Chapter 429 We're Not Close

Before Keith got on the cruise ship, he saw a few of the latest Ferraris parked on the shore, one of which he had his eyes on for a long time but did not manage to book. Keith admitted that he was jealous. "Nicole, did you guys come here in those Ferraris just now?" Nicole looked at him and smiled indifferently as she flipped her hair back. The diamond earrings on her ear sparkled. "No, we came in a helicopter." Keith was speechless. Not far away, Miles Kavanagh and Nathaniel walked in. When Nicole saw them, she went over to greet them. Nathaniel glanced at Eric and shook his head. "My second uncle is so useless.

He became a cripple but still can't get the girl )) Miles said, "Mr. Ferguson's situation is special." Otherwise, with Eric's conditions, any woman would be soft-hearted and fall for him in an instant. However, the woman was Nicole. Nicole looked at them and smiled. "It's been a long time! How are you guys?" Nathaniel looked bitter.

"Since you left the show, it's not as popular anymore. Someone even copied our model, so now my future's in danger...") Miles hooked his lips. "I'm fine." Nicole nodded.

"I'm glad that you guys are okay. 'Did she just ignore me?!' Nathaniel was speechless. 'What did I complain about then?! The three of them walked to the deck to get some air. The night breeze was cool and blew her hair. It was very relaxing. Nathaniel tried to get Nicole to be a guest on the show and make an appearance from time to time so that it would bring them time to time so that would bring more hype. However, he talked until his throat went dry, but Nicole still refused. Nicole swirled around the wine in her glass. The moonlight reflected in the dark red liquid as it gave off a rich and fragrant aroma. She raised her eyebrows and smiled at Miles, who was looking at her with a smile.

Not far away, Lil Michael ran over excitedly "Pretty Lady!" Nicole looked up and saw Clayton talking to Floyd She stroked Lil Michael's head and said in a gentle voice, "Lil Michael, you came too, huh?" Lil Michael happily hugged her legs and fumbled for something in his pockets. "Pretty Lady, this is your gift!" Nicole looked down and instantly froze. Lil Michael was holding several gold bars. 'Gold bars?! The gold bars shone brightly in the night. The gold bars shone ightly in the night. It was clearly expensive and extravagant.

Nicole pursed her lips and looked at Lil Michael helplessly. 'Where did this child learn his spending habits from?!' Nathaniel and Miles, who were standing next to Nicole, were also dumbfounded. Nicole looked at Lil Michael and said seriously, "Lil Michael, you should just give me white chrysanthemums in the future, okay?" She would rather accept white chrysanthemums than such expensive gifts from a little boy. Lil Michael scratched his head in confusion. "Pretty Lady, do you not like it?" 'Didn't she like that big gold bracelet I got her? Nanny said that gold bars are classy... 2 Nicole chuckled. "I prefer chrysanthemums..." Lil Michael looked at her with a smirk." a Okay!" He dashed away in a flash to search the entire ship for white chrysanthemums so that he could give them to his pretty lady

. Nathaniel said, "Tsk, tsk... Nikki, you even charmed such a small kid?!' Nicole raised an eyebrow. "What can I say ... I can't help that I'm so lovable..." "Haha!" The butler hurried in from outside. He saw the two people behind her and spoke i na whisper. "Miss, there's a woman outside who insists on seeing you, but I don't know who she is." Mr. Anderson knew all her friends, but he had never seen the woman outside before. Nicole frowned in surprise and put down the glass she was holding "I'll go and check it out." Nicole walked out with a smile and saw the bodyguard blocking the woman outside. Coincidentally, it was Melanie. 'Huh...' Huh... Melanie's eyes lit up when she saw Nicole. 2 "Ms. Stanton, I finally met you! I've been looking for you for the past few days...'" Nicole pursed her lips and guessed what Melanie came for. Miles Kavanagh! Nicole's face was expressionless. "I'm not close with you." Melanie was a little embarrassed. "Well, we've met before, and you're the only one who can help me now."

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