Chapter 381

Vincent led Bella and Ada to the lounge backstage, where the trio enjoyed a glass of champagne and talked.

After a long chat, Ada’s agent called her for an important interview.

With her gone, Vincent and Bella were the only ones left in the lounge.

“I haven’t seen you in three years. How have you been doing, Alexa?” Vincent looked at her tenderly, his eyes reflecting the affection of a mentor. There was nothing romantic between them.

“As you can see, nothing has changed much.” Bella spread her arms apart and smiled relaxedly.

“You have matured a lot in the last three years. I can see it in your eyes. Where have you gone? Did you find inspiration all around the world?” Noticing the crease etched between her brows, Vincent asked worriedly.

“I didn’t travel. I’ve been to the farmer’s market and back for three years. The passion’s long gone.” Bella sighed with sadness in her eyes.

“You’re funny as always.”

Vincent clinked glasses with her and asked with a smile, “When are you planning to reveal that you’re Alexa? It’s a shame to hide that dazzling side of you.”

“I want to, but I have more important things to do. Revealing it might invite unnecessary problems too. Whenever I’m going to unveil my identity, I must make it valuable and meaningful. I need to land it at the precise moment for the maximum impact.”

“True, I’ve known you long enough to know that you always focus on maximizing your efforts.”

Vincent chuckled warmly. “We’re long-time friends. Don’t be a stranger. Talk to me if something’s bothering you.”

Bella responded with a smile, understanding what he was trying to say. “Someone always wanted to be an exclusive part of AX. The sudden drop in sales recently seems to be linked to their bad management.”

Vincent nodded, listening intently. “Ms. Thompson, it seems Ms. Young has something to do with the declining market. She has been throwing her weight around, but now it’s obvious there’s something more.”

Bella shrugged gracefully. “Do what makes you happy. In my view, the way you’ve handled everything has been impressive. It’s your decision, and no matter what, I’ll support you.”

With the show beginning, Vincent left the lounge with Bella.

The pair had not gotten far when a husky voice was heard.


Bella’s heart skipped a beat, and she looked back with a frown.

Justin walked toward her against the light with a long face. The man gave Vincent a dirty look as he drew close, and Vincent got the hint. He chuckled and asked Bella, “Is he a friend of yours, Ms. Thompson?”

“A friend? As if.” Bella sneered, but she was bewildered.

Justin was a proud and aloof man, a stark contrast to the outgoing Ryan. Thus, Justin was never keen on attending such events. It was unlike him to attend a jewelry show.

Ha. Bella believed it probably had to do with his foolish, mean, and clingy little admirer.

Justin strode toward them, his eyes fixated on Bella.

“Ms. Thompson, aren’t you going to introduce me to this man here?”

“I doubt that’s necessary, Mr. Salvador. The Salvador Corporation doesn’t dabble in jewelry. I don’t think you and Mr. Anderson mingle in the same social circle.” Bella declined indifferently, reluctant to waste pleasantries on him.

Justin pursed his lips.

Despite the setback, Justin did not back down. Instead, he courteously extended his hand to Vincent.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson.”

“Likewise, Mr. Salvador. I didn’t think you knew Ms. Thompson.” Vincent shook his hand with composure.

“I guess you aren’t close with Ms. Thompson.” Justin narrowed his eyes dangerously. “If you two were close, you would know who I am to Ms. Thompson.”

Vincent furrowed his brows, feeling the strong grip from the man’s handshake. The pair put their muscle power into the handclasp.

Justin had no idea what had gotten into him. He was not the immature and restless type.

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