Chapter 296

Chapter 296

The sensational scandal surrounding the Golds spread rapidly across the internet. The top trending topic online was no longer the news of Justin and Rosalind’s engagement. Instead, it was dominated by hashtags like #RosalindGoldsIllegitimate Daughter and #


The chaotic scene at the birthday banquet leaked and spread like wildfire. Rosalind’s hysterical outburst, resembling a madwoman, and the unexpected exposure of her half-naked appearance became the story’s highlights.

Under the posts, Rosalind faced a barrage of mockery and insults. Many netizens expressed their disgust at the actions of a woman who abandoned her daughter to climb the social ladder. Some even created petitions, calling for legal consequences for Rosalind’s cruel acts.

[She doesn’t even recognize her daughter and abandons her overseas without care. Can she even be considered a human being? Even dogs protect their pups! Rosalind isn’t even as good as a dog!]

[Dog: Don’t get me involved!]

[Heard that Justin left his wife for this trash? Wow.]

[Justin proves with strength that he has shit in his eyes and gas in his brain! I haven’t seen his ex-wife, but I bet any woman is better than Rosalind!]

[Ex-wife: Better than Rosalind? Haha, baseless rumors!]

[Heard Justin and Rosalind were childhood sweethearts? Childhood sweethearts are trouble. I’ll be careful whenever I see those four words in the future!]

[Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard! It’s so damn melodramatic! Can we get a talented director to turn this into a drama? My mom and I would love to watch it!]

Ruining someone’s reputation seemed easy at first glance. However, perhaps only a few brothers from the Thompson family knew that, from discovery to revelation, Bella meticulously planned every step to push Rosalind from the pinnacle of glory to her darkest


She had always been the calmest and seldom acted impulsively. But once she took action, she ensured her enemies would never rise again!

At this moment, the entrance of the Salvador Hotel was swarmed by crowds of onlookers, journalists, and police cars, causing a complete standstill. When Jean appeared before


her face was ashen, and her legs were weak and unsteady. She couldn’t stand up and was dragged to the police car by two officers.

Many in the crowd were excited to witness a police arrest and eagerly recorded videos to be shared on social media platforms.

Across the street, Asher and Axel sat in their Rolls-Royce. They slowly raised the car window, concealing their success at taking care of everything for their younger sister.

“Ash, I’d been thinking of asking you to buy internet trolls to stir discussion about the Gold family mother and daughter. But looking at this, it’s unnecessary. The public is very enthralled in this matter.”

Axel was scrolling through the comments about Rosalind. His eyes bore a striking resemblance to those of their fourth brother, Drew.

“Hmm?” Asher raised the coffee cup to his lips, his eyes carrying a hint of annoyance. “Ax, you’re good in many ways, but this habit of taking advantage is ridiculous. Can’t you change a bit? You’re Wyatt Thompson’s son. Do you know how much I would have to pay just for some internet trolls? Eighteen million. In your eyes, it’s like loose change, right?”

“Wow! Brother, are you saying I’m stingy?! Since we were children, I’ve generously spent ‘money like there’s no tomorrow on Bella. When have I ever been stingy?” Axel widened his eyes, feeling a bit dissatisfied.

“Yes, but I’ve never seen you be generous to anyone besides Bella.”

Asher elegantly sipped his coffee, teasing him as usual, “But this time, isn’t it for Bella?”

Axel’s eyes flickered, and he chuckled. “Ash, didn’t we handle this matter together this time? You took the lead, so you get the most credit. I can’t steal your thunder. Besides, I’m younger, and you’re older. It’s only natural for you to protect me! Just consider it as showing me some sympathy, okay?”

Asher smiled helplessly, patting him gently on the head. “Being a prosecutor all these years hasn’t been for nothing. You’re much smarter than before.”

Axel scratched his head and suddenly remembered something. Just as he was about to take out his phone, it rang.

“Hey! True brothers think alike. I was thinking of contacting Ralph, and here he is calling me!”

Axel quickly put the call on speaker and smiled, “Ralph, how’s the situation on your end?”

“I’ve already sent someone to apprehend Jean. As you mentioned, the person who harmed Bella will also be brought back to the police station.” Ralph’s hoarse voice, filled with resentment, came through from the other end. “Rest assured, I won’t let that bastard have a good day!”

Mila Larson, Wyatt’s second wife, had two sons and a daughter. Wyatt’s fifth son, Hugh Thompson, was the chief pilot. His sixth daughter, Camillia, married a foreigner and was currently a senator’s wife with the prospect of becoming the future First Lady of Sentania.

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