The next day, Rihito calls his best friend to check upon him and to ask him about the great love advice that he gave him.

“Hey buddy! What’s up?”

“You’re dead!” Ryouma snaps at him.

“Huh? What did I do? And what happened to your voice?” Rihito asks noticing the change in his voice.

“It’s all your fault. If I see you, first thing I’ll do is break your nose.” He hears Ryouma growl.

“Spare my face dude or my girls will hate me. And what did I do that you want to ruin my super handsome face?”

“you’re the one who told me to like all the things she like, show her I’m better than her stupid best friend. Now because of that I’ve caught a col--d.” He hears his friend sneeze.

“Bless you.” He says laughing out. “looks like Ren gave you a tough challenge, huh?” He clicks his tongue, pitying his best friend.

“That Ren is not even near to a challenge!” Ryouma shouts over the phone and Rihito takes the phone away from his ears as a reflex. “But yes, those sweet cakes and ice cream were tough to handle. I don’t wanna hear the name ‘sweet’. Yuck!” Rihito hears him gag and laughs out loud.

“Hahahha!! Wait a minute so you’re telling me that you actually had sweets? that too cakes and ice cream?”

“yeah, and not just one, he had six and i barely managed.” Ryouma replies. “oh my god i don’t even want to think about it.” he sounded like he was about to cry.

“you had six cakes? Are you crazy man? You cant even have a single chocolate and you ate entire six? Wow I only heard till now but today I’ve seen it, love truly makes one helpless.”

Really? this is insane. Rihito thought to himself.

“shut up. I don’t love anyone.”

“Oh really? We’re back to this topic again? Ryouma, why don’t you stop being an idiot and just accept you are in love with your wife! I wonder when will you stop lying to yourself?”

“I’m not lying to anyone .” He retorts.

“Oh yeah? Then the guy who doesn’t even like to hear the word ‘sweet’ had entire six ‘sweet’ cakes? Why? Because he doesn’t like his wife spending time with her childhood friend/ best friend whom she met after 3 years. Seriously Ryouma? Whom are you kidding?”

“It’s just that as long as she’s my wife she’s not allowed to flirt with any other guy.” Ryouma speaks in defense.

“Yes, of course. It must be written in the contract?” Rihito mocks him.

“No.” He replies curtly.

“Ryouma, grow up. I don’t call that flirting. It’s just you being jealous.” He tries to get the thing inside his stupid friend’s head.

“If you’re talking rubbish again, I’m hanging up. Bye.” Ryouma cuts the call.

“Jeez, this guy! What do I do with him? I feel so sorry for Teresa. When will his denial phase get over?” Rihito clicks his tongue staring at the blank screen of his phone.


“I know, I’m really sorry for yesterday. We didn’t get to talk again.” Teresa apologizes to Ren over the phone. She looks at her watch, which showed quarter past three in the afternoon. “Tonight let’s meet at the club, ’kay? I’ll listen to everything and i’ll even help you with it. Promise. Now cheer up, hmm?”

“Fine but this time I hope your husband doesn’t tag along.” She could hear his annoyed sigh.

“I said I’m sorry and my husband isn’t that bad.” She says in defense of her husband.

“I know he’s not but my problem is serious and you need to help me out with it.” He whines.

“Yes yes of course. Why fear when Teresa is here? Relax my child this super great Teresa will solve every problem of yours ’kay?” Teresa assures him.

“Okay I’ll wait for you in the club then, sharp 7pm.”

“I’ll be there.” She replies.

“Okay now go to your husband, if he sees you on phone, he’ll created another issue and don’t you dare tell him you’re meeting me or he’ll tag along again.” She hears him sigh again. “But it was fun teasing him.” She hears him chuckle.

“What does that mean?” Teresa asks.

“What dos that mean? You’re asking me that?” Ren expesses his shock at her dense behavior. “Nothing, you’re just dense. Bye.” He cuts the call.

“What? Calling me dense? Why?” She murmurs.

A sudden sneeze turns her head to her husband who just got out of the bathroom, shirtless in a towel.

Teresa froze at the spot, staring at the shirtless man, his hands combing his wet hair.

His another sneeze brought her back to the reality, she shook her head and slapped her blushing cheeks.

“H-here... hot..” she stares at him again.

“What?” Ryouma raises his brows at her.

