Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Carrie shouted, “I am also the daughter of Chairman Gregory Salvador, so why can’t I go out when Bethany can? Hurry up and get the car ready!”

Thus, the butler had no choice but to prepare a car for Carrie.

As night fell, the lights in the city lit up.

In a luxury private room at ACE Club, Zoe and several of her peers from Savrow’s upper class smoked and drank. They no longer look like the prim and proper young ladies they were trained to be, but like wild girls who were experienced in the nightlife scene.

Zoe went to Inalia to study abroad after graduating from junior high school, so she did not have many friends in Savrow.

These men and women were a part of a small group in her junior high school class. Everyone here had bullied Carrie under her instigation.

“I wonder how Carrie is doing now. I haven’t seen her since graduation. As a daughter of the Salvador family, she’s so low-profile.”

“I heard from my mother that Carrie has mental problems, so Mrs. Salvador doesn’t allow her to meet people.”

“Seriously! No wonder I thought she was stupid when we were in junior high. I didn’t expect she was actually a retard!”

“Hey, retard is a strong word!”

Zoe crossed her slender legs and held a cigarette between her red lips. She inhaled deeply and blew out a smoke ring. “The scientific name for that is autistic.”

“Ah, but still mentally retarded. Hahahahaha!”

The whole group burst into laughter.

Zoe listened to their wild and mocking laughter and smiled slyly.

At this time, the door to the private room opened.

Bethany walked in under the guidance of the waiter.

As soon as Bethany arrived, the room fell silent in an instant, and everyone exchanged shocked glances.

“It’s okay. Carry on. Bethany is one of us.”

Zoe hooked her fingers. Immediately, a young man brought over a crystal ashtray and waited for her to flick the ashes into it.

When Bethany saw this, she was stunned.

She originally thought that Rosalind was the last of the evil fakers she had to deal with. She did not expect Zoe to also be good at pretending to be an innocent little sweetheart.

Bethany wondered what Ryan would think if he saw that his normally dignified and elegant sister behaved like a promiscuous woman.

Would he be furious?

“Hey Bethany, why didn’t you bring Carrie here?”

When Zoe saw that Bethany was alone, she was a little upset. “Well, there will definitely be a lot less entertainment tonight.”

“The older Carrie gets, the more disobedient she becomes.”

Bethany sighed and laughed jokingly, waving Carrie’s teddy bear in front of Zoe. “But don’t worry. With this, my sister will definitely come over here tonight.”

“What? Bethany, are you playing a new trick with her?” Zoe asked with raised eyebrows.

“Haha, just watch.”

Not long after Bethany entered ACE, Carrie’s cars arrived soon after.

Seeing the majestic nightclub with bustling traffic and people at the entrance, Carrie suddenly felt a burst of anxiety due to her social phobia. Her lips trembled slightly, and her face became paler.

She hurriedly got back into the car, took out her phone, and called Bethany.

“What’s the matter, my dearest sister?”

The other end of the phone was extremely noisy, but Carrie could still hear a hint of derision in Bethany’s tone.

“Give me back my teddy!” Carrie’s voice trembled, and her face turned red with anger.

“You mean this dirty, ugly thing? I hid it.”

“Hide it? Where did you hide it?!”

Carrie was so anxious that tears welled up in her eyes.

“It’s in the ACE club! Tsk, if I told you exactly where it is, it would defeat the purpose of me hiding him, don’t you think?”

Bethany’s charming voice was filled with malice. “My dearest sister, we haven’t played together since we were kids, so I want to play a game with you tonight. Go on and find it! Otherwise, your teddy will be all alone in a dark corner. Hahahaha!”

Carrie’s eyes instantly turned red with anger. Bethany’s evil laughter made her hair stand on end, and she could not stop shaking.

Carrie did not even feel so much hate for Bethany when she insulted and tortured her. The resentment she felt at this moment was overwhelming.

Her red eyes were filled with tears as she contemplated what to do. Carrie gritted her teeth and decided to rush into the ACE club.

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