Ah this is the best birthday ever!

After the superb island holiday, we’re back home.

“Maybe I should do something for him too?” I mutter.

Rihito told me about Sam and Ryouma that how they were best of friends, the two brothers but then what the hell happened that they can’t tolerate each other now, that he didn’t tell me. Well looks like I’ll have to find out myself.

*phone rings*

“Nice timing!” I thought picking up Sara’s call.

“Happy birthday!!” Sara sings as soon as I picked up.

“Thank you Sara. But you’re calling me just now? Very bad! ”

After the Hawaii trip, Sara and I have become close friends.

“I thought you’d be busy with your surprise party.” she replies.

“And you didn’t come!” I complain.

“Umm Sam had some work so...”

“Sam had some work or the demon didn’t invite him?”


“yeah my almighty demon husband! but nowadays he’s very much into his prince charming mode so maybe I shouldn’t call him that.” I reply.

“haha, you’re funny, Teresa.” I hear her laugh.

“You didn’t come because of my idiot husband, right? You should have, it’s my b’day not his!”

“No, it’s not his fault. Sam had some work.”

“Okay then, What about tonight? Does Sam have work?”

“wait, he’s right here. Talk to him yourself.”

“Hey Teresa, Happy birthday!” Sam takes over the call and wishes me.

“Thanks Sam, but I’ll not accept your wishes like this. Meet me tonight with your wife, my treat and yes no excuses. It’s my birthday, brother-in-law.”

“As you wish, birthday girl.” He replies.

“Yay! Then I’ll text you the time and location, be there okay. See you tonight then.”

“See you, bye.”

“Yes one work is done.” I jump excitedly.

I call my husband next.

“What?” My husband picks up the call.

“What what? Can’t you be more polite? Anyway what are you doing?”

“Working.” He replies in a monotonous tone.

“Ah, of course.” I roll my eyes. “You’re free tonight?”


“It’s my birthday. I am taking you out on dinner, my treat.” I happily announce.

“No need we’ve already celebrated your birthday.” He refuses bluntly.

“You’ve given me such a wonderful surprise! Now it’s my turn. I want to thank you properly. So, you have work or not, I don’t care you have to come. I’ll text you the address and time, you’re not allowed to say no cause till midnight it’s still my birthday.”

“Fine.” I hear him sigh, “I’ll be there.”

“Don’t you dare ditch me!” I threaten him.

“I won’t. Bye.”

“Okay, have a nice da--y--” He cuts the call before I can finish my sentence. Why is he so difficult to understand?

“Well whatever... another down...Yes!”


“Oi you got the message right?” I call my husband to remind him about the dinner.

“Yeah.” He replies.

“just to remind you, you have to reach there 8 pm sharp.”

“I know, Teresa. You’re calling me for the 100th time, I know it’s 8 pm sharp and I’ll be there. Now can I go back to my work? DO NOT CALL AGAIN!”

“Okay, See you then.”

I cut the call.


“Why aren’t they here yet?” I mutter looking at my watch.

““I am here, 8 pm sharp. Where are you?“” My husband who was sitting beside me clicks his fingers in front of my eyes.


“Where’s your mind wandering? Whom are we waiting for?” He questions raising his eyebrows.

“Some special guests.” I smile at him.

Just then I spot Sam and Sara entering.

“Oh! Here!” I wave at them.

They wave back and walk towards us.

My husband gets up as soon as he notice my special guests, but I pull him back to the seat.

Sam and Ryouma both give each other a death glare.

“What are they doing here?” My husband scowls at me. Oh well welcome back Mr. demon.

“It’s my birthday and they’re my guest. So shut up and behave.” I whisper at him holding his hands.

“Come sit.” I point at the chairs opposite us.

They take the seat hesitantly.

“Then enjoy your company, I’m out of here.” My husband stands again.

“You’re going no where.” I pull his hands.

He glares at me.

“Your glares are useless. It’s my birthday, I’ll invite whoever i want.”

“then i’m not needed here you can have fun with them.” He starts to leave again.

“Stop being rude. They are not complaining then why are you?” I pull him back.

“I know right, they’re so sweet then why don’t you leave me alone and enjoy your time with them.” He stands up again.

“How can i leave you, my dear husband? You’re needed here.” I pull him and hug his arms tightly.

“Leave me.” He tries to get up.

“If you don’t want me to create a scene here, shut your mouth, be a good husband and sit down! And i mean it, I’m actually quite an expert in creating scenes!” I whisper in his ears and glare at him.

He almost yells but as this is a public place my dear husband doesn’t want to disturb others so he lowers his voice,

“You know what? Do whatever you want.” He tries to shrug my hands off him.

“Please, You said you’ll do anything i want, remember our deal before going to Hawaii, it’s still pending.” I tighten my grip on him.

“Ask for something else.”

“No, I want this. It’s my birthday! Please! please!” I make puppy dog’s eyes and whine like a child.

“Fine.” He sighs and rests his back against the chair.

“Oh your so sweet.” I hug him.

“Ok fine now would you mind?” He glares at me pointing my arms grabbing his.

“Ok whatever you say, dear husband <3” I smile at him finally letting go of him arms.

“Sorry.” I apologize to the couple in front of us.

“So it’s my birthday today and no one is allowed to get angry, create a scene and everyone should smile and have good times together, okay?” I clap my hands together.

Awkward silence.

“And no one is allowed to be mum, everyone here should talk.” I say with my arms crossed.

