The Demon Prince's Possession
Chapter 3 - Calcus


I managed to walk back into the bedroom a lot easier this time. Instead of dwelling on what I didn’t know, I studied the room I was held in against my will.

Two walls were painted a pristine white, while the other two were a deep, velvety black. The room was spacious and airy, with high ceilings and large windows that let in plenty of natural light. In the centre of the room stood a massive four-poster bed with silky midnight sheets.

In the corner of the room, beside the balcony doors, was a deep satin loveseat, the colour of deep blue. As I walked over to the balcony doors, I couldn’t help but notice the breathtaking view. The balcony overlooked what must be the entire Kingdom.

Surely I would remember the King and Queen of my country? But nothing came to mind.

I knew there were Angels and Demons, but which Kingdom was I in?

I heard stories of the Demons, and none of them were peachy. But considering I hadn’t been killed or tortured yet gave me hope I was with the Angels.

But that man I saw, the energy he gave off was nothing like any Angel; it was more Demonic.

I sat on the loveseat, peeking at the surprisingly averaged-sized bookshelf to the side. I plucked the first book I saw and opened it.

As I began to read, I became engrossed with the first words.

At least I knew I liked to read. Well, I did now.


I tried to fight it, but my Angel couldn’t overpower the darkness this time.

She wanted to leave.

Part of me wanted to kill her; my Demon half. She was a threat, one that could control me. But the other part of me would do anything to keep her safe, so as long as my Demon wanted to stay in control, he wouldn’t harm her.

“Cerberus,” I heard my mother’s voice before a gentle hand landed on my shoulder.

I looked up and saw her eyes sadden at the realisation that her son was gone.

She hated this as much as I did, and there was nothing she could do to help me.

“I thought a seer might help place Allegra’s memories. What do you think?” she asked softly, clearly not trying to rile my Demon.

I nodded.

“Calcus is on his way. He should be with us by tomorrow morning,” she said before leaving.

I eventually returned to my room, where I found Allegra sleeping on the loveseat with a book in hand.

I growled, hating the sway she had over me, but then a pair of innocent brown eyes, which danced with hints of deep orange, popped into my head.

Those damned eyes were the reason why I became such a monster in the first place.


I woke feeling refreshed as sunbeams streamed through the curtains.

I don’t remember falling asleep, but I was glad I didn’t see that strange man when I woke up. Although the bed was made as though it had been untouched for a few hours.

A soft knock sounded at the door.

I didn’t respond at first, not knowing who it was.

“I have a few things you might need. Can I come in?” a woman’s voice answered. It was gentle and warm, almost enticing me to trust her.

Could I trust her?

What choice do I have…

“Y…Yes…” I spoke and then sat up.

A woman with platinum blonde hair tied in a neat updo entered; her crystal gold eyes were filled with cordiality and purity. She wore an extravagant dress, a white silk gown which hung loose past her waist.

She was an angel, that much I knew. But why was she in Demon territory?

In her arms was a pile of materials, dresses, I presumed, which she gently laid on the bed.

“I thought you might need a change of clothes. I’ll have someone put them away for you a little later,” she began.

“Who are you?” I asked.

She smiled as she let off a light chuckle.

“My name is Grace. The man you met is my son.

“Do you remember what happened to you?” she perched on the side of the bed.

“No, I don’t,” I defeatedly admitted.

“That’s okay,” her hand landed on my own, drawing soothing circles with her thumb. “I have a friend who might be able to help with that. He should be here soon.”

“Why are you helping me? You know nothing about me,” I stated a little defensively.

She sighed and peered at the scene beyond the balcony.

“My son is a… complicated individual, unlike others. He has been lost for a while, entrapped by terrors most cannot understand.

“But when he found you,” she leaned closer, hope sparkling in her golden eyes, “something in him shifted.”

Shifted?” I quizzed, more curious about the mysterious being who saved me.

She took a deep breath and smiled sadly, “I am an Angel, the last of my kind. My son is both Angel and Demon. A few years ago, something drew him over the edge, which caused his Demon half to take domination.

“He needs to be able to balance both sides of himself; if he cannot, his Angelic side will be lost forever.”

“What have I got to do with all of this?”

“When he saved you, I think you reminded him of someone he lost long ago. His Angel managed to push through, which hasn’t happened since…” she sighed.

