Third person’s P.O.V

“You know?” Ryouma raises his brows.

“Yeah, you weren’t telling me anything so i went and asked Sara.” Teresa replies.


“I think we should tell her everything, they fought because of us and maybe she’ll also be able to convince Ryouma and your relationship with him will go back to normal?” Sara tries to convince her husband.

“that’ll never happen. He’s not ready to listen anything. He doesn’t listen to Rihito, you think he’ll listen to her?” Sam retorts.

“well it’s your fault, you went and talked rubbish, and we decided we’ll tell him together instead you went alone and took all the blame. Trust me he’ll listen to her. Didn’t you see how he acts around her, I’ve never seen him like that. I’m sure Teresa is the perfect girl for him and she’ll be able to convince him too.”

“Neither have I seen him like that , never. Okay if you say so.” Sam finally agrees.

The next day

“Yes, Sara. Sorry for yesterday.” Teresa apologizes on the phone.

“It’s okay Teresa in fact we’re the ones who should apologize you two fought because of us.” Sara apologizes.

“Because of you? No, he doesn’t need a reason to fight, he’ll do it anyways with or without a reason.” Teressa rolls her eyes answering her.

“Can we meet today?” asks sara.


Rina’s house

“Hey welcome, Sorry but this is the only private place I could think of. Rina is out too.” Teresa invites Sara inside Rina’s home. “Feel yourself at home.” She adds as she sits on the couch and patts the seat beside her.

“So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?” Teresa grabs a cushion and wraps her arms around it.

Sara narrated their ‘past.’

Sara and Sam met 5 years ago. She mistook Sam for someone else and Sam too didn’t clarify anything. They met and fell in love and Sam proposed her to which she happily agreed. But Sam had to return home because of his dad’s health. Sara was left behind, few days later Sara got the news that Sam died in an accident, Sara left the place, after a year later she met Ryouma, they became good friends, then after a year they got engaged but then she met Sam again, where Sam was engaged to someone else, When Sam met Sara after 2 years he tried to talk to her but Sara thought Sam cheated her so she avoided him and proceeded with her wedding with Ryouma. When Sam got to know that Sara is his younger brother’s fiancee he decided to let it be. Sara soon got to know it was all a misunderstanding and Sam never cheated her, he even talked about her to his parents, who were now dead. He came to search for her but till then she was gone and he only got engaged because of his uncle, Ryuu Carlton. But her wedding was only a day away, too late. But on the day of her wedding she couldn’t let herself get married to Ryouma, Sam’s brother and live in the same house. She couldn’t live without Sam, Sam didn’t want to betray his brother but Sara convinced him that the three of them would never be happy with this marriage so she eloped with him on the day of her wedding.

Teresa's mind plays flashback to when Ryouma left her on the middle of the road because she praised Sam in front of him actually not praised but compared.

Flashback to Hawaii when she said she would have eloped with Sam on the day of her wedding with Ryouma.

“Oh God!“ She face palms herself.

“I know that was wrong of us, we should have directly confronted him instead of eloping but our mind was a mess that time.” Sara continues.

Teresa wasn’t listening to Sara anymore because of flash backs her mind was playing to all the incident when she compared Ryouma with Sam and she was finally getting the answers to why her husband lost his mind when talked about his cousin and his wife.

“Shit!” Teresa covers her face with guilt.

“I actually told him that If I got a chance I would have eloped with Sam on the day of my wedding with Ryouma. Thank god he didn’t kill me there. So that’s why Ryouma can’t tolerate you guys?” Teresa looks at Sara.

“Actually, Sam went ahead and told Ryouma that he seduced me and made me elope.” Sara says a little hesitatingly.

“What the hell is wrong with that guy? Who goes and tells things like that to that demon? He already must have going mad over his fiancee marrying his brother that too eloping from their wedding and your stupid husband went and told him he seduced you? Like really? It’s like offering your hand to lion come and eat me, of course lion is not a saint to avoid the free lunch, dinner or whatever he’ll eat up your entire body.” Teresa jumps out of the couch and shouts.

“I know but he just wanted to protect me from Ryouma because he knew Ryouma wont have spared me because no matter what I was in the wrong. In fact Ryouma even asked me few times if I really wanted to marry him? But of course at that time I was blinded by my anger towards Sam so I just proceeded with the wedding but at the end just before the wedding ceremony I couldn’t do it and that created the rift between two brothers.” She says with guilty face.

