Chapter 422

Chapter 422

As night fell in a hotel room, Xena had sacrificed her body for the sake of her career time and again, hoping to secure the position as chief of the news department.

The door to the room burst open.


Xena shrieked and rolled off the old man to hide under the sheets.

Timothy, the director of “Headlines”, got out of bed in a fluster to put some clothes on. He was stunned with fear the moment he looked up.


“So she’s the whore, Timothy?”

Timothy’s wife, Stacey, stared scornfully at Xena. Standing tall at 1.75 meters, Stacey was more burly than ordinary women.

She took her jacket off and showed Xena her muscular arms. “Hmph!

I thought you would pick a pretty girl. What do you find attractive. about her?”

Stacey then bolted over and pulled Xena out of the covers by her hair.

She slapped Xena multiple times until she bled.

It felt great for Stacey to take her anger out on Xena.

“Ah! Timothy! Help me! Save me!” Xena cried in pain.

Timothy did not want to get involved in the fight. Instead, he shivered in a corner:

Stacey’s assistant entered the room with two buff men.

“Come one, come all. Look at the woman who was shameless enough to seduce my boss’ husband! My boss caught them in the act. Don’t miss it.”

The assistant raised her phone to take photos of the couple and live- streamed the whole thing.

Timothy and Xena were dumbfounded.

“Kneel now, Timothy!”

Stacey yelled angrily, and Timothy obeyed her order right away.

“Your investment went wrong because of your bad decision back. then. My family provided you with the funds to rebuild your career that you now enjoy.”

Stacey grimaced resentfully and kicked her husband in the face. The comments were rolling on the livestream as the public cheered her on.

“Now that you’re successful, you cheat on me with another woman. You’re nothing without me.”

“I’m nothing. I am nothing…” Timothy criticized himself, dropping the ego he had as a superior.

Xena covered her face and kneeled before Stacey in tears. She had no idea how her relationship with her boss got out.

They had been secretly dating for nearly two years. Why were they suddenly caught now?

The two bodyguards took turns beating Timothy up while Stacey had a go at Xena. Xena lost one of her front teeth.

Of course, the assistant was sensible enough to turn off the live stream when that happened.

In the end, Timothy, beaten black and blue, was escorted out of the room without time to get dressed.

Xena curled up in a corner, her face filled with bleeding scratches and her hair a draping mess. She was on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

“Are you confused about how I found out about you and Tim, whore?”

Stacey looked down on her in contempt. “Hmph! You had it coming. Think about what you did and who you crossed.” She spat at Xena before storming off.

Silence befell the room.

Xena trembled as she tried to remember what she had been up to and who she had crossed lately.

A name suddenly came to mind.

“Bella Thompson… Was it Bella?!”

Her phone on the bedside table vibrated a couple of times and stopped.

Xena crawled to grab her phone. She tapped on the new email. It was a voice recording.

After a brief hesitation, she tapped on the file to listen.

It was Henry’s confession about how she seduced and egged him to steal the KS World Hotel’s wedding planning proposal.


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