Early in the morning, Ryouma stood in front of Teresa’s house but the house is locked and no one was home.

“Jack, I need to get some information on Eren Scarlet. Within five minutes.” He ordered on the call. After exactly five minutes he got a call. “Yeah.....What they moved out? When? Where?.......I don’t care what you do, how you do, just find them.” Giving the orders he cut the call.

“Damn it, Teresa!” He muttered and dialed her number. “What the number doesn’t exist? You must be kidding me!” He shouted throwing his phone.


Ryouma saw his mother talking on the phone sitting in the living room’s sofa. He slowly approached her and stood behind her listening to her conversation. “Oh you reached there safely?...... Ah that’s good. But Teresa, forgive your mother okay?....... Argh! I am so ashamed of my son.......Love you too, darling........ Yeah bye take care.” Finishing the call, his mother got up and turned back and gasped, startled by her son's presnce, “you stupid son! Don’t scare me like that!” She shouted.

“You were talking to Teresa? Where is she?” Ryouma asked desperately.

“Why do you think I’ll tell you of all people?” She glared at him.

“Mom, I’m your son!” He whined.

“Nothing to be proud of!” She rolled her eyes.

“Mom, please tell me where is Teresa please!” He begged. “Okay if not that just make me talk to her once hmm?” He plead.

“Why should I? I can’t even face her because of you.” She scowled at him.

"Mom! When I didn’t want to marry her, you forced me to, now that I really love her you’re turning your back on me?” Ryouma shouted complaining.

“Shut up Ryouma, you’ve really disappointed me. A contract marriage? Seriously? Just because you wanted the company? How could you do this to us? But maybe I did force you for this step.” She clicked her tongue and sadly shook her head.

“No, of course not. Making her my wife was the best thing you did for me. I really appreciate that but you know your son is an idiot! Mom, I really love you, my sweet, lovely mother.” Ryouma gave her a smile and hugged her.

“Shut your ugly mouth. You’ve got what you wanted, your dear post as the chairman of the company. Isn’t her purpose finished here? You married her only for this, right? Now why do you want her back?”

“Mom please, I’ll really do anything to bring her back. Won’t you help me? Look I know you miss her too. So, why don’t we help each other hmm? Please! I beg of you. Please! Hmm?” He plead.

“You’ll do anything?”

“Yes.” He nodded.

“Fine.” She smirked. “Stupid son, you think you can fool your mother? Let’s help each other you say? Sure.” She thought and smiled evilly.

“Why are we here?” He asked when his mother brought him to the spa. “facial for two.” She said to the receptionist. “No! I’m not doing this!” He shouted. “Fine then, Forget about Teresa.” She threatened narrowing her eyes at him.

“Okay okay don’t get angry, my lovely mother. let's do this.” He flashed a fake smile.

“Are we done? Can you get her talk to me now?” Ryouma looked at his mother hopefully after the torture, pedicure, manicure and what not? She even painted his nails.

“Not yet.” She grinned. “There’s more?” Ryouma shouted horrified.

She took him for shopping, made him carry all the bags. Then the movie, Doraemon! “I’m not going in!” He shouted. She glared at him then he quietly obliged. During the whole movie, little kids beside him were staring at him with a wide grin plastered on their face. He sank in the seat trying to cover his face. Next stop toys store, “You’re kidding me!” He yelled. “Come on, choose one toy, I’ll buy it for you.” She laughed. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” He glared at her. “Of course I am, when you were a kid, you always hid behind the books, even in your free time you looked at the stock market news, Mom! Do not touch my hair! Mom! I’m not a kid! This and that! Finally I get to do this.” She clicked his photos. “Mom! Still do not touch my hair!” He yelled when she ruffled his hair.

Next stop her kitty parties. “I don’t need an enemy do I?” Ryouma thought to himself.

“Please now can you make her talk to me? Give me her number at least.” Ryouma whined.

“I didn’t expect this but you really were a good boy for past two days and did everything I asked you to. Oh my lovely son!” She smiled at him.

“So now please can you?” He asked desperately.

“Nope.” She shrugged.

“That’s cheating mom!” He shouted.

“You rascal, what are you getting angry for? You made her cry, my poor daughter. You don’t deserve her! You may be my blood but you’re a big jerk, so you better not think I’ll help you in any way!” She said with a huff.

“Maybe you’re right, I’m a jerk, But I really love her mom!” He knelt down in front of her and shook his head.

She peeked at his face and sighed.

“Here take these.” She threw the keys at him which he immediately caught before it hit his face.

“What’s this?” He looked at her with a puzzled expression.

“Keys to our old house, she’s your neighbor. I can’t do anything more than this for you because I still hate you.” She crossed her arms and pouted.

“But I really love you mom.” He got up and gave her a tight hug.

“Stop crying. Be a man and rectify your mistakes. I really don’t expect her to forgive you and a part of me doesn’t want her to forgive you either but go and beg for forgiveness at least.” She pinched his nose. “Go son and bring your wife and my daughter back.” She patted his back.

