Chapter 10:I’m Capable Of Feeling

"Uhm," she replied.

"Common, you're just hurting yourself by pretending to be cool with it all."

"Oh silly, I'm perfectly fine." She laughed.

"You like him, don't you?" Avan asked.

"Of course not Avan,"she rolled her eyes."I wouldn't dare fall for him."

"You know you're actually sweating.Just forgive him and go back to calling him Vador."

"And why? I'm just an assistant," She frowned.

"He's really comfortable around you"

"If I forgive him, would you tell me everything?!”

"Everything like what"

"I might be a little girl in Vador's eyes but I am not stupid. You're definitely no normal snake and I shouldn't even be here. Yes, I might have fallen for Vador but I will not risk getting hurt by him. He can hardly control himself, I fear he would hurt me again.

"I was in danger Avan, when he miraculously found his way to me and saved me. I hated snakes," she continued almost in tears "I hated snakes and then I met you and now it's like we're friends. My first real friend, isn't it crazy. I'm friends with a snake."

"Ava,pleaseeeee. I might be a mere snake but I'm also your friend. I'm like your protector now, Vador put me in charge of you. You've been keeping it all in for too long,It's time to let it out. Talk to me" "This is crazy," Ava thought how is it that She was being consoled by a snake.

"I just.. one moment my mom was telling me and my twin brother a story about Vador and the next thing a dark witch comes into my home and kills everyone except me. I was going to get killed when the dark lord came to rescue me. I've always dreamt of visiting the royal house even for a day and now I'm living in it."

"You must be aware of the laws. I am not a full vampire Avan so I do not deserve to stay here. Vador just wants to sleep with me, he probably just wants to feed on me. That's why he saved me, that's the real reason why he brought me here. I am capable of my feelings but I do not deserve to be manipulated. I don't want to get hurt Avan."

Vador was still in the study when Aleister brought news to him concerning the dark witches.

"This letter came for you Vador," Aleister said dropping the letter on the table.

"What does it say?" Vador asked looking up.

"The dark witches have been killing the pure blooded in the east. The letter is from lord Jack, he needs more protectors," Aleister replied.

"I wonder why the dark witches keep coming back "Vador licked his lips.

"It's because they want your position as the ruler of all four empires."

"Which is never happening as long as I'm lord. We'll have to do something about them," Vador said calmly.

"And where's the damsel?" Aleister asked looking around.

"In her room,probably thinking of me," he smirked.

"See you then," Aleister replied standing up to take his leave.

"And oh,tell the guards to send in another virgin vampire,a mature one this time. The last one gave up the instant I touched her," Vador said laughing.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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