Chapter 374

Chapter 374

Justin added, “Shannon is manipulative and cunning. I’m worried they

will harm you, so I came to give you a heads-up.”

Hiding the emotions behind her eyes, Bella turned away from him.

“That’s all I want to say. I shouldn’t keep you from your work.”

Justin took a long, hard look at her back before turning to leave.

“Hold on, Justin.” Bella stopped him.

With his heart skipping a beat, the man turned back around.

“Why are you telling me this? You, of all people, understand the grand scheme of things. Anybody from the Salvador Corporation can boost

the Salvador Hotel’s influence and reputation by winning Ada over.

That was what you have been planning.”

Bella looked at him skeptically. “So why are you doing this now?”

“I want you to win.”

Justin stared at Bella with clear and sincere eyes. Having been in the

business for over a decade, the sentiment was a rare sight.

“Why do you want me to win?”

“We were once married, after all.”

Bella sneered in disdain. “You weren’t nice to me in the three years we

were married, and now that we’re divorced, you want to talk about commitment? Are you kidding me, Mr. Salvador? Bye now. Don’t hit

your head on the way out.”

It still hurt as bad the second time around.

Justin cleared his throat, choking on the piece of dessert stuck there. He could barely breathe.

Night fell at the Hoffmans’ residence.

Zoe gave Bethany a call, telling her to come over to her place. She

had an important matter to discuss.

The ladies arrived at Zoe’s private piano room and shut the door

béhind them.

“Why did you want to see me so late, Zoe?” Bethany asked curiously.

“It has been five days since KS World Hotel announced their

collaboration with Ada. Have you figured out a way to get the bitch?”

Folding her arms in front of her chest, Zoe asked sternly.

Bethany was a snobby princess. Only Shannon could speak to her with that tone, so she did not take it well when Zoe came at her. She

murmured peevishly, “It’s only been five days. I’m not God. Ideas take


“Tsk… You’re lost without me.”

Zoe gave Bethany a contemptuous look, but she loved to be superior intellectually. Clearing her throat, she went to her piano, lifted the cover, and pulled a document from under it. She threw it near

Bethany’s feet.


Though insulted, Bethany dared not show it on her face. She gritted her teeth and picked up the document.

Attached was a picture of a young woman and her personal


“Who is she?” Bethany was confused.

“She’s Xena Gordon, a reporter for an online news portal, Headlines.” Sitting behind the piano, Zoe pressed the keys absentmindedly.

“Headlines? I never heard of it.”

Zoe wagged her finger. “It’s just shitty media. That’s not the point, -though. Take a closer look at the woman’s family information.”

Bethany blinked and read the document with a frown.

“Xena Gordon. Her father is Michael Gordon. Michael Gordon… That

sounds familiar. Where have I heard the name before?”

“Michael Gordon is the former vice president of KS World Hotel. He

conspired with Zeke Gold to embezzle the hotel’s procurement funds, but Bella caught him and sent him to jail. He got less than two years,

but his career is gone,” Zoe said with a smile, propping her chin over

her hand.

“Woah. The grudge runs deep.”

It then hit Bethany, and she jolted up from the sofa. “Xena must be

bitter about it. I bet she resents Bella.

“Her father wouldn’t be ruined and jailed if it wasn’t for that bitch.”

Zoe sighed and glanced at Bethany in disdain.

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