Justin said, "The longer blood sits, the harder it is to wash out. So I am washing it first, and then Wilma can use the washing machine to give it another wash."

Bella was astonished to see Justin with a large bucket and a small stool. His long legs bent awkwardly as he vigorously scrubbed the sheets and quilt. His tall, imposing figure looked somewhat comical in that position.

"Mr. Salvador, you can actually do laundry?" Bella's eyes sparkled as if she had discovered a new world.

"I have always known how."

Justin quickly scrubbed the bloodstains clean and smiled faintly. "When I was in military school, who do you think washed my clothes? Do you think I had Wilma over there?"

Seeing how efficiently he worked, Bella ran over, throwing herself onto his back and hugging his neck tightly, feeling a warm sensation in her heart.

"Don't be naughty, especially now that it's that time of the month." Justin wanted to return her embrace, but his hands were covered in soap, and he did not want to dirty her. "Justin... I love you." Bella could not help but confess, her cherry lips barely parting.

Justin's heart raced, and a wave of warmth filled his deep, dark eyes. He turned his face to kiss her cheek and softly responded, "I love you too. Very much."

Indeed, sharing a bed did not necessarily make two people fall in love. Although they were born into affluent families, they both longed for the simplest, most ordinary life.

After all the fuss, Bella was suffering from painful cramps. She cried out in discomfort. Justin sacrificed his sleep, holding her and tirelessly massaging her abdomen, trying every possible method to make her feel better.

"In the future, will you still indulge in cold things? Hmm?" He pinched her waist lightly, his low, magnetic voice tinged with a hint of reproach.

"Ugh... I can't quit it. I just like cold things." Bella pouted stubbornly.

"Bella, be good and listen, alright? Drinking cold things is bad for girls on their period." Unable to argue with her, Justin resorted to gentle persuasion.

"So what if it's bad? I'm not having kids anyway..."

Bella, who was half-asleep, spoke casually and unwittingly pierced Justin's heart with her words.

"Bella, I know you are still upset... I will find a way. I will try everything."

Justin's chest tensed, his breath heavy as he held her tightly, his eyes slowly filling with tears. "Medicine is very advanced now. There will be a way."

Bella felt his strong grip as if he

wanted to merge her into his body, and she panted from the pressure. "Justin, you're overthinking it I didn't mean it like that."

"Having a child is not important. What is important is that we love each other and are together. Did you not say that I was your baby? Is it not enough to have this baby clinging to you and bothering you? Wouldn't another little kid just annoy you? I certainly would be annoyed."

The more she comforted him, the more guilty he felt. Justin's throat felt choked, rendering him speechless.

The couple rested until the afternoon. When Bella felt a bit better, she suggested they go back to Hatchbay to visit Wyatt.

On the way, Justin placed a heating pad on her belly and handed her a thermos cup filled with hot tea.

"There's no cold water now, and no urine either. Please have a sip of something warm, my lady."

Bella sighed and reluctantly took a sip, but she did feel much better afterward.

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