Ryouma’s P.O.V

Early morning I’m having my 3rd cup of coffee in my office because of this constant headache from the previous night’s hangover. And my best friend’s nagging is just adding to my headache.

As he was giving me lecture on how I shouldn’t have drunk so much suddenly the door burst open and enters the most unexpected person Rina, my wife’s best friend whom I met yesterday at the party.

Before I could even ask her something, She threw a punch on my face...Hard, a very hard punch... Oww...

“What the he—”

“What the hell do you think of yourself? You monster!!” She cut me off.

“Huh?” I glare at her, I should be asking that she’s the one who punched me!

“Oh don’t you play innocent at all, at least not after what you’ve done with your wife!” She yells.

“Okay young lady would you mind telling us what he did? because we don’t have a clue of what you’re talking about?” Rihito asks her holding her back from throwing another punch at me, seriously I have no idea what she’s talking about!

“Why not ask this jerk himself, he’s your best friend isn’t he?” She struggles as she tries to free herself. “Let me go!! I’m going to kill him!!” She struggles, actually trying to kill me.

“Okay Mr. Jerk I mean Ryouma before she actually kills you just tell us what the hell is she going on about? and yes hurry up, I don’t think I can hold her back any longer.” pleads Rihito still trying to stop her.

“Like the hell I know what she’s talking about!” I shrug because I seriously don’t know! And on top of it this headache! I hold my head.

“Wow! You’re actually a monster who leaves his wife road in the middle of the night in the middle of some unknown road and doesn’t even know what am I talking about? You jerk!” She shouts throwing a kick, that almost lands up on my face, almost!

“Wait, he did what?” Rihito looks at me. “Ryouma? Seriously?” He accusingly glares at my direction.

Oh Shit! How can I forget this?! Rihito was right I shouldn’t have gotten drunk.

“Where is she?” Rihito asks her.

“Why the hell do you even want to know?” She shouts.

“Please!” He pleads.

“Well your friend will be very sad to know as his plan failed because she’s in my house, alive and safe.” She throws a murderous glare at me.

“Ryouma will come and he’ll apologize properly” Rihito glares at me.

“and take her back home” he adds.

“Sure he can do all the begging for forgiveness act and all but she’s not going back to him, and of course I wouldn’t let her go back to this monster either that’s what I came here to tell this monster.” saying this she storms out.

After an hour

Rihito’s P.O.V

We’re sitting in the car in front of Rina’s house for past 1 hour.

We came here for... hmm actually to put it in a simple way since this idiot was irritating me about what he should do about his stupid act I brought him here to make peace with his wife. I personally had to come with him because this guy is such a mess that he would end up fighting with her instead of apologizing or he would have just returned back without even entering the house and would have continued irritating me. Well this guy, my best friend Ryouma Carlton is not very good with words but is actually quite a nice guy. He just doesn’t know how to express himself that makes him a bit... ok not just a bit but very complicated. When we first met for me, an easy going guy, normally it took a day or two to understand and be friends with people but with this guy, it took me 6 months to actually make him utter a word, another 6 months trying to figure out how this guy’s brain functions and another 6 months to get used to tolerating him. And now for the past 1 hour he has been returning from the door and for the 10th time without even touching the bell and another 10 times without even reaching the door and I’m getting damn irritated here!

“Come on, dude. It’s not difficult at all. You just have to apologize for the mistake you’ve done. I know normally you don’t apologize but dude this time you did a huuuuuuugge mistake and you agree with me. You left your wife in the middle of night in some unknown place. So just go inside and apologize and bring her home with you. ’Kay?” I nudge him with my elbow.

He doesn’t budge.

“Now seriously dude? If you didn’t want to come here then why were you irritating me this whole time asking me for a solution huh? Now I’ve given you a perfect solution I myself came here for your moral support and you’re giving me this attitude here.” I’m seriously losing my cool now!

“I’m just going to apologize this one time. I won’t plead her to come back.” he replies with a stern face.

“Yes my dear friend, sure. But for that you have to go inside first, hmm? And I’m sure if you apologize sincerely she’ll definitely forgive you.” I try to convince him.

“How would you know?” He looks at me.

“Because I personally think she’s a sweet, innocent lamb, married off to a devil.” I nod with my arms crossed.

“Very funny.” He gives me his usual “you should watch what you speak, don’t mess with me” look, as if he doesn’t know I’m immune to them.

“Okay then if you’re not going in then we’re going back. Because I don’t want to look like a stalker and have another punch from the feisty princess. She’s scary and you know that.” I tell him pointing at his face which was still swollen because of the punch she threw at him.

Suddenly he gets out of the car and goes towards the door, “oh thank god” I mutter but I said it too early because this idiot for the 11th time returns back. I sigh, “Okay now I’ve had enough of him!” I jump out of the car, grab him by his arm, drag him to the door and ring the doorbell.

Rina’s P.O.V

*ring* Ring*

As I open the door, I see a guy in a white suit, with a flower vas in his hands which covered his face and that flower was picked up from my garden! I frown. Seriously, I don’t have time to deal with this weirdo, beacause my bff is crying (not literally) upstairs because of that monster husband of hers! I start to close the door but he enters my house. What the hell?

“Who the hell are you? and how dare you enter my house?” I shout at the stranger.

He doesn’t answer.

“Just in case you didn’t know I’m a black belt and if you dot want to get hurt, show me your face.” I threaten him.

“Only if you promise you wouldn’t punch me.” He finally speaks, this voice, I’ve heard it somewhere?