“Ah! I’m so hungry. Let’s order something, hmm?” I try breaking the silence.

“Let’s see what we have here?” I look up at the menu.

“oi husband stop sulking and help me with the dishes.” I poke him.

“Why do you need me, if you’re going to decide everything by yourself, then deal with it too!” He looks the other way.

“Oh my! Stop being a child! He’s your big brother and sister-in-law, show some respect, will you?” I pull his cheeks.

“No one’s my brother here.” He pouts.

“Please!” I look at him with puppy dog’s eyes.

He sighs.

“This!” He points at the menu.

“Okay. One mushroom soup then?” I smile at him.

“Aren’t you allergic to mushroom?” says Sara.

“Really?” I look at my husband.

“That’s none of your business!” He glares at Sara then at me.

“Okay let’s forget the mushroom... I’ll order something else.” After a minute we order our food and again there’s an awkward silence.

“Hey...hmm... here.” Sara hands me a wrapped gift. “happy birthday!”

“Aww thank you.” I smile at her. “I was just thinking where is my birthday gift?”

“Ah so you called them here for your birthday gift?” I hear my husband’s arrogant mouth speak. “So I am getting tortured for this? You could’ve asked me, I would have gotten you plenty.”

I glare at him to which he rolls his eyes.

“Oh my are you jealous that I might like her gift more than yours? Well hmm... her gift actually might be better than yours.” I laugh and hit his arms.

“Oh yeah? If you didn’t like my gifts then why are you wearing them at all?” He points at my neck and suddenly plants a kiss on the back of my hand, the one I’m wearing the bracelet on, ell even the dress I’m wearing are all the gifts from him.

I blush furiously at his sudden gesture and he smirks.

So he’s taking his revenge on me, that I’m making him have dinner with his brother? Well you don’t get to!

“Why? Of course to see your happy face when you see me wearing them, dear husband.” I smile at him and I plant a kiss on his cheek.

“Are we doing the lovey dovey husband and wife act again?” I whisper in his ears.

“You’re getting better.” He smiles at me.

“You bet.” I smile back at him.

As I turn back to Sara and Sam, they’re smiling at each other then back at us.

“Hmm?” I tilt my head in confusion.

The dinner is set on the table and we start to dig in.

I breathe a sigh of relief. this is going very well than I expected.

After the dinner, Sara grabs my hand.

“Hmm?” I look at her.

“Thank you Teresa, for inviting us. Thank you Ryouma,” She looks at my husband, “I never thought we’ll be able to hang out like this again, I never got to apologize to you properly. Thank you and sorry for...”

“Okay cut the crap! I’m still here because this girl here, her stubbornness known no bound and your sorry you can keep it to yourself.” Ryouma replies so coldly that even when the words are not directed to me, I’m the one getting goosebumps here.

“Yeah sorry and I’m happy for you and her.” She replies as she smiles at me. “After that incident when you said you won’t marry, I felt responsible--”

“Who do you think you are? Don’t be so conceited!” He bangs on the table and I flinch. What the hell? “You’re no one! Just a manipulative woman who knows how to get her work done, using whomever you want, however you want.”

“Okay enough Ryouma! You can’t talk to my wife like that!” Sam yells at him.

“Oh are you going to hide behind your husband again?” Ryouma ignores Sam and glares at Sara.

“Calm down husband, stop creating a scene.” I try to intervene.

“It’s all your fault, who told you to invite them?” He yells at me.

“No need to yell at her, it’s not her mistake. Is this the way to treat your wife?” I find Sam yelling back.

“She’s my wife, I’ll do whatever i want. Whether i love her, hate her, yell at her that’s none of your damn business.” My husband yells back at Sam.

“Okay, peace. Let’s forget about it ’kay? Let’s continue with the dinner?” I make peace sign with my fingers.

“You stay out of this.” the demon yells at me and I flinch.

Okay! I’m starting to lose my cool now.

“Hey, don’t you think you’re being rude?” I glare at him. “Sara is trying to apologize and mend things here--”

“What do you know?” he grabs my arms and shouts at me.

“Ouch! What the hell?” I try to shrug my hands off his grip but he tightens his grip.

“Okay I get it, I don’t know anything but she’s at least trying to apologize so i think you should at least listen to--”

“You think? Really? Did you even use this stupid brain of yours in your entire life? and who the hell are you to interfere in my life? Don’t forget your just a con-” He stops.

“You’re a nobody! you get that?” He points his finger at me.

As his hurtful words pierce my heart, I feel pain in my chest. Am I the only one who thought we’ve come closer?

“After all this time? Am I really no one to you? I don’t mean anything?” I look at him with tears in my eyes, my voice trembling.

“Hell no.” He scowls. “You’re nothing but a brat I’m stuck with! And didn’t I warn you not to stick your nose in my business? Pretending all this time, did you actually forget who you are?” He glares at me. “I just have to tolerate you for next 8 months then i’ll kick you out---” Before he could finish his line, I throw a glass of wine at his face.

“What the hell?” He shouts. “You damn woma--”

Just like I thought one is not enough so I throw another one too.

“Thank you for attending this dinner, I’m sorry for the scene created here.” I turn to Sam and Sara who were staring at us with their mouth wide open.

“You wanted to create a scene, I’ve given the perfect performance to the audience i’m going home and don’t you dare to try to talk to me again, jerk!” I glare at my drenched husband and walk away.

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