I did challenge him out of anger but there’s no way I have a chance against them. I mean they are the best team. Sara the great architect, Rihito and last but not the least my husband himself. How will i win against them? Teresa thought pacing back and forth in her room.

Stupid me i should have kept quite, he provoked me and I gave in. Now after I lose he’ll make sure to taunt me my entire life. She sat down at the end of the bed and sighed holding her head.

Just then she heard the door open and she jumped into the bed, pretending to be asleep. She didn’t know why she hid, she cursed underneath the blanket. Ryouma ignored his wife and retired to bed himself.


I really can’t win against the perfect team! But the bigger problem is how do I create my own team? I need a team on par with his. Damn! I’m doomed! Wait! No no, this can’t be happening I can’t just give up yet! The competition hasn’t even started yet and I’ve declared myself a loser! Dad is right I should have some self confidence and even if I lose I’ll lose with dignity, I’ll not give up without a fight! Yes! That’s the spirit Teresa! She pats herself on her shoulder. I’ll at least minimize the huge gap between our works. But wait, the problem is still there, I don’t have a team! God! She sighed again for the 100th time with a mug of coffee in her hands in the office’s cafeteria.

“Hi!” Rihito entered waving at her. “Nice one yesterday, lil’ sis! I knew you’re the only one who can stand up to him.” Rihito came to her and ruffled her hair.

“And i’m regretting it right now. I’m so stupid there’s no way I’ll win against your team.” She pouted.

“I didn’t know you were this weak, you’re giving up without a fight? Who are you? You’re not the Teresa I know. Where’s the fire princess who gives a tough time to my demon bestfriend? This is so not the demon queen i saw in the conference room.”

“Demon queen is going to be defeated badly by the demon king.” She shook her head. “But you’re right, I’ll not accept defeat before i give him a real tough fight. After all I have a reputation to keep.” She said with a determined face.

“That’s the spirit. Fighting!” His fingers curled up into a fist, ‘hwaiting’ he encouraged her.

“But you betrayed me, you’re on his team so i won’t go easy on you either.” She turned her head to the other side and pouted with her arms crossed.

“Haha, of course. But I didn’t know I’ll have to compete against you. If i knew this would’ve happened, I swear I would have joined your team” He touched his neck.

“But we’ll still cheer for you.” Sara entered the cafe and smiled at her from the cafeteria’s entrance.

“And you too went and joined his team, didn't you? Cheaters!” Teresa narrowed her eyes at her, cringed her nose and turned her face the away.

“Come on Teresa, don’t be this way please.” Sara squatted sown in front of Teresa and made a puppy dog eyes.

"Just kidding!" Teresa smiled back at them. They laughed together.

Just then entered her husband and she immediately turned away from him.

“Hiding your face so soon? Well good, after you lose you’ll be too embarrassed to show your face. It’s good to practice.” He taunted her.

This guy seriously knows how to get on my nerves. Her face burned with anger.

“No thank you. Maybe you should practice to hide your face because after i win you’ll be the one to hide your face and run.” She retorted.

“Only in your dreams.” He smirked.

“What’s with your overconfidence?”

“It’s called self confidence, but you must not know so let me simplify for you, it's believing in your self. It’s better than having no confidence at all.” He taunted her again.

She got quiet. Okay I get it! But do you need to taunt me every time? She lowered her head.

“What’s wrong chatter box? Cat got your tongue?” he mocked her.

“Why are you here?” She glared at him.

“It’s my office, I’ll be wherever I want. Ah! you’re sitting here quite comfortably, don’t you have to prepare for the presentation? And i don’t see your team, do you even have one? Or are you already planning to lose?”

“Why not worry for yourself? I’ve still got a week to prepare.”

“Actually at this rate you don’t have to plan to lose at all. I can already see my victory, and you know my dear wifey I never lose.”

“And you should know too dear husband, there’s always a first time for everything?”

“We’ll see.”

“Of course.” They both glared at each other.

“Woah! Time please! we’re here too. Don’t ignore us.” Rihito waved his hands between their face.

“Let’s go guys we don’t have time to waste on a loser.” Ryouma kept his hand on Rihito’s shoulder.

“You’re being mean, stupid husband.” Teresa glared at him.

“You should have thought before challenging me.” He rolled his eyes.

“None of this would have happened if you did ask me before throwing the bomb at me in the conference room. But no the great arrogant egoist Ryouma will not discuss with me, not even once why? so that I be shocked and dumbfounded in front of entire board members. And later you can laugh at me, like you’re doing right now? I should be the one to get angry but no you’re the one who’s ignoring me and of course you won’t say sorry today either, but now be prepared monkey because I’ll not be a laughing stock again and you’ll taste the dirt.” She ranted pointing her index finger at him, which he twisted. Ouch!