“I beg you, please stay. Just until Cerberus gets better. In the meantime, you can stay here, in the palace. We will help you discover who you are and where you came from. I promise we will do everything possible to find the truth. And if anyone has wronged you, we will bring them to justice.”

I swallowed, unsure of what to do.

Then again, even if I decided to leave, where would I go?

“Okay, I’ll stay,” I affirmed.

“Thank you.”

Grace stood from her position and headed towards the door. Just before leaving, she said, “I completely forgot; you must be hungry. The kitchens are on the lower levels. One of our helpers will be able to direct you.”

My stomach growled at the mention of food. Who knows how long it’s been since I last ate?

“Thank you. Oh, and Grace... one question,” she peered at me with a smile.

“What are you doing in the Kingdom?”

She chuckled.

“This is my home; I am the Queen,” she said before leaving.

I was left, mouth wide open, in stupefaction.

How could I speak to the Queen like that?!

But if she was Queen and a Demon was a king, does that mean the races finally found peace?

But Grace said she was the last living Angel. What happened to the others?

Maybe I am remembering what I could have read in a history book. It’s not like Angels could be wiped out, and the races join in unity overnight.

My head started straining from trying to find answers, so instead, I stood and made my way over to the bathroom. Luckily, my legs seemed to have remembered how to work, as the walk wasn’t as unstable as yesterday.

I should really wash; my hair was knotted, my dress was dirty, and my bare feet were grey from the dusty cave I was found in.

I wasn’t too sure how to work the ample space in the corner. Instead, I stared at it in awe, as though the answer would write itself.

“Do you not know how to work a shower?” a deep voice spoke from the doorway.

I turned around and saw Cerberus standing with a look of irritation.

His imposing presence and intimidating demeanour became too hard to ignore the instant our eyes connected. I would have found him quite handsome if he wasn’t such a brute.

His raven-black hair flowed effortlessly down to his broad shoulders, framing his chiselled jawline and high cheekbones. His black eyes, like the abyss, had a mesmerising quality to them. His skin-tight black shirt struggled to contain his muscular torso as the fabric seemed as if it would tear apart at the slightest tension.

His scent, a potent blend of smoky sandalwood, was both alluring and intoxicating. Despite his looks, it was clear that he was not to be trifled with, and I could sense a hint of terror emanating from him.

I understand what Grace meant; he seemed like a completely different person than the one I first met; his appearance was the only thing that remained unchanged.

He walked closer. I succeeded in not stepping backwards as he towered above me, almost a full head taller, and exuded an air of dominance and power.

He brushed past me, towards the corner of the room and turned something. Seconds later, water came gushing from the small water-fall-like contraption at the top. I watched as the water disappeared into what seemed like a drain.

Without another word, he exited the bathroom, closing the door behind him a little too heavy.

I tried to ignore the strange interaction and began to strip. Once under the water, I instantly relaxed. The warm shower beat my skin as steam slowly filled the expanse of the bathroom. I didn’t know what to use, so I grabbed the first bottle closest to me. I squeezed and was instantly hit with a solid muscular scent similar to Cerbeus’s.

Once I was done, I grabbed the first towel I saw and covered myself. I hadn’t bought anything with me to change, so I took my chances and headed into the bedroom.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I realised he was nowhere to be seen. I picked up the first dress I noticed, a deep, midnight blue to perfectly match my eyes. The fabric was silky and hugged my curves in all the right places. It had a square neckline and long sleeves that clutched my upper half snuggly. The bottom was a smooth drop that left just enough room to move freely without feeling constrained or uncomfortable.

I finished by plaiting my damp hair into a neat braid, then left the confines of the room. I was surprised to see it unlocked. However, my curiosity was piqued by the delicious aroma of freshly baked muffins wafting through the air. Without hesitation, I followed the heavenly scent, eager for a taste.

I was stopped by little arms wrapping firmly around my legs.

“They’re after me! Help!” I looked at the little boy, shaking in fear as he peered at me with gentle green eyes.

“Who’s after you?”


“What’s a Cody?” I asked.

I realised what a ’Cody’ was when I saw a boy, a little larger than the one hanging onto my legs for dear life, run towards us.

“Found you Luther!” he shouted.

Luther released me and had a defeated look on his face.

“I won,” a girl, a lot older, walked from behind a curtain, hands on her hips, as she proudly proclaimed.

“You always win Lily,” Luther pouted.

“That’s because you need to stay quiet when you hide Luther,” she crossed her arms dramatically.

