*5 months later*

After my long and warm bath I wrap around my bathrobe and come out humming to myself.

“Oh my!” I yell startled at the presence of my dear boyfriend/fiancee on my bed. “Stop scaring people like that!” I yell at him. “How did you even enter the house?” I glare at him. He smiles at me and jingles the keys.

“Wow! How did you get so friendly with my dad?” I looked at him in astonishment. Dad wouldn’t even hear his name before and now he’s given him the keys to our house? “I wanted to ask you this, how did you convince my dad to accept you at all?”

“That was easy, I just told him the truth that I would die without his daughter and I almost did.” He grins.

“So my wifey...” He pulls me by my hand and I land up on his lap.

“There’s still a month for that.” I pinch his nose.

He pouts. “Okay so my soon to be wife then.” He plants a soft kiss on my lips.

“By the way I was looking around your room” his gaze stops at the end of the bed, at my soft toys.

“Oh! this is Mr. Hulala. You bought me this in Hawaii remember?” I show him excitedly. Mr. Hulala is a yellow monkey. It reminds me of my Mr. Monkey so whenever I miss my Mr. Monster I sleep hugging Mr. Hulala.

“I did?”

“Yeah but I had to nag you the entire day for this.”

“So you even named this thing?” He makes a face.

“I named every one of them. Let me introduce you guys. This is Mr. Hulala, Miss Pink...”

“Pink.” He laughs. “You really love ‘pink’ don’t you?”

“Not again! Stop laughing!” I hit him. “I named her Pink because she’s pink in color.” I narrow my eyes at him.

“Okay, I was just teasing you. Don’t get mad at me. Let’s continue? Who is this?” He picks up a teddy bear.

“And this is Mimi, Toto...” I continue excitedly.

“Okay that’s enough.” He makes a face.

“Hey you were the one who asked.” I pout.

“You’re with me and you talk about them so excitedly? I’m glad you didn’t bring them in our room. Wait, I hope you don’t bring them at all.” He narrows his eyes at me.

“You’re getting jealous over them? Seriously?” I blink at him.

“I couldn’t bring them because last time, you barely used to tolerate me in your room. I already knew I’ll have to share my room with a monster so I thought they’ll be safe here. And I still want them safe because my would be husband is very jealous and over-over-over possessive so I think it’ll be best to leave them here.” I say trying my best not to laugh.

“Why are they even here?” He picks Mr. Hulala and glares at him.

“Oh please! He’s my favorite, it's a gift from my someone special. And Mr. Hulala reminds me of you. Mr. Monkey.” I snatch my hulala from his hands and hug him to my chest protectively. “And don’t you dare touch any of them.”

“Even though I am the one who gave this to you. I don’t like him.” He picks Mr. Hulala from my arms and toss it aside.

“Hey!” I protest.

“You have that someone special right in front of you and youcare for his gifts instead? you choose that Mr. hulala over me?” He pouts sulkily.

“Of course not. Mr. Hulala maybe my favorite but you’re always my number one.” I wrap my arms around him and give a small peck on his lips. He pulls me close and deepens the kiss.

Suddenly his phone rings. He glares at his phone. I try to suppress my smile as I shift on the bed from his lap. My fiancee is so cute. He’s changed a lot I mean there was a time when he saw nothing but his work but now..” I smile hugging Miss Pink as he sighs and picks up the call.

“What?” I hisses.

“I know!” He rolls his eyes as he shouts on his phone. Must be Jack, I really pity him, how does he manage to work under this Monster for years? I mean I was his secretary for few months and I literally had to control my urge to hit him with my shoes like thousands of time.

“What the hell?....When?” He shouts and I immediately stand up and look at him. Oh ow, looks like there’s some problem? He gives a small smile trying to assure me but that doesn’t help at all now I’m more anxious.

“....Hmm....get my jet ready then...” He cuts the call and looks at me. “I gotta go....out of the country.” He shrugs.


He nods.

“Get ready you’re going with me.” He smiles at me.

“I see... Wait! What?” I blink at his words.

“You actually thought I’ll leave you here alone in this house when Uncle En is out of the town?” He narrows his eyes at me.

“I can manage.” I smile at him.