“Really? We’ll see who’ll be a laughing stock and who tastes the dirt. Let’s go guys, loser needs to rest.” He messed her hair with his hands.

“You’re being mean, Ryouma. And you don’t decide what we do.” Sara narrowed her eyes at him.

“Fine. But be sure to be at my cabin within 5 minutes, you know I hate to waste time.” He told them and glared at his wife before walking away.

“Sorry Teresa, we got to go. But best of luck.” Sara smiled and hugged her.

She nodded.

“Hurry up and get your team ready, kay? And we’re on his team doesn’t mean we can’t help you, if you got any confusion come to us.” Rihito winked and ruffled her messed up hair, messing it further.

She nodded blowing her hair off her face.

“Now where and how do I get my team?” She sat back placing her elbow on the table and her chin between her palms.

Oh yes. She smiled to herself. I know who’ll be my team members.

“Hey bff, meet me at my office.” She texted Rina. She was glad , it was perfect timing, Rina had quit her job last week, after tolerating a nasty boss for nearly 3 years, she snapped out and quit her job, she won't work where she and her work aren't respected and now Teresa had the great architect to herself.

Now next is.. She smiled as she dialed his number.

“Yes.” He answered.

“Hi Sam, where are you?”

“I just returned to country. On my way to the office.” He replied.

“Wow great, how was the trip?”


“Umm, by the way do you have any more work or business trip this week?” She asked to clarify, her fingers crossed, praying he was free.

“No, in fact I’ve got a week off from work. why?”

“Actually I have a favor to ask. Can you help me out?” She plead.

“I haven’t thanked you properly for patching me up with my brother so yeah, anything for you.” He replied.

“Yay!” She exclaimed. “Okay then meet me in the office. Bye bye.”

so, he was out of the country, huh? Hmm that’s why he wasn’t in my husband’s team. What a timing Sam! Yay! Lucky me! She jumped with joy. Now she had her team too. Yes a team on par with yours, or maybe even the best team, if you have Sara then I have Rina, and if you have Rihito then i have Sam, now let’s see husband if I can’t win its okay but I’ll make sure you’ll not have an easy victory either. Oh no no, why should I just give you a tough fight? I'd rather be the winner muself, so the victory is mine. She crossed her arms and smirked.


Rina and Sam sat on the chair opposite Teresa and she narrated the entire thing to them.

“Of course bff, you can count me in. I’ll always help you against your husband.” She winked.

“Well of course, I’ll be glad to be part of this.” Sam smiled.

“Oh thank you guys. I love you so much.” Teresa hugged them happily.

“Wow! Looks like you’ve got yourself a team huh? Congratulations.” Rihito entered with Sara.

“Yes and you’re going down.” Rina gave him a challenging look.

“I missed you too sweetheart.” He winked at her.

“You’ve got hearing problems now, what’s going to happen to you in old age?” She clicked her tongue.

“I may let you take care of me.” He winked.

“Really? Such a good timing, my hands were itching and now i spotted a punching bag.” She smiled sarcastically.

“Oh no no your punches are scary. I’m scared.” He acted to cringe with fear and then stick his tongue out.

“You should be because you and your bestfriend are going to lose terribly.” Rina glared at him.

“Ooo I love challenges. Best of luck.” Rihito patted her head.

“Don’t you dare touch me.” She slapped his hands away. “Next time I’ll tear your limbs apart.”

“Meany, and i thought we’re friends.” Rihito pouted and poked her arm.

“Friends? With you? My luck isn’t that bad.” She dusted where he touched with a disgusted facial expression.

Seeing both bickering, Teresa interrupted them.

“Guys, cut it out. Is it necessary to fight every time you see each other?”

“Who said we’re fighting? It’s our way of greeting isn’t it, my feisty princess?” Rihito smiled at Rina to which she rolled her eyes.

Teresa shook her head. She then noticed her husband talking to a girl in his cabin.

Hmm, I’ve seen her somewhere? She looked at her again trying to remember.

“Hey guys, who is she?” She pointed to their direction.

“Is she new? I’ve never seen her before.” Sam shaked his head.

“Me niether.” Sara shrugged.

“Uh-uh.” Rihito too shaked his head no.

Just then, there was a knock on the door, it was Jack, Ryouma's previous secretary who now worked under Sam as Teresa filled in as Ryouma's secretary.

"You forgot these in the car." He passed some papers to Sam.

"Oh thanks, Jack." Sam smiled at him as he received the papers. "By the way, do you know who might she be?" Sam asked pointing at the girl.

"Boss's new secretary." Jack answered.

“What?” Teresa looked at Jack and then back at the girl. That guy! He fired me and even got a new secretary?!

But I’ve seen that girl somewhere but where?


A new girl? Is it now Teresa’s turn to get jealous?

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