Ryouma immediately called his secretary, running to his room, “Get me the flight tickets.”

Midori Carlton, looked at her son and smiled.

“So you gave him the keys hmm?” Ryuu Carlton wrapped his arms around his wife.

“What to do I guess I’m more obsessed with Teresa than my son. I really miss my daughter. You think I am selfish hmm?” She smiled at her husband.

“I love your selfishness too.” He smiled giving a quick peck on her lips.

Teresa’s P.O.V

“So, you’ve settled there?” She asks throuh the phone, I am happy here but I really miss her.

“Yup, really a nice place, my old home sweet home. We’re going to start from a scratch now. Dad is planning to start a new business, he’s went to meet the investors. ” I answered her cheerfully. “But I miss you already, girl.” I clicked my tongue. “Me too, sweet heart.” I heard her laugh.

*door bell rings*

“Ah wait a sec Rina, I guess dad’s home. I’ve got to open the door.”

I opened the door and saw a man with a large flower bouquet on his hands but I can’t see his face because it’s covering his face.


He pointed at the bouquet where a note was placed. I picked the note and it read. ‘Hey! I’m your new neighbour please take care of me.’ New neighbour? I tilted my head. He suddenly placed the bouquet in my hands and ran off. “What’s with this guy?” I stood at the door blinking my eyes in confusion.

“Oii you there?” I heard Rina shout through the phone.

“Yeah, sorry. Just a weird guy.” I answered her placing the bouquet on the table.

“Weird guy?”

“Yeah more like a weird neighbour.”

“Your life is filled with weird guys. Anyway, I’ve got to go ’kay? Talk to you later. Bye love.”

“Bye.” Placing my phone on the table I glanced at the bouquet properly. “Oh my favorite flowers!” I smiled touching the blue orchids.

After my long and refreshing bath I turned on the t.v and surfed the channels. The door bell rang again. I opened the door and found the same guy with a box in his hands covering his face. “Now what?” I blinked. He placed the box in my hands and ran again. “Excuse me!” I shouted but he’s out of my sight. “What’s with him?” I stared at the box in my hand and opened it. Lots of chocolates, my favorite. I narrowed my eyes. “oh no! I’m thinking too much!” I shake my head and try to ignore the warning my brain’s trying to give me.

After few minutes, the door bell rang again. This time I’ll immediately catch him I thought and opened the door and jumped out catching his hand, "Teresa?"

“Oh dad?”

“yeah, what’s wrong?” He asked me worriedly.

“Nothing.” I smiled. I looked to the left then to the right before cautiously closing the door.

“Dad someone moved in our neighborhood?” I asked him.

“I don’t know but I did see moving trucks outside. Why?” He replied.

"No, nothing." I smiled.

The rest of the day went peacefully. The next morning, when dad and I returned from our morning walk there was another parcel on the door step. Before dad could see it I immediately picked it up and hid it. I went to my room and opened it, another box of chocolates. “what’s with this new neighbour?” I frowned.

The next morning I get a new parcel, this time it has a phone, a brand new iPhoneX. This guy is starting to get on my nerves now. I switched it on, ‘ting’ a message flashed in the notification. I opened the message which read ‘I don’t have your number.’ ‘ting’ another message, its an mms, i opened the file and saw my yesterday’s picture when I was laughing on the roof top like an idiot, below it a new message which read ′I missed your smile, I missed you.′ My instincts were confirmed.

I called back on the number and shouted with all my might. “You bloody stalker!!”

“Ouch! you blow off my ears, Teresa.” He complained.

“I’ll blow you off, you stalking jerk.” I shouted.

“This method of stalking is way better, isn’t it? I learnt it from my mother.” The jerk laughed.

“Oh please, she’s a cute stalker, you don’t even know you’re being stalked, you’re not even near that!” I yelled.

“Come on wasn’t I your cute Ma-kun? This place sure does brings back sweet memories. Come to your window.”

I opened my window and looked around his house, where is he? Suddenly bright light fell in my eyes, I looked at the source of the light and found him holding the mirror on his hand. As soon as our eyes met he waved at me.

“The word is was. Now you’re just an evil Ryouma and didn’t you say not to call you cute?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You can call me anything you want. I love everything you call me, sounds like an endearment to me, my love.” I saw him grin.

“Yuck, when did you become so cheesy?” I rolled my eyes.

“Love makes you desperate and trust me desperate man can do anything. I love you, Teresa.” He looked into my eyes and smiled which caught me off guard, this is the first time he said those words. His grin widened.

“And I hate you, Mr. ex-husband.” I immediately blurted out.

“Can’t I get a chance?”


“please!” “Please, Teresa.” I hear him beg.

“Why?” Tears pool my eyes blurring my vision.

“Because we love each other. Please give this love a chance, please! I want you back, I need you back, I beg of you.” He plead.

“Fine, one month. After that return home and do not bother me ever in my life.” saying this I immediately cut the call.

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