Chapter 420

Chapter 420

Tilting her head, Bella propped her arm against her cheek and said with a smile, “How else did you think she was able to befriend you so quickly? She somehow knew the loophole in the contract. Do you think she will be able to plan that without anybody’s help?”

Henry burst into tears, feeling sorry for himself.

He did not regret ruining his career. He hated himself for thinking Xena was the one when she had played him all the while.

“Ms. Thompson… I’ll tell you everything I know.”

Faced with Bella’s relentless questioning, Henry spilled the beans on Xena’s instructions to steal the trade secrets.

Steven took notes on the side.

Henry was taken into custody, but his arrest was not mad

As the secretary and legal consultant of KS World Hotel, Steve charges against Henry for stealing trade secrets.

With the pawn apprehended, it was time to handle the larger net behind the operation.

Bella looked at her neat desk and sighed. “He’s a thief with manners. should thank him for tidying up my desk after looking around.”

Steven replied, “Ms. Bella, you have not told me-

“I got the photos from Justin.”

Steven stared at her calm face in surprise. “Justin gave them to you? He is KS Group’s competitor. Why would he do that?”

“Maybe he’s mad that Shannon and Bethany have taken away his project. He just wants to get back at Bethany through me.”

Bella’s mind wandered back to the night Justin dried her hair, and her heart fluttered. She sneered. “I’d rather believe that ghosts exist than believe this man wants the best for me. He sent me an anonymous email so as not to expose himself. Pft! Did he think I wouldn’t know it was him by going anonymous?”

She was not called the “Hacking Princess” for nothing.

“Now that we have taken care of the mole on the team, how are you planning to deal with Xena Gordon?”

Steven looked worried. “Even with Henry’s testimony, we can’t file a charge against Xena without concrete proof.”

“I’m not filing a charge against her since the law is used agai criminals, not bitches.”

Bella narrowed her eyes dangerously at the naked couple on the screen. “Send these photos to the director’s wife.”

“As far as I know, his wife is a black belt in taekwondo, Ms. Bella. Steven appeared intrigued.

“Well, it’s time to work those muscles. She’s got a free partner to spar with now.”

Bella reached into Steven’s pocket to fish for more chocolate. “I sorted her father out, so I’ll leave someone else to deal with her.

Otherwise, I would be the evil capitalist in soap operas.”

Steven put his hand over his pocket, pinning her naughty hand down. against the fabric. “Don’t eat too many sweets, Ms. Bella. You might get a toothache

That night, Justin was not in a hurry to head back to Tideview Manor after work. He sat behind his desk in the office, waiting for an update from lan.

Finally, lan returned in joy.

“Mr. Salvaor, the young madam has caught the mole in her company. He has been taken into custody.”

“I see,” Justin responded, feeling at ease at last.

“I wonder if the young madam was able to use the stuff you sent her.”

“It’s okay if the information wasn’t of use to her.”

He hid his emotions behind his eyes at the thought of the cheeky girl. “I only provided her with something that was nice to have.

“I believe she can handle things on her own even without my intel.”

He had always underestimated his ex-wife.

Justin once thought that Bella was a boring and ignorant housewife who could do nothing but cook.

He now realizes how blind and foolish he was before.

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