“You’re going with me and that’s final. Do. not. argue.” He glares at me.

He’s being over protective ever since I was kidnapped... yes kidnapped again last week in Italy by my dear best friend’s psycho ex Eros the gross. It wasn’t me who was his target though, he mistook me for Rina and because of that huge commotion was created in the foreign land. Ryouma nearly turned whole Europe upside down. He had his powerful Italian best friend, Aaron’s full support to do that. Yes even I got to know of this just last week that he has another best friend. After that incident I was brought here the very next day. Sam, Sara and Rina are back in Italy compensating for my absence. Sigh. Since then I haven’t been alone not for a single minute but today dad had to go out of town because of sudden important business meeting.

“Ryouma, I’m fine. I can take care of myself. And you saw right? I beat the crap out of that Eros the gross. It looked as if he was the one who got kidnapped and not me.” I laugh remembering the day.

“You’re coming with me and that’s final. Or...” He glares at me and I nod vigorously. I don’t want to fight with him when I know I’ll end up going with him either by my own will or kidnapped by him. I sigh and pack my bag.

As we fly, I remember I don’t even know where are we going? “By the way where are we going?” I turn to him and ask but what? He’s sleeping already?! I turn my head to the front and pout. I just hope it’s somewhere fun because I don’t want to be bored when he’ll be attending his meeting. I look out of the window looking at the fluffy cloud bed and slowly close my eyes.

“Mmm?” I slowly open my eyes to the voice of my fiancee. “Wake up, we’re here.” He smiles. I look around, “Oh it’s morning already? and where’s here anyway?” I yawn. “Wait, when did I get into the car?” I blink looking around.

“It’s noon. And you were looking so cute sleeping like that, I didn’t want to wake you up.” He winks at me. “Come.” He gets off the car and holds out his hand to me.

“Oh!” I point at the hotel surprisingly. “Isn’t it the same hotel we stayed? We’re in hawaii?” I blink at my fiancee but he doesn’t say a word and walks ahead pulling me along. “Go ahead of me, I need to go attend the meeting first.” He hands me the key to our room. I nod and wave him bye.

“Isn’t this the same room?” I blink as I stand in front of my room’s door. ” What’s this meeting about anyway? I again forgot to ask about the so called emergency that landed us here. I hope it’s not a big problem.” I freshen up and lie down on the bed staring up at the ceiling.

The next day

“Argh! I’m so bored! I’m having Deja vu. My stupid fiancee is off on his work and I’m just lying here on the bed staring at the white ceiling because he has banned me from even getting out of this bloody room. Wait didn’t he do this to me last time too? But Eros the gross is in Italian jail, why is he imprisoning me here?” I whine rolling on the bed. I would have rather attended the meeting with him than sitting idly in this room.

After few hours finally Mr. Monster is back. I glare at him. “Are you angry?” He asks as if he doesn’t know!

“I’ll shut you in this room for a day and ask you the same question!” I glare at him.

“Sorry, I’ll make it up to you, get ready I have a surprise for you as a gift for waiting quietly in this room.” He smiles at me.

“It better be good.” I shout and head to the washroom.

“Where the hell are you taking me?” I shout as I’m blindfolded by him. I’m not liking this but every time he blind folds me to somewhere there is a good surprise. I sigh. Suddenly I feel myself floating in the air. I yelp as he carries me in his arms. “What are you doing?” I shout panicking.

“Calm down, Teresa. If I tell you now, what’s the meaning of the surprise then?” He scolds me, I stop struggling and pout.

After few minutes, he finally puts me down and takes the cloth off my eyes. My eyes slowly adjust to lights as I slowly open them. We’re on a boat?!

He kisses my cheek and leads me to the table and holds out the chair for me. “So this is your surprise? Thank god! I’m glad this time it’s a surprise rather than a shock. But I think I’m getting adjusted to your extravagant surprises that it doesn’t shock me anymore.” I smile at him.

“Trust me, there’s more.” He winks at me. “Hungry?”

“Very. I was waiting for you to have lunch together.” I nod.

“So, how was your meeting? Everything good?” I ask him munching over my meal.