“Just a rift? it’s entire Mt.Everest built between them.” Teresa signs with her hands.

“I know and every time Sam has to face Ryouma, my heart aches seeing my love in pain.” She chkes at her words, her tears threatened to spill.

“Look what you did was right, I mean of course your life would have been hell in a loveless marriage that too with your lover’s brother and that too with a demon like him. But you shouldn’t have eloped. And I wouldn’t have got involved in this contr-- , i mean with this demon.”

“I’m sorry.” tears spill out of Sara's eyes.

“Hey now don’t cry. What’s done is done no use crying over it! We’ll have to make them patch up with each other. It’s all a misunderstanding created by your stupid husband.” Teresa hugs Sara and pats her back.

She nods.

“Let’s make them meet and talk to each other.” Teresa clasps her hands together.

“I tried, but Ryouma isn’t ready to listen to anything.” Sara replies.

“We’ll make him listen, either he agrees in a simple way or by tying him up no matter what he’ll have to listen.”

“Umm Teresa, what are you planning to do? Can’t we do in a simple way?” Sara tenses up hearing Teresa's words.

“Hehe don’t worry, I know what and how to do! I don’t even have to get my hands dirty. hehe.” Teresa smirks.

She looks at a tensed Sara and pats her back, “don’t worry i’ll handle him. But first he needs to learn his lesson for spoiling my birthday evening.”

Flashback ends

“Yeah, you weren’t telling me anything so i went and asked Sara. She told me everything but it seems to be a misunderstanding. You should talk it out with Sam.” Teresa tries to convince her husband.

“I thought you’re my friend.” He looks at her as if she betrayed him, siding with his enemies.

“I am, that’s why i’m telling you you need to let go of the past and move on. Hear him out once.” She pats on his cheek.

“Never. What’s left to be heard anyway? There’s no misunderstanding, even if there is, that doesn’t change the fact that the two people whom I trusted the most, betrayed me. and my brother himself came to me and accepted that he seduced my bride.” He grits his teeth.

“Didn’t I tell you not to grit loudly, you’ll lose your teeth before you get old! Your brother is an idiot, well what can we expect? He’s your brother after all. Idioticity runs in genes i guess.” Teresa rolls her eyes.

“What do you mean by my brother?” He points a finger at himself.

“I mean exactly what I said. Meet him, tomorrow and have a nice talk. I’ll arrange it.”

“As I said I don’t want to listen to anything.”

“excuse me? You spoiled my birthday, my most special day, but still I listened to you and forgave you didn’t I?” She narrows her eyes at him.

“Oh so you want me to listen to them and forgive them?”

“I’m not asking you to forgive them, but you can at least listen to what they have to say. You say that they mean nothing to you, but everytime you see them you burst like a bomb and you’re still saying you don’t care? If you didn’t it shouldn’t matter to you of whatever they do or say, but no your out burst just proves it that they still matter!” Teresa glares at her husband.

Ryouma turns away.

“Wait I’m not done yet!” She shouts and pulls him to face her.

“Okay fine.” She sighs. “Please meet him for me and have a talk whatever it is that you want to say to him, tell him there and finish it there, so that from next time on wards you won’t be pulling stunts like throwing me out of the car or yelling at me in front of every one.”

He raises his brows at her.

“Look they are my in-laws, they’re family, even if you don’t consider them. They will be around us and we will have to face them in various occasions, you guys even work together so of course you will have to interact with them one way or the other and that time I don’t want you to burst out like you did on my birthday or like in Hawaii infront of your clients or like when you did on the party after our wedding. I don’t want you to direct their anger at me whenever I talk to them. Can’t you let go of the past?" She pleads.

Ryouma stares at her for a while.


"Fine." He sighs finally giving up.

"Really?" Teresa blinks at him, as she couldn't believe her ears. "You'll meet Sam?"

"Yeah. If I don't you won't stop with your lectures and emotional blackmails, right?" He rolls his eyes.

"Oh so are you telling me, you'll sort things out for me?" Teresa smiles.

"I'm just saying that I can't handle your nagging! So fine I'll meet Sam and put at end to everything, hmm?" Ryouma flicks her forehead.