“Who are you?” Cody asked, drawing unwanted attention to me.

“I erm…” I began until Lily interrupted.

“What is it to you, Cody? She doesn’t have to tell you anything.” I thanked her by sending a small smile her way.

“You lost?” Luther asked.

“I am looking for the kitchen, but I suppose I am a little lost.”

“It’s this way,” Lily began as Cody rolled his eyes, and Luther grabbed my hand with his tiny one, dragging me behind the others.

The scent of muffins crept closer until we walked into the kitchen. It was crazy spacious and overly decorated, but what did I expect from the royal kitchens?

“There you are,” a voice spoke from beside me.

A woman with dark black hair coiled into tight curls and gentle green eyes playfully scolded the three children.

“Sit, breakfast is ready. Oh, you must be Allegra, right?” she spoke, pointing a spatula at me from behind the stove.

“Yes, and you are?”

“My name is Ella. I see you have already met my children.”

“Yes,” I chuckled.

“You must be hungry. Sit. I’ll make you a plate.”

I did as she requested, taking a seat on a stool. The three children followed suit.

“I thought I could smell fresh pancakes,” a man entered, kissing Ella on the cheek.

“You must be Allegra,” he said, “I’m Robby.”

“Hi,” I greeted before being handed a plate of steaming hot food with a blueberry muffin on the side.

I gorged, unaware of how hungry I was until now. Once I was done, I set the plate in the sink. I was about to ask where Grace was as she said someone might be able to restore my memories until she joined us in the kitchen.

The three children had long left, eager to return to their game of hide and seek.

“I take it the dresses fit you?” Grace asked.

I could have sworn she never stopped smiling.

“Yeah, thank you… your majesty…” I attempted a curtsey but failed miserably.

“No need for that, unless it is a formal event I don’t care for such formalities,” she replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling my cheeks turn a slight pink from the embarrassment.

“I see you’ve met Robby and Ella. Close friends of mine, they run a tavern nearby, and the concoction of drinks are out-of-this-world,” she giggled.

“You flatter me, Grace,” Robby dramatised.

Grace turned to face me, “The person I spoke to you about earlier is here.”

I couldn’t have jumped at the chance quick enough. I might finally remember something; remembering anything would be a win at this point.

We walked until we reached an extensive library. It was cosy; the fireplace was gently flickering, fighting the frosty air, and large brown leather seats were arranged in a rectangle in the centre.

Seated in one of the solitary leather chairs was a man who appeared to have lived many years. His face was framed with long, flowing kinks of white hair that cascaded down his shoulders. His long facial hair blended into his hair, emphasising his age. His dark hazel eyes were deep and penetrating, filled with a wealth of wisdom accumulated throughout his long life.

“My name is Calcus; come,” he said gently, holding his palm for me to take.

I took it, then sat on the seat perpendicular to him.

“Would you like me to stay?” Grace asked.

I nodded. Grace took a seat at the other end of the sofa I was seated on.

Calcus cleared his throat, took both my hands in his own, and began.

“I need your full permission to enter your mind. Is that something you wish to give me?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied as my hands started to shake in nervous spells.

He held my hands slightly tighter for reassurance.

“You may feel a slight tug at the back of your mind, but this will not hurt.

“Close your eyes and focus on the sounds around you. The light flickering fire, the wind whistling outside, the tick of the clock. Focus on something to clear your mind.”

So I did.

I focused on the fire, hearing it clap and dance in the furnace, feeling the heat travel through my fingertips. I envisioned it in my mind as if it were right before me.

I waited until something small tugged at the back of my mind. Just as Calcus had said.

But then it grew…

My hands around his tightened, my eyes strained beneath closed lids, and the pounding inside my head became too much to bear.

I let out a gut-wrenching scream, releasing my hands from Calcus and falling to the floor on my hands and knees.

With what little I could open my eyes, I couldn’t see as tears coated my vision.

I felt numb; the voices around me tuned into a muffled whisper. I felt my body sway to the side, ready to connect with the floor, until something held me and scooped me into burly arms.

I felt myself slip out of consciousness as my head became too much to bear. But just before I closed my eyes, I could have sworn I saw familiar eyes that seemed to hold an indescribable darkness, only this time, the gold was ever bright, washing over me with a sense of tranquillity and peace. They stared at me with worry and concern as I closed my eyes and drifted into slumber.

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