Chapter 401 Who's Warning Who?

Lucy thought, "Mr. Ferguson wants to Send me to the Philippines?! That'd be torture compared with my workload now! Will I still be able to come back? Did he hear what I said on the call earlier?'

Her panic spread from the soles of her feet to the top of her head as she trembled.

She knew very well how fond Eric was o fNicole now. Eric was also a man of his word.

Lucy quickly called Quinn and pleaded in tears.

In less than an hour, Quinn rushed over in a rage.

She just so happened to bump into Nicole, who was planning to go out shopping

Quinn entered the door fuming. Without a second thought, she pointed a t Nicole and scolded, "You vixen! You're already divorced yet you're still seducing my son?! We let you reconcile, but you're pretending to be unhappy and unwilling, yet here you are now! How shameless can you be?"

Nicole looked at Quinn with a cold gaze. Sure enough, Quinn was as loathsome a sever!

"Mrs. Ferguson, I hope that you'll be a bit more respectful with your words. Don't think that I'll give in to you just because you're older."

Quinn turned livid. Nicole simply had n O manners!

She was used to bossing Nicole around in the past. She thought that Nicole would not retaliate, but Nicole did. Quinn found that she could not fight against Nicole at all.

Quinn found it most unacceptable that a woman like Nicole actually dared tog o against her.

Lucy hurriedly went over to Quinn and wept.

"Madam, Mr. Ferguson wants to send me off to the Philippines. You have to help me..."

Quinn sneered and looked at Lucy.

"Don't worry. With me around, no one will be able to send you away. You can stay here with confidence. Even if a certain someone doesn't want to see you, you can stay anyway!" Nicole rolled her eyes. 'Did Quinn have some sort of persecutory delusions? Did she think that I requested Lucy to leave?

However, Nicole was not bothered to explain, let alone waste time here with a

nold shrew

Nicole took her purse and got ready to leave.

However, Quinn did not plan on letting Nicole leave so easily.

She stepped forward to stop Nicole," Nicole, I'm warning you, Don't try to do anything to my son. Do you think that no one knows what you're up to?" Nicole raised an eyebrow. "What am I u

p to?"

"You want to kill my son! You made him eat random medication. I'm keeping an eye on you!"

"Who are you keeping an eye on?" Eric's voice was frigid as he restrained his anger.

Mitchell was right behind Eric.

Quinn looked at Eric and went over eagerly. "Eric, this woman..."

"I told you before. If you cause trouble again, Ingrid won't be able to come back for another ten years."

His voice was devoid of warmth and carried a penetrating chill.

Quinn turned pale. She was infuriated and complained, "I'm doing this for your own good!"

"Save it." Eric gnashed his teeth when he said this.

Quinn pointed at Nicole. Her voice was hoarse, and her expression was vicious.

"Didn't you see how she treated me just now? Do you want me to grovel at her feet?"

Nicole laughed coldly and turned to look at Quinn.

"Mrs. Ferguson, my attitude is decent enough. You should stop expecting things to be the same as before, nor

should you try to find ways to step on me. Honestly, I'm considered generous for not getting even with you, so you should count your blessings."

Quinn's body shook with anger at her words.

"How dare you?! My son's leg is crippled to save you!"

"Yes, your son saved me, but what does that have to do with you? Should I be grateful to you? Don't you think that you're thinking too highly of yourself? Old Master Ferguson didn't even say anything, but you came all the way here to flaunt your presence."

"Nicole Stanton, you dare to..."

"Mrs. Ferguson, it's fine if this maid doesn't go to the Philippines... In any case, I can always send her to the island that I was stranded on. It's certainly more interesting there..."

Nicole cast a light glance at Lucy as she spoke.

Her tone was sarcastic.

Lucy shuddered and turned pale with fear.

Nicole smiled and walked out the door slowly.

What a way to ruin my mood!'

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