Chapter 589 Normal People Who Like

Livia turned around to look at Nicole Livia was dressed differently from yesterday, and she looked more stern and decisive. However, the cold brightness of her aura still made her unforgettable to people. "Ms. Stanton, sorry for intruding, but do you have a moment?"

Nicole lowered her eyes in thought. She had nothing to do with Livia, but she did feel heartache for what Livta experienced. They had both gone through very similar experiences. "Come in."


Logan went over to push open the office door, and Nicole and Livia went in one after another

"Would you like something to drink?"

Coffee, please."

Nicole took a seat and subconsciously glanced at the computer. The situation of the opening stock market was extraordinarily clear on the chart.

Most conspicuously, the Ludwig family's stock had been plummeting. In just a few minutes, hundreds of millions had cvaporated.

Livia's dress today was very professional, looking like a capable and experienced woman in the workplace, in line with her identity as a lawyer.

"Ms. Lehman, did you need something from me today?"

Livia smiled and hesitated for a few seconds.

"I do, actually. I want to ask for your help, Ms. Stanton."

Nicole raised her brows. "Go on,"

"Ms. Stanton, I'm sure that you're aware that everyone now knows what I did last night. Although my law firm is established, no one is coming to my door out of consideration to the Ludwig family's reputation. If this goes on, I will have to close down my firm in less than a month."

Livia smiled self-deprecatingly. "I know that you also endured an unhappy

marriage before. In that aspect, we're fellow sufferers who empathize with each other. However, I don't have the same strength as you. My family was bankrupted by Keith Ludwig and has no strength to fight back. Last night's farce was my final counterattack."

Nicole's heart could not help but quiver, but she continued to smile.

The Ludwigs have lost several hundred million just as the market opened today, and their losses will soon reach a billion. Ms. Lehman, don't underestimate your ability."

"I came here this tine to shamelessly ask for your help, no. Stanton. If you come forward to invest in my firm, no one will care about the influence of the Ludwig family."

The only way to eliminate the influence of the Ludwig family was to find someone who was stronger and did not care about the Ludwigs.

Nicole Stanton was the best choice.

The room was silent for a few seconds.

Nicole immediately understood the purpose of Livia's visit.

Although the Ludwig family lost their reputation at the wedding banquet, the gentry circle rejected outsiders and was quick to forget. Belore long, the quiet and obscure Ms. Lehman would become a thing of the past, and the Ludwig family would just have another scandal added to their name

How many wealthy families out there did not have a single scandal?

Livia needed her own career if she wanted to live to her potential. O

Nicole did not see any problem with it. It was as easy as her raising her hand.

Sure, no problem."

Livia was a little surprised. "J-Just like that?

Nicole smiled. "Since you dared to take this step, it means that you're much braver than me. I just have to be careful to make sure that our families don't fall out with each other, but you've done what I always wanted to do. I'll certainly support

you a hundred times over."

Livia was no longer ill at ease and smiled while breathing a sigh of relief

"Thank you."

Nicole pondered for a few seconds. "But I think that since you started a business in a high profile, you can't close it in a low profile. It's better to find a way to promote the law firm High-society ladies and celebrities, as well as other people should be contacted to expand you clientele. That way, you won't be restricted, and you don't have to worry about not having clients

Livia looked at her shock. Being able to casually say such a professional plan made her admire Nicole even more in her heart

Nicole pondered, leaned back in her chair, and casually drew a circle in the air with a pen.

"Advertising costs money, but according to the current market situation, the most cost-efficient method would be to be your own spokesperson. With the current trend, it'll be great if you're liked by the Nicole's thoughts darted out and her eyes suddenly flashed. She smiled.

"Why don't I produce a variety show where divorce single women develop their careers? It'll definitely resonate well. What do you think?"

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