Chapter 436 Are You Going Too?

Nicole finished her phone call, opened her laptop, and checked her emails.

There were so many documents to deal with every day. Logan would filter out the important ones for her in the mailbox and deal with the rest on her behalf.

Nicole sent Logan a message reminding him of a few things that were more urgent, including J&L Corporation's project. She was not confident that Tucker would be able to handle everything.

While Nicole was busy with work, Tigger jumped into her lap. It held up its head with its front little paws, looking extremely adorable. > "Mama, I miss Papa... Nicole, who was about to hug Tigger, froze and glared at it instead.

"Why do you even miss him?!" Tigger twitched its whiskers. Io "It's my emotional interaction setting that Molly Stewart designed.

I need to think of Mama and Papa ten times a day think of Mama and pa ten times a day in order to cultivate deep feelings...' Nicole laughed lightly. 'Even feelings can be controlled with Al, huh?' She stroked its little head.

"Then why don't you think of others? For example, Kai and my father?" Kai heard this and wagged its tail. It spoke proudly.

"Grampy said that I'm the most well-behaved child in the Stanton family, much better than that little brat Kai!" Nicole could not help but laugh. Floyd always dissed Kai in front of Tigger. While chatting with Tigger, she got some work done and started to pack her suitcase. The light rain lasted the whole night and the sky cleared up the next morning. Even the air smelled sweet. The sunlight through the gauze curtain left a golden afterglow in the room.

Since Nicole did not have to go to work, she had flexible timing and woke up naturally When Nicole opened her eyes, it was already past 9:00 am. She slowly went to freshen up, get dressed, and put on some light

There were no messages on her phone. Nicole suddenly remembered that she did not set a time with Eric or her father last night.

Thus, Nicole dawdled around, sat on the balcony to meditate, and relaxed her body. o When she walked out of her room, it was already 11:00 am. As soon as she got to the stairs, she could hear voices coming from

Floyd said, "Lil N was busy with work until midnight and got up early this morning for a meeting. Sigh... She really works so hard....")) Nicole paused in her footsteps and felt a little guilty for waking up past 9:00 am. She could hear Kai laughing on the side without saying a word. Eric's voice was light, patient, and courteous. "Nicole's excellence comes from her natural talent and hard work. That's why she has achieved so much today..." "Right, right, right..." Floyd could not agree

Nicole could not stand listening to it anymore. 'What is this, a commendation meeting?!' She hurriedly went downstairs with quick steps. Kai sat on the sofa and smiled lazily. "Yo, our young lady finally got up?" Nicole shot him a look, ignored him, and was a little dumbfounded when she saw To everyone there. "Oh, you're all here... I just got out of a meeting...")) She lied so naturally without batting an eye. Floyd was very satisfied with her answer. Nicole could totally fool anyone with

"Good morning, Ms. Stanton!" Surprisingly, Toto was there. Surprisingly, Toto was there. Nicole nodded in greeting. Lil Michael was sitting obediently next to Clayton. He looked less energetic like he had been reprimanded beforehand. The moment Lil Michael saw Nicole, his eyes lit up. He looked at his father and kept his butt glued to the sofa while he felt a little stuffy in the chest. Eric glanced at the Patek Philippe on his wrist and said, "It's about time. Let's

Michael shot up. "Okay! Let's go! Yay! I'm going on a trip with my pretty lady!" Eric's face faintly stiffened. "You're going too?" O "Yeah!" e Eric looked at the boy quizzically. "How can Mr. Sloan feel assured that you're going alone?" Clayton frowned and said indifferently, Right, I don't feel assured with him going alone, so I'll be tagging along."

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