Chapter 463 Give Upon

Nicole Ivy Harrison said, "Mr. Ferguson, it's really nice to meet you." She knew that the woman who was prettier than most celebrities earlier was Eric Ferguson's ex-wife. That woman was truly more dazzling in person.

Nicole and Eric's entanglement was buzzing on the internet, but Ivy did not mind. Since they were already divorced, there was nothing to worry about. Although Ivy could not compare with that woman in terms of family background, she was willing to bow down and obey him as long as she could marry him.

In her opinion, no man liked women who were too powerful. Ivy's initiative to greet Eric received no response. When she looked up, she saw that Eric's cold gaze was always focused in one direction, at Nicole and Clayton.

Ivy gritted her teeth and took a step to forward "I'll push you to rest elsewhere?" Before her hand touched his wheelchair, Eric spoke in an icy voice, "Don't touch me." Her hand paused mid-air. Eric's tone was indifferent and devoid of warmth.

"No one is allowed to touch where she touched."

Eric would not allow anyone to erase Nicole's traces on his wheelchair that she touched earlier, especially not a woman. Ivy's face instantly flushed with shame and embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry." After apologizing, Ivy had no intention of leaving either. She retracted her hand apprehensively and bit her lower lip. "Mr. Ferguson, shall I get you something to eat then?" Eric knitted his brows and tried his best to suppress the impatience in his eyes.

. "No need." gi Eric could only tolerate Eli Harrison's character because they were business partners, but Eric did not have the habit of attending to a partner's daughter, especially since Eli Harrison was so insensitive to offend Nicole earlier.

At that moment, Eric's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was old Master Ferguson. After a slight pause, he swept a glance at Ivy Harrison. Ivy immediately understood and retreated three meters away.

He picked up the call. "Hello?" O "After so long, have you had any results with Nicole Stanton?" Old Master Ferguson's voice was old, hoarse, and strong Sc Eric's face turned slightly cold. "Why?" Old Master Ferguson grunted.

"I thought about it. You put aside the company's matters and wasted so much time on this Umupuuru company matters and wasted much time on this woman. If it still comes to nothing, then just forget it. It's better to cut the losses.

A marriage alliance with the Stanton family isn't our only option anyway. If this continues, others will take us as a laughing stock!" Eric's eyes were bitterly cold with a layer of frost. "Impossible.' It was impossible for him to give up on Nicole. Even if it was a lost cause, Eric would not hesitate to lose his entire fortune for her.

☐☐☐ O Old Master Ferguson was fuming. "How long are you going to stay dumb for a woman?!" "Is there anything else?" Eric's voice was clear and cold, not wanting to listen to his grandfather's lecture again. Old Master Ferguson said, "I don't care what you think. Ferguson Corporation can't be destroyed in the hands of a woman! I have put out the word that I intend to seek a match for you.

Many people are willing to reach out to us. Let me remind you, don't get hung up on one woman.' Eric's eyes were cold as hell. "Besides Nicole, I don't want anyone!" O "Bastard! Don't get blinded by her.

The Chairman of Harrison Corporation from Western Mediania called me first thing in the morning. He has a pretty daughter that grew up abroad, who's willing to join hands in marriage. Although they're not as good as Stanton Corporation, they're our old partners and have a decent family background.

When there's an opportunity, I'll arrange for you two to meet." Old Master Ferguson's words were resolute.

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