bella enjoyed basking in the sunlight while swinging at Yara Park.

No one but her would occupy the swing.

Her father, Wyatt, made the swing especially for her mother. It was said that her mother would enjoy a nice swing, her feet bare against the wind. On occasion, she would lie down for a nap under the gentle afternoon sun.

Wyatt would always be there to push Yara on the swing. Their lovely shadows intertwined under the sunlight, yo-yoing back and forth. He would sometimes nestle with her in silence and enjoy the blooming flowers and rolling clouds.

Later, Yara passed away.

Still, Wyatt did not stop telling the household staff to clean the swing every day.

It was as if Yara was away on a holiday and would be back once she had had enough fun.

“Ms. Bella, Ada has expressed tremendous interest in adopting our service again. She wants to invite you to dinner and properly apologize to you.”

Steven pushed Bella on the swing. “She couldn’t get in touch with you, so she contacted me. She’s been bombarding my phone with calls in the last two days.”

“It’s a good opportunity for you to practice your foreign language.” Bella chomped on another bite of the apple.

“You’re making fun of me again.” Steven let out a wry face, his eyes falling on her moving lips.

Her lips were full, luscious, and more tempting than the apple in her hand.

He swallowed hard.

“If it were in the past, you would have accepted her invitation for the interest of the hotel even if you didn’t want to.”

Bella munched on her apple and tapped her toes on the ground. “But I’m her idol now because I’m Alexa. I can’t just accept her invitation right away. My single appearance as Alexa has served its purpose.”

“That’s true. Ada has been rude to you, and if there’s one thing she should take away from, it’s that crossing you comes with consequences.”

“That’s not entirely so. I’m just feeling a little tired lately, so I’m not in the mood to socialize.”

Bella yawned. “Besides, the Mint event was a success, so we can afford to lose the collaboration with Ada.”

Either way, Ada shot herself in the foot for shutting Bella out previously:

Bella’s phone rang.

Although Bella was hesitant to accept a call from an unknown number, she still answered it in the end.

“Hello, is this Ms. Anna Brown?”

Bella was brought back to the past.

It had been a while since she heard the name.

Those words unearthed a dormant memory buried deep inside her.

“Hello there, I’m Anna.”

“Ms. Brown, I’m calling from Mount Jaglee National Forest Park. I’m the new captain of the park rangers and a student of Frank. You can call me Xavier.”

Unbeknownst to the man on the other end of the line, he was talking, to the well-known heiress of the Thompsons.

Mount Jaglee was the national forest park where Bella first met Justin.

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