“Hot herbal tea!” She shouts out aloud. “There, it’ll help.” She points out at the cup on the table, turns around immediately and slaps her cheeks again! You crazy woman!

“I don’t like tea.” She hears her husband answer from behind. “And specially not the herbal one.” He adds.

“yeah and you love ice cream.” She says sarcastically. “Just shut up and finish this, don’t argue with me.” She glares at him over her shoulder.

He cringes his nose, still her eyes glaring at him, she turns to him. After few seconds of silence, he sneezes again.

“You better finish it off.” She threatens him, handing him the cup. “Come on!” She orders.

He takes a sip and cringes his nose in disgust.

She crosses her arms against her chest and glares at him.

“Why are you torturing me?” He dumps the cup on the table and crosses his arms.

“husband i’m your secretary it’s my duty to see my boss does his work properly and his work doesn’t hamper because of a cold no? I’m just being a good secretary like you told me to.” She mocks him.

“And get dressed already!” She shouts.


Teresa gets ready in a sleek black sleeveless dress with the lacy pattern which stopped slightly above her knees, her hair made sleek low bun.

“Where are you going dressed like that?” Her husband raises his brows at her from the bed where he was wrapped in a blanket.

“Club.” She replies looking at herself in the mirror.


“Yeah, Ren- Rina..” she immediately corrects herself. “I’m meeting up with her.” She smiles nervously.

“Okay then, bye. Take care and get well soon.” She smiles at him and hurries off.

“Phew! It almost slipped. But I don’t get why I shouldn’t be telling him? I feel so bad, lying to him like that.” She sighs.

As soon as she gets out of the house, there’s already a car at the door. It was her husband’s car. She looked at his driver, whom she rarely saw because most of the times, Ryouma would drive himself.

“Drake.” Ryouma called out to his driver as he suddenly appeared beside Teresa, his driver threw the keys to him.

“I’ll drop you.” He smiled at her and opened the door for her.

“Are you kidding me? I can go by myself. You” she points at him, “should be inside your bed, taking a nap.” She snaps at him.

“Am I a kid?”

“No but you’re sick. So you better get back inside and sleep.”

“I just got a cold, and it’s not that bad but I need to look after a certain someone, last time I left you alone you got yourself kidnapped, I don’t want a headache again so I’ll drop you and no arguments. Get in the car.” He signs with his hand.

I couldn’t argue on that, could I? She sighs and gets inside the car.

“I actually forgot about that. You had a headache? Worried for me? How sweet.” She grinned.

“Worried about you? Nah!” He shakes his head. “I was worried for the kidnappers. They didn’t knew they kidnapped a disaster.” He clicked his tongue.

“Was I supposed to laugh? HA HA” she fakes a laugh. “I know you were very worried. What do you think, if I was not there and you’ll tell me whatever you want and I’ll believe you? I have my informants, she told me really interesting things, like how you wanted to kill the kidnappers and all.” She tried to suppress her laugh seeing the expressions her husband was making.

“Not at all, I was least worried. It was just mom and dad going crazy.” He rolled his eyes.

“Really? I even heard kidnappers were happy to be sent in the prison as long as they could get away from you. Because of course my husband is a badass demon.” She smiles and winks at him.

“Don’t give yourself too much importance.” He pinches her nose and drives the car.

“Of course they had to be scared they kidnapped my wife, Mrs. Ryouma Carlton. That’s a heavy name to carry.” he says raising his left eyebrow.

“Would you die if you accept that you were worried?” She hits his arm.

“Very worried indeed.” He nods and she smiles.

“But only for the kidnappers.” He sticks his tongue out.

“Just you wait someday, I’ll make you agree you worried for me and not those kidnappers.” She makes a ‘humph’ sound and crosses her arms facing forward. She sees her husband smiling, from the corner of her eyes.

“What are you smiling for?” She glares at him.

“Go ahead and try, you’re thousand years too early for that.” He winks at her.

Oh Mr. Arrogant monkey! Just you wait, not only you’ll agree to this but I’ll also make you confess your undying love for me! My plan did backfire but there’s no way I’ll admit defeat so soon. You’ll fall for me and you’ll be the one to confess first, that I’ll make sure of. She smirks at the thought.


Looks like our Teresa has taken up a new challenge to make Ryouma confess first. Let’s see if she succeeds or she’ll do it first. 😉😏

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