“Where are we going?” Teresa asked for the 1000th time to her husband who was driving the car completely ignoring her questions.

“Didn’t I tell you we have a date?” He finally replied and got off the car. “Come we’ve reached.” He opened the door for her.

They entered a fancy restaurant but it was entirely empty.

“Wait Ryouma I don’t think they’re open yet, perhaps we came too early?” She asked him not seeing anyone around. Her husband just smiled at her and pulled her along.

Suddenly a realization hit her, “Don’t tell me you booked the entire restaurant?” Her eyes widened in surprise.

He pulled her hands without answering. They went inside, it was dark. “Wait here.” Ryouma smiled at her and then disappeared. After a minute the place lightened and Teresa admired the ligthing and the decoration and found her husband knelt down on his knees, holding out a bouquet of roses in front of her where as she stood still, gaping at his gesture.

“Stop staring like that and take it.” He scratches his head in embarrassment.

“I didn’t know my husband can be cute too, cute Ma-kun.” She smiled at him taking the flowers.

He held her hand and they walked down the rose petals which led up to their table, he pulled out a chair for her and made her sit. “Do not call me cute. Never. And wifey, I have a proper name.” He warned her while taking the seat opposite her.

“Oh, touchy huh?” She giggled, teasing him.

He glared at her.

“Okay, okay I won’t.” She raised her hands in surrender.

“What?” Teresa arched her brows as she found her husband staring at her.

“Nothing, my wife looks absolutely beautiful tonight.” He complimented her with a smile.

“Okay, Thank you.” She laughed.

“Argh! was it that bad me complimenting you?” He asked.

“Of course not. In fact you did much better than last time. I thought that came out natural.” She laughed.

“Stop making fun of me.” He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Sorry but I couldn’t help it, you looked so cute.” She teased him. Well it’s not like I get to tease him everyday right? She thought.

“Teresa, I’m not cute.” He galred at her.

“Oh you are. My cute husband.” She smiled.

“I’m cute? Then you’re fat.”

“How dare you? I lost 2 kg just last week.”

“You’ve been mistaken, you may have put on 2 kg extra instead of losing it. You were too heavy you know? Nearly broke my back when I carried you.”

“How mean!!” She hit him standing from her seat.

“Ouch! I thought you would stop hitting me.” He rubbed his arm where she hit him.

“I thought you would stop being mean to me.” She crossed her arms and pouted.

“Wifey, don’t you know guys are only mean to the girl they like.” He winked.

“Then you should also know girls hit the guys they like.” She faked a smile.

“okay fine, I surrender. I can never win against you, no one can.” He sighed.

“Of course not.” She smiled proudly.

The waitress served the dinner on their table and went after smiling at Ryouma.

Teresa glared at the waitress and then at Ryouma.

“What?” He asked.

“Didn’t you notice the way she was staring at you? How dare she when I’m right here!”

“She wasn’t.” Ryouma shaked her head.

“Are you defending her?” Teresa narrowed her eyes at him.

“Are you getting jealous?” Ryouma laughed.

“Why? only you’ve got the right to be jealous and possessive?” She rolled her eyes.

“But I’m already yours, aren’t I?” He paced his hand on hers and smiled.

Teresa grinned, her cheeks now red from blushing.

I can’t believe my ears! Am I dreaming?! She squealed internally. She smiled at the food on the table and started to dig in.

“Ryouma what are you doing?” She finally asked as it was too uncomfortable for her, her husband was continuously watching her while she was eating.

“Gazing at my beautiful wife.” He smiled at her.

She almost spilled the wine out of her mouth.

“Will you stop that? Do you plan to kill me with your compliments?” She glared at him.

“Why? Didn’t you get angry before when I didn’t compliment you?”

“Yeah but don’t bombard me with compliments all of sudden, set a pace, go slow or my heart won’t be able to take it.” She sighed.

"Hey! It’s my eyes I’ll do whatever I want, I have a beautiful wife why shouldn’t I stare?” He smiled and she could tell he was clearly enjoying irritating her.

“Seriously you!” She rolled her eyes.

“Hey, I’ve got a surprise for you.” He smiled at her.

“Is there more?” She asked him widening her eyes.

“You thought this was my surprise? this date? It’s not even near to it, Teresa, you hurt me today. Who do you take me for?” He whined.

“Okay stop your overacting, doesn’t suit you.”

“Wait here, I’ll be back.” He went somewhere.

After a minute, she heard someone playing the guitar and then turned her head to the direction of the music and saw her husband playing it. She gaped as he began to sing.

He pulled her up for a dance between the song and she could clearly see him enjoying seeing her so surprised. He pulled her into a hug. She was overwhelmed with happiness, wished that the moment could last forever.

“I didn’t know you could sing so damn good. You’re literally perfect at everything. I’m so jealous. That’s unfair, you know?” She pouted and hit his arm.

“So how was my surprise?” He smirked.

“You know, your surprises are shock to me. But this time I’ve got something to surprise you too, no actually it’ll shock you.” She giggled.

“I am the kind of person who’s too difficult to get surprised.” He boasted.

“Really? Wanna bet then? If I win, you’ll have to carry me all the way to our room, no complaints, a punishment for calling me fat.”

“Sure, bet on.”


“That’s really unfair you know? You tricked me.” He whined.

“I didn’t. Now come on, to the room, no complaints.” she laughed.

“You tricked me Teresa, that wasn’t a surprise it was a shock! I didn’t know you could sing so well.” He complained.

“I always told you I was a born singer but what did you say to me? that I was a tone deaf?” she smiled victoriously.

“Right, I am very sorry, I underestimated you.” He sighed giving up.

“Did you learn your lesson? Never underestimate your wife.” she laughed.

“Yes, never in my life.” He shook his head and carried her.

“Good.” she smiled.

“Now we’ve reached your dear room, anything else my queen? Are you happy now?” He placed her on the bed.

“Yup, very happy. Thank you dear husband for a wonderful ride. I loved it! But make sure you never call me fat again!” she warned him.

“Sure, My back was almost gone today carrying you up here, never in my life I’ll call you fat again! I don’t want this punishment again ‘carrying you’” He rolled his eyes.

“You’re trying to mess with me?” she stood up and glared at him.

“Nope, how can I even dare? trying to mess with you? you’re wrong wife, I’m not trying, I AM messing with you. ” He smirked.

“You!” she threw pillow at him. “You’ll always be a jerk!” she glared at him.

“Really? Do you hate me now?” He looked at her with puppy dog’s eyes.

“Not really...” She looked to the other side avoiding meeting his puppy dog’s eyes.

“Are you blushing now?” He came closer and whispered in her ears to which her face grew hot. “Say that again, that you love this jerk?” He whispered.

“I hate you, now just shut up!” she hid her face as she felt her face grow hotter.

“May be I should get you drunk again, hmm? You’re honest when you’re drunk.” He cornered me against the wall.

“I really hate you.” She muttered.

“Do you?” He came closer.

“Shut up!”


She glared at him but he smirked. She tiptoed and kissed him much to his surprise, he widened his eyes but only took him a second to recover and smiled kissing her back.


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