“Perfect.” He grins. Must’ve been good then as he’s showing his 1000 watt smile. As I thought he looks more human with his perfect smile. I smile to myself.

“May I have the pleasure to dance, my lady?” He walks up to me and extends his hand. I gently place my hand on his, “Sure.” I grin.

He pulls me close, his hands wrap around my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck.

“You know.... umm....” He speaks.


“I am sorry for everything up until now.”

“Why are we bringing this up now?”

“Let me, please.”

I nod.

“The things that I’ve done up until now, things I’ve done to hurt you and made you cry. I am sorry for all that. I’m glad you’re here with me right now.” He pulls me into a hug. My feet on his feet, I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest.

“At first, I found you very stupid I mean I didn’t expect you to agree entering into a contract marriage with me, I was rude to you on purpose so that you would reject the idea of marrying me. But I’m really glad that you turned out to be stupid enough to enter a contract marriage and that's how you entered my life. You annoyed me with everything, turning my whole world upside down and secretly entered my heart. And even though we were here pretending to be a loving husband and wife, I didn’t even realize while pretending when I actually fell for you. For me, this is the place where it all started. My heart fluttered at your stupidity, your constant chattering. There was a day when I couldn’t stand a single day with you but now I can’t stand a single minute without you.” I find his heart race with every sentence he speaks, so does mine.

Our hearts hammering on our chest, there’s a sudden noise and I turn my head to the sky, the sun is slowly drowning in the sea and the fireworks burst into the sky. I turn my head back to my fiancée but find him kneeling down with a ring. “Marry me?”

My heart swells with love and tears pool my eyes. “Yes.” I nod.

“Now.” He carries me in his arms.

“Eh? Ehh? Ehhhhhhhhh??”


I sit in front of the mirror with a scowl on my face.

“Teresa can’t you just cooperate? You’ll ruin your make up with that face.” Rina frowns at me leaning on the dressing table. Ai-chan nods beside her.

“You guys knew? You helped him with this? Seriously whose best friends are you?” I glare at them.

“We didn’t have any choice okay. You should know your fiancée better.” Rina rolls her eyes.

“Stop scowling Teresa, you don’t want to look ugly in your own wedding do you?” Ai chan pats my shoulder as the beautician works her brush on my face.

“Now I get why he had so much of free time to go picking the rings and the gown when we still had more than a month. Let him come in front of me, I’ll murder him.” I shout.

“You have your whole life to do that, Teresa. For god’s sake stop scaring her.” Rina narrows her eyes at me and looks at the beautician with an apologetic smile.

“For now, smile please?” Ai smiles at me.

“And everyone knew except me! WOW!” I pout crossing my arms.

“We also didn’t know until a day ago. We came here the same day you did, so relax. The only difference is we reached in the morning and you evening. You already made him wait for five months saying you wanted to date him and experience the boyfriend/girlfriend thingy, he couldn’t wait any longer, I guess.” Rina tries to calm me down. “Come on bff, let’s get you inside your wedding dress?” I am led behind the curtains.

“Still! Who does that? I mean it’s my wedding and I’m the one who is informed the last? No not informed I was dragged here and this whole thing was imposed on me! I was ready to marry him right? I wasn’t running away or something so if he informed me beforehand would I have said no? I take it back, whenever I think this guy can’t do anything shocking than this he just crosses every limit I can ever think of, someday I will really die with shock!” I continue complaining as I change into my white wedding gown.

“You’re right, he’s a monster. There is nothing impossible for him.” I hear Rina sigh. I step out through the curtains and stand in front of the designer who brushes my dress gently. I smile at her. “Thank you.”

“Now my dear best friend you’re ready. Go and kill him with your looks.” Rina winks at me while Ai-chan smiles at me, nodding her head, clasping her hands together.

“That’s right! Oh my! You look amazing.” Mom comes running to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

“Thank you, mom.” I smile at her hugging her back.

“Well for the first time I’m happy with my idiotic son’s decision.” She smiles at me brightly.

“Mom!” I whine. Rina laughs and I glare at her.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Mom looks at me with a puzzled expression.

“She’s just sulking because she didn’t know about her own wedding and everyone else did.” Rina smiles at her. She’s enjoying this? When did my best friend start to team up with Mr. Monster that too against me?