"Oh! thank you!!" Teresa hugs him with joy.

The next morning

"I've arranged your meeting with Sam today evening. Be there on time." Teresa smiles at her husband as he gets ready for the office.

"What?" Ryouma glares at her.

"Hey what's with that glare? Didn't you agree to meet him yesterday?" Teresa glares back at him.

"On the second thought, I don't want to."

"Oi how can you go back on your words?" Teresa walks to him and hits his back.

"And that's domestic violence! How many time have you hit me so far?" Ryouma narrows his eyes at his wife.

"You're going to meet Sam and that's final!" Teresa declares.

"No thank you." Ryouma replies curtly.

“So you really want me to play a bad girl huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you are fine with me showing this to your mom and dad?” She shows him the marriage contract.

“You wont dare!”

“I didn't plant to but you forced me. Look I’ve already sorted out with my dad so I can go back to home anytime but I don’t think Mom and Dad will be happy about this?” she waves the contract paper in front of his eyes.

“You’re blackmailing me?” he glares at her.

“You can think whatever you want. You're the one who went back on his words! If you don’t want this in between your dad’s newspaper at the breakfast table, you’ll go and meet Sam and sort it out with him.” she smirks.

“You evil witch.”

“What to do? I have reputation to keep as demon’s queen. hehe.” She lets out an evil laugh. "See you at the breakfast table" She says and walks out of the room.

Ryouma’s P.O.V


“Dad, give me the newspaper!” I snatch the newspaper from his hands.

“Why are you after my newspaper? You have your own.” Dad gives a puzzled look.

“Today I’ll read yours.” I fake a smile.

“But it’s the same newspaper?” He raises his brows.

“Yeah so you can read mine.” I give the other newspaper.

I open the newspaper but the contract isn’t there.

I look upstairs, where I see my wife laughing at me.

“There, there” she mouths and points at the newspaper on dad’s hands.

“On the second thought dad, you read yours.” I snatch the newspaper before dad could open it.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing dad, he just woke up in the wrong side of bed.” replies my wife coming down the stairs, suppressing her laugh.

“Dad here check these papers.” She hands some files to him and smirks.

“What papers?” I snatch them.

“Now you’re being too much. Its office papers, which i told her to bring. Stop behaving like an idiot.” Dad scolds me and takes the papers back.

My wife sticks her tongue out.

“You’re dead!” I threaten her in a whispering tone.

She points at mom’s direction.

“I don’t care.” I cross my arms and turn away.

“Okay.” She shrugs.

“Hey what’s this contract?” I see mom pick up some papers.

I rush to her and snatch the paper from her hands.

I pull my wife and drag her to the room.

“Fine, I’ll do it.” I glare at her.

“Huh? I didn’t hear you, a little louder?” She brings her ear a little closer.

“I’ll do it.” I repeat.

“And what is that?” She asks with her hands on her waist.

“I’ll go and listen to whatever Sam has to say. Happy?” I say it clearly.

“That’s like a good hubby!” She smiles. “Well that's what you get when you go back on your words. Very good then, I've texted you the place and time, be there on time.”

“Whatever.” I try to leave.

“Wait!” She grabs my hand.

“Anything else?” I glare at her.

She nods.

I roll my eyes.

“Sorry.” She holds her ears and apologizes.


“Sorry for blackmailing you and other rude words that I said in Hawaii, you know about you and Sam.”

I roll my eyes at her and try to go out of the room.

“Sorry! Sorry! hmm? hmm?” She blocks my way and says with a puppy dog’s eyes.

I try to ignore her and walk out but she wouldn’t let me.

“What are you doing?”

“I know you’re angry, plus you even got scolded by dad! Sorry!” She pokes me with her elbow still holding her ears.

“I’m not angry, now move or do I have to take your permission to go to the office?” I cross my arms.

“See, you are angry. Husband, I forgave you for hurting me so many times and you can’t forgive me for my 1 mistake? I forgave you without sorry and here I am singing sorry for you. You hurted me so many times 1. you left me on the road, 2.....” She starts to count in her fingers.

“Okay, okay I forgive you, no need to count.” I hold her hands making her stop the counting.


“Really.” I nod.

“Okay then you may go now, Have a nice day, hubby!” She waves her hand with a smile.

Geez! I face palmed myself and left with a smile on my face.


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