Chapter 282

Chapter 282

Christopher prepared a special Omakase dinner for Bella, indulging her love for surprises. The air- flown bluefin tuna had a smooth and delicious texture. The tempura was perfectly

balanced with a crispy exterior and tender interior, while the sashimi was remarkably fresh and velvety.

Each dish was exceptional and stood out as Bella savored the delicious food and drank some wine. She was re-energized and loosened up to Christopher.

Christopher was highly knowledgeable in various subjects and found a kindred spirit in Bella, who also shared his knowledge. They discussed literature, music, and even games. There was virtually no topic that Mr. Iverson could not engage in.

What surprised Bella the most was their shared interest in an online game. They both preferred the role of the primary attacker. Bella’s enthusiasm soared when discussing games. Her face flushed with excitement, and her delicate hands were gesturing in the air as she spoke, revealing a side of her that was particularly lively.

Christopher smiled indulgently as he let Bella take the lead in the conversation. After a satisfying meal, the two strolled out of the restaurant together. Christopher didn’t bring up collaboration during the enjoyable banquet, and their conversation remained casual, leaving Bella feeling a bit awkward.

As they were getting ready to say goodbye, Christopher seemed to anticipate what she was about to ask and said, “Bella, regarding the collaboration with Rose Manor, you can send me the proposal whenever you’re ready. Once we review it, we can proceed with signing the contract.”

“Christopher,” Bella paused for a moment, speaking in a gentle tone, “You chose to

collaborate with me instead of the Salvadors today. I have a feeling that you did it to help me get back at Justin and make him suffer a little.”

Christopher remained noncommittal, his expression carrying a faint smile as he looked at her. Bella continued, “Remember, the business world isn’t a game. It’s all about looking out for your own interests.”

After a brief pause, she added, “It’s important to consider your own interests. I hope you’ll be careful and not let personal relationships sway your decision when choosing a business partner. While I do have some issues with Justin, I won’t take advantage of anyone. As for the collaboration with Rose Manor, since he’s also interested, I suggest you review both our proposals and choose the better one through fair competition.”

As Bella departed Rose Manor, her mind was filled with contemplation. After much reflection, she still felt that collaborating with Christopher in this way wasn’t quite right. While she considered the possibility of benefiting from Salvador’s actions, Bella found it hard to justify acquiring resources through her relationship with Christopher.

She felt uneasy about achieving success by relying on a man, something that went against her personal values as a young lady who, except for her father and brothers, avoided depending on


As they were discussing, Christopher looked deeply into Bella’s clear eyes and nodded with smile, saying, “Yes, that makes sense.” However, Bella was still unsure about collaborating

Christopher added, “But even if Justin presents a plan to me, I will still choose you.”

Bella was left speechless. It seemed like Christopher didn’t listen to anything she had said earlier!

Christopher smiled playfully and responded, “Bella, I understand your concerns. However, everyone has their own unique approach, and mine is to work together with acquaintances. I am not familiar with Justin, so I will not choose him. Bella, we have known each other for a long time, and it feels like we are old friends. Therefore, I choose you.”

Bella listened as he spoke. His words were not unusual, yet they seemed to convey a deep sense of sincerity, almost like a confession. She blinked, feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment wash over her.

In response, Bella said, “I appreciate the high regard you hold for me, and rest assured, I will do my best to not let you down. However, due to recent matters at my hotel, the proposal may take a little longer than expected. I hope you understand.” Bella spoke with a cooperative and courteous tone, indicating that she no longer had any reservations.

Christopher opened the door to Bella’s car and said, “No worries. Take your time. It’s chilly, so you should head home soon.” Bella waved goodbye and settled into the car, but Christopher leaned in and looked at her through the window. She asked in surprise, “Is there something wrong?”

Christopher replied, “Today at Rose Manor, Justin wanted to talk to me privately. Aren’t you curious about what we discussed?”

Christopher had anticipated that Bella would bring up a certain topic during dinner, but he was mistaken. Bella laughed, exhibiting a confident smile, and stated, “I have no interest in knowing. I am finished with Justin, and whatever he says has no bearing on me.” With that, she bade him farewell and departed.

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