“Look Mr. if you don’t take that vase off your face and get the hell out of my house, I’ll beat you into a pulp and hand you over to the cops.” I threaten him again.

“This vase is for my safety and I’ll put it down only if you promise you wouldn’t punch me.” he repeats.

“Okay fine, I won’t hit you.” I assure him.

He slowly removes the vase off his face and well I changed my mind I am going to hit him...hard.

I walk towards him with my clenched fist.

“Hey that’s cheating! You said you wouldn’t hurt me!” He says stepping backwards.

“I haven’t...yet.” I now stand in front of him as his back hits the wall.

“Okay fine anywhere but not the face, ’kay?” He closes his eyes.

I take the vase from his hand and put it on the floor and just stare at him.

He slowly opened his one eye and the other, I glare at him. He then straightens himself.

“Listen to what he has to say...please?” he says pointing towards the door.

I turn back to see the monster himself.

“Get the hell out of here.” I shout looking at my best friend’s husband at my door then back at the guy beside me.

Just then Teresa comes down running, hearing me shout. “What’s going o-” she trails off as she notices the unwanted guests.

“You” I point towards the pervert Ri-- whatever his name is, “take your friend and get out of my house.”


“NOW!” I shout.

Rihito’s P.O.V

I gulp, as she shouts at top of her voice, well can’t help that she IS scary. But I’ve got to do this even if I’m sacrificed today because the girl over there owes an apology from my idiot best friend.

I walk towards Teresa. “Ryouma has something to say, Please listen to him once?”

“Fine.” she sighs. They both go upstairs to talk leaving me behind with the feisty princess and I can feel her piercing by back through her eye, Laser eyes!

I simply turn and smile at her hoping that she doesn’t kill me before they return.

She keeps shooting daggers at me with her fierce glare.

“Like what you see sweetheart.” Suicide! I said something stupid again.

She’s about to say something to say but stops and just sighs instead.

Well looks like I’m safe...for today.

After a minute of silence, “Nice house!” I say smiling at her, only this topic came in my mind, but she bluntly ignores me as she doesn’t even look at me and continues to stare at her phone.

“and nice room, nice curtains and yes a very nice vase.” I make another stupid comment, wow Rihito! A vase? seriously? when did I become so boring? Well can’t blame myself, I don’t know what to talk and I’m supposed to be very good in case of girls.

But this woman, NO!

There is something about her that tells me to run to save my life and something that wants me to keep irritating her.

“What are you trying to get at?” my stupid question manages to get a glare from the feisty princess.

“hmm I mean you’ve got good choice. Nice house, nice curtains and of course the vase.” I tell her exactly what I mean. Vase is my favorite, saved my life, hmm.. well.. yes that’s what!

“the vase?” she questioningly raises her eyebrows.

“yes it’s my favorite, it saved my life just a while ago. Oh I so love this vase.” I say as I clutch the vase to my heart.

Suddenly her laugh fills the silent room, God! did I tell you she looks stunning when she laughs? No cause I’ve seen her like this for the very first time.

“you can laugh too huh?” Shit! It slipped I swear this time it was not a suicide attempt.

“excuse me?” there disappears her smile. Sometimes I think she and Ryouma are kind of similar, but no they aren’t.

“No seriously this is the first time I’ve seen you doing anything else than punching someone.” I honestly answer, the first time we met she punched me and Ryouma got the second one.

“It’s not my fault that you’re surrounded by the people who deserve to be punched.” she chuckles.

“I am sorry.” I apologize.

“for getting surrounded by those kind of people?” she smiles.

“No. About the party, I really thought you were my date. you were wearing a white gown and were outside where my date was supposed to be and I thought... I just... I’m sorry. I really am. I really wanted to apologize for that time but never really got the chance.”

“Okay I forgive you.”

Wow that was easy!

“Really?” I ask again not believing it.

“Yes beacause for that I’ve already got my revenge and now that you’ve apologized I am feeling guilty too. So, I also am very sorry.” She apologizes. I don’t get why she’s saying sorry though.

“For what?” I ask her.

“for ruining your date, remember?” she raises her brows as a playful smile dances on her lips.

“ah, you got me into a real trouble that day.” I cross my arms as I make a serious face. oh yes that was troublesome.

“I’m sorry.” She apologizes again.

“hmm okay since you’re sincerely apologizing this great Rihito baba will forgive you, my child.” I pose like a priest.

“oh I’m blessed, the great Rihito baba!” she folds her hands and we both burst into laughter.

“So, you don’t plan to kill me anymore right? I can think I’m safe?” I ask her to make sure.

“Yes, yes you are.” she assures me, nodding her head.

“Oh thank god!” I sigh a relief and we laugh again.

“So, friends?” I extend my hand.

“Nice try, but I don’t make friends easily.” She shrugs, there there my poor hand, daddy’s here! I assure my dejected hand.

“Ah I see. No problem because I’m very good at making friends.” I wink at her.

As we were having a light moment, suddenly we hear the door bang and Ryouma storms down the stairs and out of the house. He seems angry, very angry and yes he did it again! Damn!

“Sorry but I got to go!” I run out of the house, fearing he would leave me behind like he did to his wife. This guy! His anger just gets the worse out of him.

“Oye, Ryouma wait for me!” I shout from back and I see him already starting the car.

“No my friend, you’re not driving cause I don’t want to die a tragic death by you running my car into something or somewhere.” I pull out the keys from the car, I didn’t ask him anything because I very much have the idea about what happened. Looks like I’m not getting this headache off my head for quite some time.

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