Chapter 268 He Went to the South Pole for an Expedition

Thesouth Pole?!

Nicole's heart sank fiercely.

Itwas not certain If that explorer friend

"of his would survive or not, let alone"

expect him tocome and savethem.

That was just wishful thinking!

"SO,when a.iiwas said and done, there was"

still no hope?

Nicole turned pale. Nathaniel did hisown

thi ng and took out a lighter from his bag beforebegJnning to bo'llwater.

"""Then...Can you contact the outside"


Nath aniel gave her asincere look that

dlspell<'ll all her hope..


"""Haven'!you Ihoughl aboul how to leave"

"thl.s place?!""""

"I have.I thought tha1a foolwould come"

"here so that when someone comes 10her rescue,!hey can lake me along as well!In any case, I'm almost done with the content I'm looking for.""""" Nicole was speechless.

'Is he saying 1hat I'm a fool?!'

This knowledge completelydispelled her

joy.What atragedy!

"Nathaniel skillfully distilled the seawate.r,"

"then proceeded todistill the already distilled seawate.r. After repeating this process or distillation several times, he finally! his bead to laste it. He" took a sip and handed 1he rest to Nicole.

"11 Drink u,>!You haven'l hadwater for"

"severctl days, right?11"

"Nicole look i.""I h⚫ven 'I had anything 10"

"drink sincecoming hl!rc...""""

She still remembered that the last thing

shedrank before coming here was a glass ol rose handed to her by the Olght


Nicole chugged the distilled water in a

few gulps and looked at Nathaniel bashfully.

"11'fhere's nomore..."" She said sheepishly."

""""Next time then...11"

Itwas because she only brought a small

amount of seawater back!

Not much was left after distillation!

"11Did you have enough?"""

Nicole clearly saw that he did not drink


Nathaniel looked at Iter with raised

"eyebrows and sn1tled. 11For explorers like us, we can still live In theabsen<'e ol freshwaterand tools. "

"Jn extreme conditions, even urine couJd"

be a lifesaver.

"However, looking at Nicole'sdelicate"

"appearance, It seemed likeshewould rather d ie than rely on that to preserve"

her life.

"""Haveyou been disguising yourself asan"

"indigenous person theentire time you're here?,,"

Nicole could not help but ask. She did not

understand why those indigenous people wanted to roast her but did not do the

same to Nathaniel.

Nathaniel saw through her thoughts and


""""If you don't want to be their enemy, you"

can only be one of them. They're not too

"intelligeni, sothey can't really tell the dilference.""

Nicolenodded .'If only I met him earlier...'

She truly regretted that they mel so late! When Nicole remembered the scene of "her being roasted alive, the lingeringfear"

in her chest rose again.

She did not dareto think what would

happen i[not for the timely rai nstorm. she might have turned intoa pile of ashes

by now...

Nicole'sexpression w:as puzzled and


"""Then do you know why they wanted to"


11 It'sprobably a sacrifice. I once read in a

journal jointly published by some anthropologists from Europe and Africa that certain primitive tribes would

"usually o[[er up strange and unfamtllar things lo Lhe heavens. 'I'hal way, they'll gel blessings I[t hey send you to heaven. The ritual uses fire as a guide. Then, they"" 11give you their be.r food. When you eat

"the food, It means that you'll bless them"

"with more food later.IJUI If It falls halfway through, they have tostop"

Immediately. That's why I took you and

ran once it rained...11

Nicole pursed her lips. Itwas similar to

what Tigger said.

'Forget It... Ishouldn.'t think about such unhappy thoughts...'

This horrifying experience was one too

many in her lifetime!

Her originally gloomy mood improved

slightly. Thiswas probably the most

relaxed moment she had in the past few days. She smiled and sud denly remembered something important. She asked in slight "confusion, ""Is this island on the map?"""" "Logically s1>e⚫king, her family would not" stay put If somet hing happened to her.

If theyeould 1101 find her In the sea where

"the plane crashed, U1ey would"

unquestionably expa11d the search scope.

"However, it had been so many days, yet"

there was not a sing;le sign of someone coming to her rescue. It was as if she was forgotten by the whole world.

Nicole could not help but wonder if this

placetruly existed.

Nathaniel's expression was somewhat

heavy asbe sighed.

"ult is, but...11"

"ccaut what?"""""

"Nathaniel pondered and said, ""But this"

place is listed as an international forbidden That's because the

"surroundi ng seas hund reds of nautical miles from thisisland are olten infested with pirates. No rnatter which count ry's ships pass by, h would cause international disputes and huge losses." The pirates even blocked this place from

the satellite map with spcclal Instruments


Nkole was completel!Ispeechless.

It turned out that her situation could get


She felt likea huge boulder fell on her heart.

It was so heavy that she found it hard to breathe.

Everydme she felt that therewasa

"chance of survival, reaUry smashed head"

first Into her.

"O In other words, wecan't leave this place"

and have to continue staytng here...?u

The rescue helicopters and shipswould

"not search here, and theycenainlycould not exp<.<:t a group of pirates to rescue them eit her.'!'hey might as well be"

offerl'd up asa sacrilice by those

Indigenou⚫ people earlier...

Natha niel sensed tha.t t he atmosphere

was b«omtng a little gloomy.

Hegaveher a relaxed smUe.

""""Don'tworry, you're not alone.""""

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