The Demon Prince's Possession
Chapter 12 – The Curse Unbroken


Memories with Cerberus played in my mind on repeat causing the vexation I felt to slowly simmer away. But each time I fought those murderous intentions, the curse within me fought harder, to the point where my head felt like it was being split open.

I knew this was not what I wanted. This was the curse, not me!

I felt the darkness weaken as Cerberus reminded me of the moments we shared and the promise he made to me.

I couldn’t give in, not when he was fighting so hard to save me.

Not when giving in meant hurting the one person I had given my heart to along the way.

I don’t know when, but piece by piece, moment by moment, Cerberus had stolen my heart.

When I was lost and afraid, Cerberus was always there to pick me up. Every time I collapsed, Cerberus was always by my side. He confided in me about Celia; he trusted me enough to divulge his deepest regret and show true vulnerability.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I became engulfed in my blue flames, watching as the black mist was slowly consumed until I felt like me again.

I opened my eyes and saw Damien race over to Grace, who was unconscious beside me. Viora stumbled into the snow as an invisible force released her; she winced as she landed on her leg, which was red from a burn.

I did this.

I hurt these people.

The people who took me in and looked after me when they didn’t have to.

I looked down, ashamed of how I had let the darkness consume me until I heard a voice that made my stomach explode with butterflies.

“Allegra,” Cerberus whispered as he dropped to the floor beside me and held me close.

“I’m sorry…” I mumbled through the cold waterfall of tears cascading down my cheeks.

Cerberus pulled back, holding his hands on either side of my face firmly yet soothingly, “My mother is okay; whatever you did to her is now gone the second you beat the curse.”

“I’m okay. It’s just a little burn that can easily be healed,” I hadn’t even noticed my mother hobble over to us.

“M…Mother,” my quivering lip turned my voice weak and shaky.

“Allegra,” she fell to the floors on her knees, embracing me in a hug I never knew I missed until now.

“Come, let’s go home,” Cerberus spoke gently as Damien held Grace bridal style and began making his way back to the palace.

As I stood, I heard a haunting whisper from behind.

I peered back and noticed a figure between the foliage of the forest. Looking closer, I glimpsed haunting green eyes…

My father…

A coldness washed over my body; the hairs on my neck stood on end, and my stomach twisted with repulsion.

He smirked, cold and evil, “It is not over until you have satisfied the curse.”

“No, I… I beat it. I beat the curse!” I shouted, turning my body to face him.

“Allegra, who are you talking to?” Cerberus asked, his voice dripping with concern.

Katára”, my father’s spirit rumoured darkly before retreating back into the forest.

I wanted to chase after him until an agonising force pierced my mind. It was the worst headache yet as my body became numb and the familiar murderous thoughts invaded my head. Black smoke whirled around me as the last of my spirit was forcibly pushed to the back of my consciousness.


I couldn’t believe my eyes when Allegra beat the curse and came back to us. I almost couldn’t believe it; no one could break a blood curse like that, not unless the one who cursed them retracted the curse.

But she did it.

Or so I thought…

As we were about to return to the palace, Allegra shouted, panic evident in her tone, “No, I… I beat it. I beat the curse!”

“Allegra, who are you talking to?” Cerberus called out, but I knew the answer.

The curse was not broken.

No matter how much she tried to fight it, it would come back fiercer and more persistent than before.


“Allegra,” I called out as I made small steps towards her.

I was sure she was okay, that she had beaten it.

My father stopped in his tracks with my mother in his arms. They needed to leave. My mother was already hurt, and because I ordered them not to hurt Allegra, all they could do was defend. I couldn’t see them get injured more because of me.

If I let Allegra complete her goal, she would return to us.

If I let her kill me, then she will be saved, and everyone will be safe.

Maybe this is the penance I must endure to make up for all the suffering and death I had caused.

“Go back to the palace. I can handle this,” I told my father.

“Cerberus…” he began to protest until I used my Enchantment again…

“Go home, do not come back,” I sternly commanded.

With a dissatisfied grunt, his legs began moving of their own accord. I know he didn’t want to leave me, but I had no choice. My mother had already been hurt because of Allegra’s unstoppable magic; there is no telling what else she is capable of in this form.

I don’t know how long my command would last, but all I could do was pray it would until Allegra did what she needed to do to come back to me.

“Kill me,” I shouted, spreading my arms wide for her to attack, “I know you have it”.

She narrowed her eyes mistrustingly but ever so slowly made her way towards me.

She took small steps, slowly pulling the Archangel blade from her stocking.

“I don’t blame you for this. I want you to know that.”

Viora stood, watching with teary eyes, unsure of what to do.

Save me, the prince who never should have been born, or kill her daughter, an innocent who had suffered long enough.

“It’s okay, Viora,” I called out.

“No! I can stop her!” she called out and began reciting a spell until Allegra raised her palm. Her eyes were still planted on me as she walked towards me and released black smoke that wrapped around Viora’s throat once again.

“Let her go, kill me, but release her!” I shouted, pointing towards Viora.

“I don’t think so,” Allegra hissed as she stopped right in front of me. She had a deep-seated hatred in her eyes I knew all too well.

She raised the dagger into the air and went to strike until a purple flame flew out of nowhere.

Viora still fought with the last of her power.

Allegra turned her attention to Viora and threw her backwards until she trundled through the snow with brutal force.


I was screaming at myself, fighting with my own mind, but no matter how loud I screamed, nothing could stop me.

I was a spectator in my own mind; only able to watch and not act.

I saw the Archangel blade being brought above me, Cerberus willingly standing there, ready to receive the fatal blow.

Viora was injured too much to help anymore, and Damien was ordered to leave with Grace; no one was left to stop me, and Cerberus wouldn’t kill me.

So I had to do it myself…

I screamed the loudest I had screamed, pushed the hardest I had pushed and forced myself into control like never before.

I sensed myself gain domination for a split second as I readied to impale Cerberus’ chest with the dagger. It had to be now, or Cerberus would die.

So, as I brought the dagger down, I watched as Cerberus’ face contorted into one of true distress. His piercing cry had forced Viora’s attention on us. Her face too distorted as tears streamed down her cheeks, and she crawled through the snow.

I felt the darkness expel from my soul as the blood curse was no more.

As I gained control of my body, mind and soul for the last time, I whispered the words I had longed to say, the words I should have spoken the night Cerberus had said them first…

“I love you, Cerberus,” then I fell to the floor, only for him to catch me in his arms as always.

The blood-stained snow grew wider as the dagger rested snugly in my chest, where my beating heart was beginning to slow. Cerberus cried tears through eyes which seemed different, lighter somehow.

I raised a shaky palm to his cheek, “Your eyes…” I croaked.

He tried to smile, but his trembling bottom lip refused to let him, “I am me again; my sides are balanced. And that’s all because of you”.

I wanted to respond, but I could feel my lungs fill with liquid, the oxygen around me became non-existent, and I knew my time would be over very quickly.

I felt another presence at my side, firmly holding my palm.

My mother looked at me with regret and defeat.

I smiled back at her, hoping she would not blame herself for my fate, as I closed my eyes for the last time…

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