Teresa’s P.O.V

I lie on my bed, developing a pattern: wake, cry, sleep. I didn’t have appetite but thanks to Rina I didn’t sleep empty stomach and am surviving up until now. I heard he came back from his business trip a day ago and I had a little hope in my heart that he would call but he didn’t. From the day I fell for him I used to fear for this day, the day when the contract would end and him leaving me, never thought my nightmare would become true like this. And as such, a week passed by. My condition was very miserable but for my dad and Rina I decided to end this miserable state of mine. Of course I had to tell dad, I couldn’t hide any longer, not after he saw his daughter locked up in her room and crying. He blamed himself saying ‘he was the one who forced me into this marriage’ this was also one of the reason I didn’t want him to know about my contract marriage, I knew he would blame himself.

I woke up early in the morning and saw Rina sleeping beside me hugging me tight. She never left me alone and I’m thankful for that. I can’t even imagine how worse I would have been without her by my side. I wiped my tears, “No more crying Teresa! You’re hurting them, who love you the most because of someone who doesn't give a damn about you. So stop being miserable and kick that jerk out of your head and heart!” I said determinedly. I entered the bathroom and looked at the mirror and shouted seeing my own reflection. “Oh my! Is this me? Teresa? How can you be so ugly? Poor me.” I patted my face.

“You realized it just now?” Rina laughed from the door.

“Rina, I can’t believe this! How can I, Teresa Carl- Scarlet become this ugly?? How?? This is impossible; get me a new mirror please!” I pouted.

“Welcome back best friend!” She came to me and hugged me laughing.

“I am serious though. I need a new mirror!” I glared at her.

“Sure, now that you’re back being you, forget about one, we’ll get thousands of mirrors for you, hmm? Come first let’s groom you into Teresa. To be honest, I can’t stand this Teresa anymore.” She clicked her tongue.

“Me neither! You should have showed me the mirror way earlier I wouldn’t have become this ugly. I look like a zombie.” I pouted.

“Yeah, sorry, sorry, my mistake.” She replied.

For the first time in a week, I am having my breakfast in the dining room. Dad is like the happiest man in the planet and doesn’t let go of a single chance to spoil me. He made the breakfast himself and is feeding me with his own hands. I smile at him.

After my make over, I looked myself into the mirror. “Umm, now I look like a normal person.” I nodded with satisfaction. “Thank you Claire!” I thanked my beautician. “But what’s this? I’ve lost weight? I look so ugly!” I whined. “Rina, order Ai-chan’s whole bakery. I need to work on gaining some weight into my bony body.”

“Sure, Ai-chan would be more than happy. She was so worried that her business is going downhill because of you. Do you even remember who else visited you this past week? Ren? Ai? ”

“They did?”

“Of course, you were too busy with yourself.” Rina smiled sarcastically.

“Sorry.” I replied meekly.

“It's not you who should be sorry." clenching her fist, Rina almost broke the hair brush in her hand. " But don’t worry I’ll let them know that our Teresa is back. Finally!” She nodded sighing.

I smiled at her.

We went shopping afterwards but seems like my appetite isn’t back yet. I mean I am hungry but I’m in no mood to eat. I sighed and almost thought about him. No Teresa! Don’t! Shouted my subconscious. I know! I slapped myself.

“What are you doing?” Rina arched her brows at me.

“Nothing!” I smiled nervously.

“You’re okay right?” She held my hands.

“Yeah of course. Fine, absolutely fine. Nothing at all! Of course I’m fine.” I smiled at her.

Third person’s P.O.V

“Idiot! She thinks she can fool me? Don’t I understand she’s just pretending to be fine?” Rina thought to herself.

After returning to her room, Teresa lied down on her bed and closed her eyes. Suddenly she heard some noise from downstairs. “Huh? What’s going on?” She woke up and asked Rina who just entered the room. Rina rolled her eyes at her.

“Teresa!” She heard someone shout her name, didn’t even take her a minute to realize the voice belonged to Ryouma, her ex-husband. “Is that him?” Teresa looked at Rina in horror. “No! What does he want now?” Teresa shouted with tears in her eyes. “If you don’t want to, he won’t reach you. I and your dad will make sure of that, so please don’t cry.” Rina hugged her best friend.

“Teresa, please come out. Hear me out once please.” Teresa heard her ex-husband shout.

“She doesn’t want to see you. She’s finally able to smile again, do not bother her!” She heard her father shout back at him.

“She’s my wife!”

“You should have thought about that before you sent her the divorce papers. She’s not your wife anymore, she’s just my daughter and for god’s sake Ryouma before I forget you’re my best friend’s son, get the hell out of here.”

She could hear them yell downstairs.

“I won’t! Not without talking to her!”

She heard her dad call the security guards then she immediately closed the door and dropped on to the floor.

“That jerk what does he want now?” Rina shouted with frustration. “Hey, you okay?” She peaked onto her best friend’s face.

Suddenly they heard someone on the window. They both looked at each other then back at the window. “He is so dead!” Rina walked to the window.


After being thrown out by his father in law (ex), Ryouma came out and punched on his car’s bonnet. “So you were thrown out? Tsk, tsk.” Rihito clicked his tongue.“I need to talk to her.” Ryouma shouted. “Of course you will, come with me.” Rihito grinned.

“You’re kidding me! I won’t.” Ryouma shouted at his best friend then looked back at the ladder which reached a window. “Argh! I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Ryouma pulled his hair in frustration and climbed the ladder.

“Rihito, if I fall, you’re dead. And are you sure it’s Teresa’s room?” Ryouma asked his bff.

“Yup, 99.9%, 0.1% it may be your father in law’s room so be prepared to get thrown out again.” Rihito laughed shaking the ladder. “Idiot, hold it properly!” Ryouma shouted. “Oops! Sorry!” Rihito laughed again.

Rina opened the window and glared at Ryouma. “What the hell do you want?” She glared at him. “Why are you here?” Ryouma glared back at her. “I need to talk to my wife.”

“Flash news, SHE ISN’T YOUR WIFE! and she doesn’t want to see you, so GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” She shouted. “Sorry bro, you’re on your own now.” Rihito on the other hand immediately ran away as soon as he heard Rina’s voice. “That jerk!” Ryouma cursed his bff under his breath.

“Teresa, I know you’re there. We need to talk please!” He shouted.

“Okay I’ve had enough now. Have a safe landing!” Rina pushed the ladder waving him bye and closed the window.

“What the hell? Did you just push him off? It’s the third floor damn it!” Teresa looked at her best friend in horror.

“So what? I don’t want him to meet you.” Rina shrugged.

“Damn it! THAT MAD WOMAN!! She literally threw me.” They heard Ryouma shout.

“Oh my bad, he’s still alive!” Rina huffed.

“I can’t believe it!” Teresa laughed.

“But if you want I can arrange your meeting with him.” Rina sighed.

“Aren’t you contradicting yourself?” Teresa raised a brow at her best friend’s words.

“All day I tried everything to make you smile but if, him being here can make you laugh like that then, I can tolerate him for your sake. I mean we can at least hear what he has to say. My wish is your happiness.” Rina hugged her.


“Teresa if you won’t see me then I’ll have to use some other means and don’t blame me if you don’t like it. I’m going for now but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Ryouma shouted and drove off.

“This jerk seriously! Fine! Bring it on!” Teresa gritted her teeth.

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