“Aww! We’ll see him later. I’ll help you getting your revenge on him, hmm?” Mom smiles assuring me.

I nod with a smile.

“But he’ll be half-dead seeing you like this, maybe we should call an ambulance, he may pass out you know?” Mom laughs and we laugh along with her.

The sky now full of stars and the beach looks so beautiful with all the lightings, I walk down the aisle with my father and my two bride’s maid beside me. My father smiles at me lovingly and I smile back at him. At the end of the aisle my fiancée, my monster smiling his best smile at me and I can’t help but smile back.

“I thought you were going to murder him? But what’s this you’re already fawning over him?” Rina whispers in my ear and I blush.

“I can’t help it when he’s showing his 1000 watt smile.” I smile facing forward.

“Oh my, look at this girl so in love.” I hear them laugh behind me.

As I walked down the aisle, I'm greeted by many flash backs, last time when I walked down the aisle my heart was filled with doubts and regrets, but today my heart's filled with happines and love for the man, my man waiting for me at the end of the aisle. Over the year we fought, we laughed, we cried, we faced heart breaks and reunited, we went through a lot to reach here at last.

My father takes my hand and gently places on my fiancée’s.

“What’s all this?” I whisper to him.

“You wanted a simple wedding with just us and our loved ones, I’m just making your wish come true.” He kisses the back of my hand. “You’re looking stunningly beautiful.”

“Thank you, you don’t look bad either. And I can see you’ve gotten good with compliments.” I smile at him.

“If you have such a beautiful wife then it comes naturally.” He winks at me.

“Oh are you trying to butter me up?”

“Is it working?” He smiles at me nervously.

“For now yes. But I haven’t forgiven you yet.” I smirk at him.

Suddenly, we hear Rihito on the mike, “Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming here to attend my best friend’s suicidal day. Well marriage is kind of a suicide isn’t it? haha just kidding he would rather commit suicide if he doesn’t get married today.” Rihito laughs out aloud and my soon to be husband is throwing his deadly glares at him.

“Looks like he’ll have my head before I speak more than this. Look at the way he’s glaring at me. I’m getting goosebumps here.“He hugs himself and shivers. “Okay, jokes apart, we already have our handsome groom and our lovely bride here. And I won’t make you guys wait any longer, the groom will kill me if I delay more than this. Today, the bride and the groom will say their vows themselves.” He smiles at us and nods.

Ryouma looks at me and takes my hands on his, “I, Ryouma Carlton, vow to my bride, Teresa Scarlet, that I would love and honor you in good times and bad times, I will walk with you, hand in hand, I vow never to let go of that hand, I’ll never hurt you, I also vow to keep you first, I vow that there will always be a smile on your face and I would never let you cry.”

My eyes are filled with tears. He frowns and wipes my tears. Damn it! Teresa! I mentally scold myself. “But then you’re such a cry baby so I promise from now on the tears that you shed will only be the tears of joy, I also vow to be a devoted husband, I’ll always respect you and your decisions and always support you standing by your side, I will always love you, in health and sickness, through sorrow and success, For all the days of my life.” He adds and I smile at his words. “Will you accept this rich, rude, arrogant, Mr. monkey/Mr. Monster as your husband?”

I can’t believe he actually kept a note of what I call him.

“I, Teresa Scarlet, vow to my groom, Ryouma Carlton, that I would love and honor you in good times and bad times, I also vow to respect you and your decisions, I will share in your dreams and support you always, I vow to always stay by your side. You are the love of my life and you make me happier than I could ever imagine. I vow to accept all of you, all your selfishness, jealousy, over possessiveness. I will respect you, encourage you and cherish you, and always love you, in health and sickness, through sorrow and success, For all the days of my life.” I smile at him. “Will you take this annoying chatterbox as you wife?”

“Definitely.” He leans in and kisses me, lifting me up off the ground. I giggle and press my lips to his again. Our family cheers with joy in the background but I see nothing but my loving husband smiling at me.

We met, we wed, but that wasn’t with our choice. The contract that binded us in a relationship is over but our love will blossom forever binding us in this relationship more strongly which doesn’t have any expiry date, which will never break.

************THE END**************

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