Chapter 488 Surprised and Delighted

Nicole could not read Lil Michael's thoughts, so she said, "Of course, I don't mind."

Lil Michael looked disappointed, but after seeing Tigger, he rejuvenated his spirit and hugged Tigger excitedly without letting go.

They soon arrived at the restaurant. Lil Michael did not rush to get out of the car. Instead, he acted mysteriously and asked Nicole and his father to go in first. The restaurant was quiet. It looked like it had been bought out in advance. Clayton was a gentleman and walked to the front to pull out the chair for Nicole.

The table was lit with candles. The atmosphere was beautiful and ambiguous. A few minutes later.

Lil Michael excitedly came over with a shoebox-sized box and a big bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Nicole saw the flowers and wanted to DO faint Tamm.

Clayton also did not expect his son to bring bereavement flowers. He froze for a moment and thought that this kid really hid it well. He seemed to regret tagging along at this moment.

For a while, the two adults were nervous. Lil Michael ran over cheerfully with his short little legs and raised the bouquet of white chrysanthemums.

"Pretty Lady, may you always be as fresh and beautiful as your favorite flowers!" For a moment, the situation seemed a little strange.

Clayton looked away, trying to pretend not to hear or see this scene.

This is not my son!' After about two seconds of awkward silence, Nicole took the flowers with a smile so as not to discourage the child's enthusiasm and goodwill. "Thanks, Lil Michael. I love it..." Nicole simply placed it on the other side with the candle. The further away, the better. She felt a headache coming on. Lil Michael excitedly took out the shoebox -sized gift box and opened it straight away. SO "I collected colorful gemstones all over the world and made this mosaic photo for you, Pretty Lady! It's very unique!" LOOO Nicole saw a gold photo frame that was simply extravagant.

The picture was a candid photo of Nicole that they took while traveling in France. Every inch of the photo was divided into different color modules and had a gradient from light to dark.

The mosaic was made with all kinds of colorful square-shaped gemstones that were of the same size. The slightly raised angles from the thickness glistened in the light. It was flashy, cool, and sharp. Z It was an old-fashioned way of showing wealth.

Nicole was knowledgeable on gemstones and knew that it was certainly not an easy feat to collect so many natural stones and feat to collect so ma natural stones and polish them to the same size.

Doing so would also mean that there would be a lot of residue material. She did not allow Lil Michael to give her gold before, so he started to give her gems instead.

This photo was truly the most valuable picture in the world! 1000 Looking at Nicole's surprised face, Lil Michael felt proud. "Pretty Lady, do you like it so much that you don't know what to say?" Nicole's hand trembled slightly as she subconsciously looked at the boy.

She did not know how to reject it because it was her own picture, but this gift was too expensive to accept. Clayton coughed on the side. "Ms. Stanton, you can accept it without worries since it's Lil Michael's heart. Compared to his life, this is nothing." Lil Michael nodded solemnly.

"Yes, it's nothing!" nothing! After a few seconds of silence, Nicole nodded her head, "Okay, thanks, Lil Michael. I like this gift very much." Nicole casually put the photo next to the bouquet. For a moment, she felt that something was wrong The flowers, photo, and candle next to it...

She felt a lump in her throat. Tigger, who sensed Nicole's emotions, jumped up on the table and used his tail to casually sweep the flowers onto the floor, then walked around to make a mess. Lil Michael was annoyed and pulled Tigger down by the neck. "Little tiger, you're a fake! Don't create trouble here!" "No, I'm a real tiger!"

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